Thorn Tree - Central America

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  1. Driving in CA
    Created by: Mikkel
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:22 Korumburra Standard Time]

    A friend and I are planing a trip to central america next
    year. Our plan was to buy a car and drive around visiting
    different countries. Is that possible, or rather, how much
    hassle is it going to be?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 11:54].

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  2. Safe to travel alone?
    Created by: Ryan (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:26 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Been planning a trip through the yucatan and down on into CR
    for the last year. Will be leaving in November. Everything
    seems to be coming together alright.
    Was kinda worried about doing this alone for awhile but I've
    talked to alot of people about it since and they had set my
    mind at ease.
    But then I was talking to someone on icq last night and when
    I told her about doing this she thought it was
    great....until she found out I was doing it alone. She has
    family in CR and has been there a couple of times (She was
    real young when she went though). Basically she said going
    alone was not an option.
    Now I'm hesitant about doing this again.
    All my friends are either tied down here or aren't the
    travelling type.
    Can somebody tell me from experience if travelling as a lone
    male (age 20) through central america is too dangerous.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:44].

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  3. Cool place in Mexico
    Created by: Steve Renaud (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:23 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am planning to go to Mexico at the end of June. I'm
    searching for a cool place where I could live 5 to 6 weeks.
    I would like to rent a cheap but confortable room or
    appartment in this place. I want to stay there to makes
    some mexicans friends and to learn spanish. If there is
    good activities to do like hiking or diving, it would be
    great. If you have any suggestions!!!
    I spent 2 months in Guatemala. If you have any questions, I
    may be able to answer.
    I speak French also.

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  4. Fishing Belize and Bay Islands
    Created by: Matt (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:56 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I was wondering if anyone had any information on boat
    rentals in the Placencia area or Utila/Roatan. I will be
    there to scuba and bird, but I also want to fish. Do not
    want to hire a guide because that is no fun for me. I am a
    very experienced flats and river fisherman and know my way
    around boats very well. Also, what about sea kayak rentals?
    I suppose if I couldn't find motorized transport, I could
    fish out of a kayak.
    Any information, hearsay or first hand, would be greatly
    Thank you, Matt

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  5. Cheap hostel in Cancun
    Created by: Adam
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:55 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, i'm going to Cancun for a week in June, and would like
    info. on any recommended cheap hotels/hostels there.
    Also if possible any e-mail addresses of hotels so i can

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  6. Hotel for 1 night in Cancun
    Created by: Mophead
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:00 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Arriving Cancun 8pm and want to leave for Cozomel as early
    as poss next morning. Anyone know of a hotel that I can
    book from here for just the night? Going in 2 weeks.
    do I need to book ahead for somewhere to stay in Cozomel?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 4:00].

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  7. Cheap Internal Flights
    Created by: Maisie
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 3:55 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone know agencies that deal with Internal Flights
    in Mexico/Guatemala?

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  8. Budget place to stay in TIKAL
    Created by: Jennifer
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:55 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hello travelfolks!
    I will go to Tikal in june and since I┤ve got the impression
    that the place is pretty up-market-touristy and very well
    frequented, I would appreciate very much some info on A
    thanx for your support, Jennifer

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:28].

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  9. Budget place to stay in TIKAL
    Created by: Jennifer
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:48 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hello travelfolks!
    I will go to Tikal in june and since I┤ve got the impression
    that the place is pretty up-market-touristy and very well
    frequented, I would appreciate very much some info on A
    thanx for your support, Jennifer

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  10. homestays in Mexico City?
    Created by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:04 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone have ANY information regarding homestays in
    Mexico City? I have to go there this summer for 4 weeks to
    collect data for my dissertation, and I need a place to
    stay. Any info on homestay rates, reputations, contact
    info, etc. would be very helpful. Please help! Thank you!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 2:04].

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  11. Rain in aug?
    Created by: Kirk
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 0:40 Korumburra Standard Time]

    In aug. I am starting in Utila, Hon. and working my up to
    southern Bel. back through livingston to Guata city for my
    flight home, Is this coastal area OK, it terms of rain that
    time of year? afternoon showers or days of rain?
    thank you. k

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 5:31].

