- McDonald's -

a key aspect in what you said

Posted by: Chilly Willy ( E>C Appreciation Society ) on September 11, 1997 at 11:33:40:

In Reply to: NO to predatory corporate wage slavery posted by Quincunx on September 11, 1997 at 11:14:22:

: To attribute the conditions under which the majority of the world's workforce toils under as being the fault of the sufferer is callous and others would love to destroy Dee if her posting came to their attention.Since nobody seems to have noticed it except for me then I'll let my posting stand.

You're touching on a key point here: if, as seems to be indicated from most reports, studies, economic assessments etc there is a large percentage of the world that toils and suffers under what could be termed harsh, oppressive and exploitative work conditions (a la McCrews) and the oft quoted criticism of this situation is 'it is their own fault' or 'they do not HAVE to work there' is placed on people that work within these conditions - then ALL these people (probably running into billions)are either very stupid, masochistic, or the forces that compel us to work are indeed exploitative, manipulating and greater than our individual power - since the compulsion is forced through the modern day church of money, capitalism and economic growth, then this church is growing at the expense of people and their own potential.

This may all seem very reasonable but if you can accept this then EVERY argument put forawrd on this board in support of capital etc is wrong, is based not in genuine concern for either people, the planet or indeed in the longer term it is not based in their own welfare since the health of any community is not in its individual parts but in its mass and its sum total. This argument is based in the immediate gratification of a material need, it is based in our addiction to this church, it based in our fear, our fear that if we have more than others then if we make this world a better place for everyone .. then shit man that means I'm not priviledged anymore, I must be worse off! Shit man how my gonna feed the kids, afford their xmas pressents, go on holiday ... in fact it means that the way of life that we know changes and since the role of modern day authoiryt is to provide a basis for the maintenance of the status quo we are resitant of this and ANY change.

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