- McDonald's -

learn about MickeyD's

Posted by: J E E P E R S on July 27, 1997 at 12:22:35:

In Reply to: Taco Bell Rules posted by Chris Gleason on July 26, 1997 at 13:38:40:

: I can't beleive you people can eat Mcdonald's food! It is the worst tasting food around and their burgers AREN'T 100 ALL BEEF!

Yes they are.

: Thats the name of the company that makes those worm burgers. Taco Bell rules!!!!


: Its cheaper and you get free refills on your soft drinks.

Most MCD's give free refils too, einstein.

: You don't get a 5 dollar watered down coca cola.

Hmm, try 94 cents???

: At taco bell you get as much Pepsi or Dr Pepper as you want! And it tastes like real pop. Ok! What would you rather have? An 8 dollar scalding hot apple pie 2 for $1.00, you genius. or a bag of cinamon twists that taste good for only 99 cents. TACO BELL!!!!!

You need to learn a few more things about MickeyD's before you post such a pea-brained letter......

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