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  12. Volcano Fuego - GUATEMALA
    Created by: Nancy (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:59 Korumburra Standard Time]


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  13. Volcano Fuego - GUATEMALA
    Created by: Nancy (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:59 Korumburra Standard Time]


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  14. from NYC to Mexico
    Created by: Aron (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 20:30 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Me and my friend are looking for 1-2 people to join as
    during our trip from New York to Mexico. Start: 12-15 July
    from NYC. We want to buy a car in NY.
    We're males, both 24 years old, Metthew lives in NY, I live
    in Warsaw (Poland).

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  15. To Mexico and Beyond........
    Created by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:42 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My girlfriend and I are planning a trip driving fromCanada
    (Alberta) down the American west coast and then around
    Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa
    Rica, Panama(Maybe father south we'd like to go to Brasil
    for Carnival but have be warned off driving there), Belize
    and then Back to New York City. Our plan is to drive the
    whole way and camp in our van where possible. Taking about 6
    to 9 months to do so depending on funds, weather, local
    atmosphere and how much time it actually takes. Our van in
    equipt to camp with four people, so what we're looking for
    is another couple to join us and share costs for the trip or
    a few couples to join in for different parts of the trip.
    We're both 23 I'm Canadain and she's British and have spent
    most of the past three years travelling. Neither of us smoke
    or use drugs but do not care if others do enjoy to do so as
    long as there capable of respecting our choice not to. This
    trip is a few months off because we are still both in the
    planning and saving stage but would like to see if there is
    anyone interested in joining us. We hope to start out from
    Canada sometime in October 1999. If anyone is interested
    email me at the address above.
    I'd also like to hear from anyone who's done this trip or
    any part of it about the must and must not do's. Thank you!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 16:42].

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    Created by: scot (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:27 Korumburra Standard Time]

    diving in belize,ambergris caye. need any tips,places to
    stay,where to dive and hang out.looking for place close to
    town.are the reefs and people nice???

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  17. Acapulco
    Created by: Jen (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:44 Korumburra Standard Time]

    we are thinking of renting a house in mexico for new year's
    eve. any leads on rentables? acapulco seemed less touristy
    than Cabo or Rosarito, although that could be a
    misconception. help, i need somebody.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 10:44].

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  18. Volunteer work in Nicaragua.
    Created by: Marc Andersen (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 9:19 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Are you going to Le≤n in Nicaragua?
    Want to do something worthwhile?
    Do you like working with kids?
    Do you have at least two weeks to spare?
    Do you speak some Spanish?
    Do you want a free stay?
    MILAVF (Movimiento Infantil Luis Alfonso Velasquez Flores.)
    needs volunteers to run small-group classes in painting,
    English, drama (or any subject you have a flair for!)
    MILAVF is an NGO working with working-class children and
    promoting the rights of the child throughout Nicaragua. The
    work in Le≤n is in an activity center in the Barrio
    For more information, contact:
    Marc Andersen,
    Iglesia de San JosΘ,
    2. Cuadras al norte y 10 varas al oeste,
    Tel: Fatφma on + 505 311-6710

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  19. Malaria risk in Palenque/ Tikal
    Created by: Jennifer
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:45 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hello Folks...
    I would appreciate to hear your recommendations wether or
    not to slick anti-malaria pills for a 3 weeks decent trip
    (no hardcore jungle walks, just normal tourist stuff) to
    Palenque, Tikal and further around Guatemala. I do know what
    the books say (risk areas) but I am used to "check
    statistics" before slicking that awful stuff...
    is there ANYBODY AT ALL who got malaria down there or know
    about someone who got ist and what about DENGUE???
    thanx a lot...jennifer

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:13].

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  20. Placencia, Belize
    Created by: Tamar (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:28 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm going to Belize with a group of friends, and have a
    couple of questions.
    1. We're looking for a super laid-back place, with lots to
    do (snorkeling, diving, kayaking, hiking, wildlife)
    Placencia really a good place to go for all that?
    2. Has anyone been to the Soulshine Resort, and would you
    recommend it?
    3. Should we plan on spending several days in the jungle,
    or are day trips from Placencia just as fun?
    Thanks in advance for any tips and advice.

