- McDonald's -

Why are Seniors special?

Posted by: ima consumer ( USA ) on January 09, 1998 at 01:21:46:

In Reply to: SENIOR DISCOUNT posted by Bruce Brandsma on January 06, 1998 at 18:18:04:

: I feel that if a resturant extends a discount to a senior citicen it should hold true for the entire menu. Today when I ewent to the McDonalds on Miami beach at the Mcarther causway and Alton road, I was told that a meal must be totaled at the indivigual prices and then the 10% discount be subtracted. This meant that the senior brice would be considersbly higher than the original meal price. I dont think this policy is being used at all of the McDonalds. If this is corrected I'll take my senior buisness elsware.

I've always wondered why Seniors deserve any discount anywhere in the first place. Where did this tradition begin? Why do Seniors as a class/group believe they are entitled to discounts that other consumers do not receive. Why are Seniors special?

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