- McDonald's -

Re: undeniably promoted that way

Posted by: Dan ( USA ) on September 11, 1997 at 21:49:25:

In Reply to: undeniably promoted that way posted by Greg on September 11, 1997 at 11:39:05:

: Yes, you are probably right that someone will take offense by any :little bit of recognition that is given to an individual person or :group of people. However, as you stated, these packets are designed :for "moms". If there was a packet designed specifically for dads, you :tell me that NOBODY would scream sexist??!!??!!

Just because someone else without a brain would scream sexist doesnt give you permision to prove to everyone that you are just as dumb

:Why should it be any different when it is the man who is the victim?

A victim of what? You need some serious help, if your manhood needs to be confirmed by a gift from McDonalds.

: All I was trying to point out is that I feel a more appropriate :packet would be designed for "parents" in general. I have spoken with :friends as well as co-workers and most of them feel the same way that :I do. I am usually a level-headed person, however I do feel that this :is discrimination, plain & simple.

Please, I guess when one of your co-workers gets a promotion, they should give one to you to? Maybe next time McDonalds will do something for Dad's and then you can feel just as special.

: Dad's are just as important as mom's are and I would expect that most :people would agree. This world is getting further and further away :from dad's being the good-guy, and I believe that society in general :is partially responsible for this (single mom's/divorce, etc), which :is another discussion for another time.

Oh no Greg, I think someone better give you a big hug quick, cuz your self esteem seems to be a bit low. Instead of worrying about how McDonalds looks at you, why dont you make sure that your Family respects you. Infact, why dont you go out and make sure you think highly of yourself. Why do you need McDonalds to make you feel like a "good guy"?

: I would like to think that a national chain like McDonald's would :have been a little more considerate in the production of an ad :campaign and a lot more "gender-free" in their assumptions.

Im sorry Greg, some of us dont want a "gender-free" world. I, for one, like the fact that my wife is female. I dont wish for you, or anyone else to take that away. Many Many benefits come from differences. Why cant we thank Mom's for everything they do, and then next time we can thank Dads. I know my Mom (who I also like being female for different reasons than my wife) deserves much thanks, why would anyone ecspecially her husband want to do anything to take that away from her?

: As for games being handed to my children, I think it is wonderful. :But how do you think my children would feel if I had a daughter and :she got a game because "girls are made of sugar and spice and :everything nice" and my son did not because "boys are made of sticks :and snails and puppy dog tails"? I realize that McDonald's may not :have come right out and said that mom's are more important than dads, :but it is definitely and undeniably promoted that way.

It is not undeniable because I am denying it. Lets talk about Marketing for a brief moment. Who goes to McDonalds? In general I think we can agree that the answer would be Children (before you get all upset, I know its not just children but McDonalds does tend to at least target Children) Someone needs to bring the Children to McDonalds. Im guessing one of their studies showed that Moms TEND to bring the kid. If it were Dads then they would have focused on them OR if it were even then they would have focused on both.

Finally: McDonald's job is not to make Greg feel special, or Dad's in general (or anyone for that matter). Its job is to sell burgers and fries and what ever else they can deep fry, so they are going to make the people buying these items feel special. If you dont like it, dont buy it. There are many other places you can eat, some even sell stuff that wont make you big and fat.

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