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  21. Cancun to Guate City by bus
    Created by: Reinier (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 5:08 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Fares from Johannesburg to Guate City are quite expensive (cheapest is 7840 Rand = 1265 USD return fare)!!!!
    The cheapest flight in the neighbourhood seems to be to Cancun (6140 Rand = 991 USD).
    Is it worth travelling Cancun-Guate City (return) by bus to save the difference?
    Is it safe, how much does it cost and how long will it take?
    Ayudame por favor!!!!!
    Muchisimas gracias!!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 1:56].

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  22. AUG RAIN
    Created by: KIRK
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 4:59 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am traveling the coast for the month of Aug. from Utila
    hon. through Guatemala- livingston, rio deluce, and up
    through coast of southern Bel. Is rain going to me a major
    factor? or just 1-2 hr showers in the afterno

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  23. Marriage in Guatemala
    Created by: Scott Wilding (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:54 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We are planning on traveling to Guatemala next year and would like to get married there but we are not sure what documents might be needed. We are both Canadian citizens. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  24. Marriage in Guatemala
    Created by: Scott Wilding (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We are planning on traveling to Guatemala next year and would like to get married there but we are not sure what documents might be needed. We are both Canadian citizens. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  25. lodging in Baja
    Created by: bianca (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 21:21 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We're going to Baja for a few days, from San Diego in July.
    We are thinking of Playa Grande, San Felipe, San Luis
    Gonzaga or Puertocitos.
    Can anyone recommend any of these places? We prefer laidback
    athmosphere and nice snorkelling. Any nice guest houses or
    Thanx in advance!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 3:34].

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  26. OOPS
    Created by: becSTAR
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:59 Korumburra Standard Time]


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  27. Mexico on a shoe string...
    Created by: becSTAR
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:57 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My partner and I are thinking of travelling to Central
    America (Mexico in particular) in the near future. We are
    reside in Australia but when I was last in the States
    I stumbled across an interesting looking tour company called
    GREEN TOROISE who take adventure camping tours in Mexico.
    Has anyone been on a trip with them before? Any good?
    Anybody been on any similar tours they can recomend? We are
    not interested in "big" Contiki type tour companies. We have
    both been on adventure treks with TREK AMERICA but thought
    it might be better to go even further off the beaten track
    in Mexico.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 20:59].

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  28. Mexico to Guatemala
    Created by: Rebecca
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 12:12 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Am travelling from Mexico to Guatemal in late June I
    presume by bus. Has anyone done this? any suggestions. We
    have one month in total to get from a to b but would like
    to spend a bit of time in Guatemala and not all the time on
    the road.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 5:57].

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  29. Casa Guatamal
    Created by: Jen
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 10:32 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm wondering what this place is, and if any of you have any
    information on it?
    I really want to do some volunteering this summer - anywhere
    - and would like to improve my Spanish at the same time.
    Please could you give me some help.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 16:38].

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  30. US Airfare Secrets??
    Created by: Frequent Flyer
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 4:21 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hello! I am wondering if anyone has a secret strategy for
    discount air tickets? Interested in Los Angeles to Central
    America. I am also interested in possibly an around the
    world ticket. Recommendations appreciated!!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:00].

