- McDonald's -

You could even restrict it to a few nuts

Posted by: harley ( canada ) on October 17, 1997 at 21:45:17:

In Reply to: McSpotlight's lame excuse posted by The Real Quincunx on October 13, 1997 at 13:34:30:

: McSpotlight claims that authentification procedures would be impractical but doesn't mention why. Whoever used my handle to answer Scott Day's posting is even more lame. This has happened before and all McSpotlight has to do is peruse their log analyzers and not reply at the end of my disclaimer posting where most people can't see it.If one looks around at other discussion forums it will be evident that there are procedures in place to prevent that sort of thing from happening.

: Here's a source to look at other discuusion forums and see for yourselves.Hopefully McSpotlight will consider my request to delete the fake posting and maybe they'll even reply to my private e-mail message.

: If they can't then maybe they've become as cumbersome a bureaucracy as McDonald's Corporation.Let's hope that that isn't the case.

If you don't like Mcspotlight why don't you just not visit anymore? Why don't you just start your own site where you can verify identities any way you want? You could even restrict it to a few nuts like Mikes' Bacon and sprout and yourself. Of course, than there wouldn't be much posted on McSpotlight anymore.

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