- McDonald's -

Re: Mc D's is good. Fuck You if you have something against it!

Posted by: SPUTNIK ( mother earth, CANADA ) on December 16, 1997 at 17:24:44:

In Reply to: Mc D's is good. Fuck You if you have something against it! posted by Jo Jo King on December 04, 1997 at 10:37:51:

I don't think that you know what you're talking about. You seem to be
contradicting yourself. By saying that everyone knows that corporations
have problems you're right,but,do you know what these "problems" are?
I don't think you do, if you did, you would NOT be still saying that it is good.

And why does this "debating" always come back to arguments? How would you
like it if this response was titled "McDonald's SUCKS! Fuck you if you go there!!!!!"

There is no reason for any of this to ever turn to defamatory remarks.

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