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  31. Guat.,Honduras+Costa Rica in June
    Created by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 3:06 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Here I go againàBeen periodically reposting this. Keep
    getting responses from interested travelers plus some neat
    tips on places to see. Times getting shorter so letÆs get
    planning. Bob is flying to San Jose, Costa Rica(using a
    Central American air pass) on June 14th for 2 months
    traveling in Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala (and open to
    other suggestions). I have traveled in Latin America off and
    on for over 23 years. My first masterÆs program was in Latin
    American Studies so IÆm pretty well versed in knowledge of
    the area. IÆm fair to middlÆn in Spanish. I lived in Lima,
    Peru(Senderos and all) and Quito, Ecuador(Hotel Gran
    Casino...if you know what that means you are definitely my
    kind of folk) in the 80Æs. I travel just about as cheap as
    possible. IÆve had lots of experience doing that. Lonely
    Planet guides tend to be my Bible(though they have got a bit
    too cautious latelyàmust be the lawyers). Not into mountain
    climbing or killer treks but IÆm hard to tear away from an
    Indian market (really good at bargainingàbe it a blanket or a
    couple of tomatoes). Pretty knowledgeable about textiles.
    Will stop by just about any ruins...and usually know
    something about them-know more than my share about the Maya.
    Museums are great and I actually read the exhibit signs. Last
    couple of summers have been spent traveling through Ecuador,
    Peru, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia with some
    interesting people leaving a trail of Dead tapes behind us.
    Go to*mr.k_computer_class/
    mr.k_ex_adv/mr.k_ex_adv_title.htm for photos. Summer of Æ96 I
    was in Guatemala and Mexico. IÆm planning to meet up with
    some of the survivors of my previous adventures for various
    legs of the trip. (4 or 5 of us at this point-with another
    being twisted) Still looking for other good folk to join our
    little band of merry pranksters. We could watch each otherÆs
    backs and luggage. If nothing else, maybe we could meet up
    somewhere for a beer and swap stories. My itinerary is pretty
    open. I go where the spirit(usually cheap rum) takes me. By
    day its beaches, museums, jungles and Mayan ruins. By night
    letÆs see what commandments and Old Testament admonishments
    we can break. Looking at doing 3 weeks in Costa
    Rica..beaches, cloud forests and active volcanoes(any virgins
    want to come along?)àfly next to Honduras for a week or
    so..Bay Islandsàdefinitely Copan..then on to Guat for a
    monthà Quiriqua, Tikal, Antigua, Lake Atitlan,
    Chichicastenango and some of the more interesting mountain
    villages(Momostenango, San Francisco El Alto, Nebaj). Let's
    hear your ideas. IÆm open to suggestionsàthe journey is often
    more important than the destination. IÆm easy going (donÆt
    smoke tobacco.. well..maybe a cigar in Honduras, do drink and
    will eat just about anything) and hopefully you are too.
    Fellow Dead Heads (working on my play list) and teachers(we
    can always bitch about our students) are particularly
    welcome. The idea is to just have fun, learn and acquire
    memories for the rest of our lives. Even if you canÆt make it
    and would like to just exchange info, thatÆs cool too.

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  32. Smoke two joints...
    Created by: Peace
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 3:01 Korumburra Standard Time]

    On holiday at the beach, it would just be SO much nicer to
    have a joint or two on hand... Anyone know how it works in
    Central America? Easy or not easy to find a peaceful
    mellow supply? Any suggestions? Risky?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 16:43].

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  33. Mosiquitos,...
    Created by: Scratching drives me insaine
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 2:59 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I hate mosquitoes, but they LOVE me...
    How bad are they in Central America?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 3:14].

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  34. Internet access
    Created by: paul (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 1:20 Korumburra Standard Time]

    any recommendations for access to E-Mail and the internet in
    the following places? Panachel in Guatemala, San Jose, Costa
    Rica, Utila, Honduras and Bocas del Toro in Panama?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 2:57].

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  35. managua
    Created by: Katie
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 21:31 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi. Can anyone give me information on Managua, Nicaragua? I amplannig to live there for a few months and would like to know how safe it is, what the people are like, if there are nice places to see close to this city, etc.. Thank you, Katie.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 16:15].

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  36. volunteering in panama
    Created by: andrew (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 13:10 Korumburra Standard Time]

    i travelled through panama last year and would like to
    return next summer to volunteer on the islands (boca?), if
    anybody has information on would be the best people to
    contact, please drop me a note. thanks.....andrew

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  37. Cheap tickets from LA???
    Created by: Sarah (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 12:44 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I will be travelling from Nz to US in November and am
    booking a ticket from new Zealand as far as LA. I want to
    go down into Central US but the prices for the tickets from
    here are too expensive. What i want to do is book a
    seperate ticket from LA that will take me round Central US,
    then back to LA. I have heard that the ticket prices are
    reasonable from LA. Can anyone recommend a travel agent
    that I can call and arrange a ticket through? thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 12:34].

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  38. Help! Rent a car in Costa Rica?
    Created by: CR Bound (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 11:49 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I leave for Costa Rica in 3 days and am debating whether or
    not to rent a car. We (2 of us) are only going for 6 days
    and want to see Arenal, Monteverde, and Manuel Antonio.
    We'd only rent a car for Arenal and Monteverde(we are
    flying to Manuel Antonio) but I heard the roads are
    treacherous during the rainy season! (especially the road
    from Arenal to Monteverde) Is it worthwhile to go through
    the hassle for the convenience of having a car? If so,
    which car rental company would you recommend? Estimated
    cost? Please help-we are leaving soon!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 13:23].

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    Created by: PACO (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 11:45 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Has anybody been in Bocas? Is it safe?Where to stay?.Does
    it really worth?.Thanks in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 14:16].

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  40. Volcanoes in Mexico.
    Created by: Will Smith (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 11:07 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Interested in Volcanoes in Mexico? I recently went to
    2 volcanoes, hopefully these pictures will inspire you...

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  41. Rosarito/Ensenada Accom
    Created by: Greg
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 9:12 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hey all,
    Can anyone recommend a good place to stay in either
    Rosarito or Ensenada or somewhere in between? We're
    heading that way on Monday for a few days and would like to
    stay somewhere that was in the $40-$60 range and preferably
    on the beach...thanks for any and all help..

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 18:21].

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  42. Flores - Palenque by boat
    Created by: dominique
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 1:04 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I know there is a possibility to go by boat and bus from
    Flores (Guatemala) to Palenque in Mexico. Has anybody done
    this. I'd appreciate all info.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 5:08].

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  43. Trekking and diving in Costa Rica
    Created by: Anne (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 22:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm looking for info on good rainforest treks as well as
    diving sites in Costa Rica. We are planning on camping as
    well as staying in ranger's huts, and we both have a
    PADI-certification. Corcovado and Isla del Canio seem
    interesting, first hand info on these would be great!
    Thanks in advance!

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  44. Staying in shape while learning Spanish
    Created by: Susan
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 20:30 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am looking for a place to study Spanish in Latin America
    for two-three months. I run five miles per day and am
    looking for a place where I could continue to do so while
    learning Spanish. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sun 23 May, 7:47].

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    Created by: MITCH
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 13:16 Korumburra Standard Time]

    The best place to stay in Panama City is VOYAGER HOSTEL..
    their website
    I recomend you call when you arrive in the city their
    phone (507)260-5913..
    be careful with taxi drivers, most of the time the try to
    rip tourists off,,, DONT PAY MORE THAN 1.75 FOR ANY TAXI

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  46. Tequila Train?
    Created by: Mary
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 2:33 Korumburra Standard Time]

    What do you know about this Tequila Train that runs from Guadalajara to
    Tequila (of course) in Mexico? It was written up in the Wall Street
    Journal recently, so it's bound to get crowded with capitalists, but it
    sounded like fun. I have checked many sites but can't find anything....

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 7:41].

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  47. RIO TO ?
    Created by: simon (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 2:05 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am travelling to rio and would
    greatly appreciate any advise on brasil
    and in particular places to stay directly
    from rio.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 11:26].

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  48. Arenal--places to stay
    Created by: Jen (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 0:32 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Went to Costa Rica last year and didn't make it to Arenal.
    Now, we're going again in July and I've checked the LP guide
    for places to stay around Arenal, but I can't really find
    anything within budget. We heard rumors about cheap places
    with hot springs fairly close to the volcano. Please let me
    know any great places that are under the $20 range. Cheers!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 9:57].

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  49. Care to join us?
    Created by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 22:09 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My girlfriend and I are planning a trip driving fromCanada
    (Alberta) down the American west coast and then around
    Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa
    Rica, Panama(Maybe father south we'd like to go to Brasil
    for Carnival but have be warned off driving there), Belize
    and then Back to New York City. Our plan is to drive the
    whole way and camp in our van where
    possible. Taking about 6 to 9 months to do so depending on
    funds, weather, local atmosphere and how much time it
    actually takes. Our van in equipt to camp with four people,
    so what we're looking for is another couple to join us and
    share costs for the trip or a few couples to join in for
    different parts of the trip. We're both 23 I'm Canadain and
    she's British and have spent most of the past three years
    travelling. Neither of us smoke or use drugs but do not care
    if others do enjoy to do so as long as there capable of
    respecting our choice not to. This trip is a few months off
    because we are still both in the planning and saving stage
    but would like to see if there is anyone interested in
    joining us. We hope to start out from Canada sometime in
    October 1999. If anyone is interested email me at the
    address above or leave a post here.
    I'd also like to hear from anyone who's done this trip or
    any part of it about the must and must not do's. Thank you!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 11:38].

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  50. Speakin' Spanish in Costa Rica
    Created by: Megan McNamee (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 7:41 Korumburra Standard Time]

    So, here I am a 'virgin traveller to Costa Rica'. My
    primary objective outside of happiness is to improve my
    Spanish skills. I need to refine them for an ESL program I
    am participating in next year. In short, I'm having a very
    difficult time determining the best language school for my
    interests and purposes. I would like a smaller school with
    closer contact with local people- perhaps a school run by
    locals. I do not want to be merely a patron to a large
    business. To this end I definitely want a homestay. I also
    would rather be in a smaller town, not in San Jose. Low
    cost is also a concern, but not essential. Atmosphere and
    learning are my priorities.
    Thanks for reading!! Any suggestions and/or experiences
    would be greatly appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 5:12].

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  51. motorcicles for sale in panama!!!
    Created by: jutta (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 7:20 Korumburra Standard Time]

    to everyone who loves motorcicles!
    we are a couple from germany and have been traveling for 10 month all the way down from alaska to panama on two motorcicles ( yamaha xt 350 & honda xl 650 r) and i tell you it┤s the most wonderfull way to travel through these countries!
    independent,free and the locals are incredible! we got many privat invitationes and never had any problems with the police
    now the best thing of this story:
    just the opposite way - from panama to alaska??
    they are both in perfect condition and of course we have all the travell- equipment you need!!
    hurry up, because the locals like them too! .

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 9:17].

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  52. Diving in Paradise
    Created by: Adam Barbolet (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 6:39 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hoping to spend a week hanging out in a cabana on some
    remote beach (although not so remote that we can't find a
    restaurant or other amenity, if the urge strikes). The
    other criterion is that it needs to be fairly close to a
    good diving school (we'd like to learn and get our
    certification), and incredible dive sites.
    Any ideas? Thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 15:41].

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  53. Ceibal
    Created by: Francesco
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 23:28 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Has anyone been to Ceibal? I am going to visit Tikal and I
    want to know if it is worth to visit Ceibal as well. I have
    read that the trip to get there is an experience. Is it
    Thanx Francesco

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 22:52].

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  54. Central American Woman
    Created by: Desdemona (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 22:07 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Okay, actually I am American, but don't hold it against
    me. I am an experienced traveler after living in Asia and
    Europe. Mexico, Central America are next on my list...but
    good luck finding info on them from anyone who has
    firsthand experience. Not too many people have done that
    trail that I know.
    Is is SAFE for a single girl, world savy
    as I am? (Last advice I got was to bring a knife, do I
    really have to?) Banditos, a real fear or hype? Whats the
    cheapest and best place to start out? Any place not to be
    missed? Any feedback at all? Anyone? Anyone?
    PS: Where's the party/dive/trekkers haven anyway?

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 7:34].

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  55. 8 DAYS...
    Created by: Mike (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 21:32 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, Mike here with only eight days to go. I just wanted to
    share something with all of you future travellers. Check
    out, it┤s great if you like myself
    want to brush up your spanish or even learn from scratch.
    It has vocabulary, wordgames, dictionary and lots of other
    things for free.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 3:52].

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  56. US plate
    Created by: monia (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 20:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Do you think I could have problems driving a car with an US
    plate in Baja California (thefts or similar)? Would it be
    more anonimous to have a mexican plate? THANX!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 20:18].

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  57. Arrival at Guatamala
    Created by: Mitzi (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 16:11 Korumburra Standard Time]

    July this summer we flu to guatamala city. What to do from there. We arrive at 6 o'clock in the evening. We did not make any reservations yet to sleep somewhere. Does anyone know where we can spent the night in a not to expensive motel or pension. We would like a decent pension near by a bus or a busstation so that we can move on the next day. (we want to travel to the east, belize). Are there taxi's who can bring us to this motel. How expensive are the taxi's in Guatamala.
    I think july is the rain season in Gutamala. What does this mean. Does it rain every day? is it cold when it rains?
    Is there anybody who can help me with these questions!

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 3:39].

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  58. Belize Recommendations?
    Created by: David (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:54 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm going to Belize for 11 days very soon.
    I'm looking for recommendations from someone who's been
    there & enjoyed it:
    1) Caye Caulker vs. Ambergris?
    2) Any good white water rafting in Guatamala or Belize?
    3) What did you think of Placencia?
    4) We're planning on going to Tikal. Is it worth going to
    the Cayo district, as well? Or, is the time better spent on
    one of the Cayes or another part of Belize?
    Please feel free to e-mail me with a response.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 8:09].

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  59. Medical Volunteers Needed - Correction
    Created by: Juan & Norma (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:51 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Thank you Joy!!
    Below we posted a message about our Spanish School in
    Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. We are looking for all types of
    medical personnel to come and learn Spanish while
    volunteering in hospital and Family medical programs.
    Anyway we left the wrong web site address SORRY!
    We are new to all this Internet stuff and are realizing one
    slip of the fingers and no one can find you!!
    Come by and see us!
    Juan & Norma

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 11:51].

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  60. Buy car in Cali sell in Costa Rica?
    Created by: Flip (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 7:46 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi all, after finishing Uni (In the Netherlands) i want to
    travel to central America. To do this as economicly (time
    and moneywise) i think of buying a used car in California,
    use it for about FOUR months and sell it in Costa Rica.
    However i have some general questions about the feasibility
    of this idea?
    - Legal. CAN i do this legally and can i get insurance on it
    - Financial. Is this economicly a good idea, will i not
    loose too much money on this? Is gas cheap there?
    - Safety. Will a car with a US license plate be attacked
    easily by streetkids?
    - Bureaucracy, Hassles at border crossings
    - Road conditions, direction signs, road maps?
    - Will i be able too share rides by travelling with other

    Thanks in advance for your thoughts

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 8:59].

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  61. Costa Rica tours
    Created by: slither (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 5:48 Korumburra Standard Time]

    If you want an excellent guided tour of anywhere in CR, get
    in touch with Federico Grant at
    I had a superb tour in March this year, probably one of the
    best tours I have ever had. Highly recommended.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 5:48].

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  62. Motos through Mexico?
    Created by: supermisterhaystackhead ("""
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 5:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I have been contemplating riding motorcylces with a freind
    of mine from US to Guatemala. is this a rediculous and
    terrible idea? I know Guatemala is fine, but heard only bad
    news about crossing Mexico. anyone have any first-hand
    experience to speak of? thanx. SMHH

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 0:54].

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  63. single girl in guatemala
    Created by: amy
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 4:05 Korumburra Standard Time]

    in july i'm planning on arriving in guatemal city by myself
    and making my way to rio dulce where i will be a volunteer
    at casa guatemal (an orphanage for abandoned adn
    malnourished children). my question is this... am i crazy to
    be travelling by myself? i want to travell after i leave the
    orphanage but don't know where to go. i'm also thinking of
    making a trip up to belize as well. my interests are pretty
    much the same as all other travellers... exciting, beautiful
    sites, friendly people and lots of fun!!! i am travelling on
    a budget but a super strict one. can anyone help me out?
    thank you so much. any ideas and tips would be greatly
    appreciated, if it makes a difference i'm canadian with
    limited spanish. thanx

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 16:46].

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  64. Cheap fare lax-mex?
    Created by: jane (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 3:45 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Yes, I know this should be in the Nth America section but everyone who's anyone seems to put Mexico 'stuff' here!
    ANYWAY, does anyone have any info on agents, websites etc for any likely specials, cheap fares, los angeles to mexico city during November 1999? All my investigations (from Australia) result in approx US$420 which is too dear but I'd love to go to Mexico while I'm in LA.............Help!
    Suggestions greatly appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 18:17].

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  65. Share Info on your Trip to Belize!
    Created by: Linda (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:00 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Have you been to Belize?
    The Green Travel Network is a complete online resource for
    the adventurous traveler. The multi-faceted website serves
    up equal parts inspiration and travel planning practicality
    by bringing together world travelers, experts, and tour
    operators to create a vibrant online community.
    Would you like to be included?
    If so, we have a couple of options:
    --Go to our site and
    enter a "trip report" about your journey.
    --If you don't have time, just contact me and allow
    us to enter it for you
    So join our community and meet other travelers who share
    your interest.
    For further information, feel free to contact me. Thank you!

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 16:01].

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  66. Share Info on your Trip to Belize!
    Created by: Linda (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:59 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Have you been to Belize?
    The Green Travel Network is a complete online resource for
    the adventurous traveler. The multi-faceted website serves
    up equal parts inspiration and travel planning practicality
    by bringing together world travelers, experts, and tour
    operators to create a vibrant online community.
    Would you like to be included?
    If so, we have a couple of options:
    --Go to our site and
    enter a "trip report" about your journey.
    --If you don't have time, just contact me and allow
    us to enter it for you
    So join our community and meet other travelers who share
    your interest.
    For further information, feel free tp cpntact me. Thank you!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 23:59].

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  67. MORE JABS?
    Created by: katie (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:47 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I went to the Doc who gave me tetanus, polio, hep A and typhoid injection for travelling around Mexico, Guatemela and Costa Rica.
    My friend now thinks we need diptheria and cholera? Does anyone know if this is right - the doc did look it up in some book or other....

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 22:31].

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  68. Marriage in Guatemala
    Created by: Scott Wilding (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 10:23 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We are planning on visiting Guatemala text year and would like to get married there. We have not had a lot of sucess in acquiring info as to what might be necessary. We are both Canadian, and contacts or information would be greatly welcomed.
    Heather and Scott

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 10:23].

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  69. San Jose in August
    Created by: Garrett
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 6:07 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My girlfriend and I are planning to attend a language
    school in San Jose in August just before our university
    starts again. We were wondering what what weather to
    expect in San Jose because we've read that August is during
    the rainy season in Costa Rica. Also, any suggestions
    regarding language schools or sites in and around San Jose
    would be great. Thank-you.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 10:48].

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    Created by: Love (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 5:04 Korumburra Standard Time]

    This message is for all males from 25 to 40 who are interested in meet single females from Guatemala. for marriage or friendship purpose.
    We organize single tours to the most beautiful and intimate places in Guatemala, so you have the chance to meet and share with this women for a few days. This is a very serious proyect and no intended to sell sexual tourism...
    All the ladies in this program are decent latin guatemalans who are looking for a soulmate.. for serious purposes.
    If you are interested in being part of this tours, send me an e-mail and tell me about you...

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 12:58].

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  71. Mexico is part of.......
    Created by: Geographically illiterate
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 4:14 Korumburra Standard Time]

    North America. If you want your post to have better
    exposure then add one to the North America Thorntree.

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 22:46].

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  72. Santa Cruz Bolivia
    Created by: Tuerle
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 4:08 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi I will be in Santa Cruz in July I have time to kill
    there, does anyone know if they have any health resorts or
    spa's there?? Also maybe a language school. Thanks for any
    information. Turtle

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 4:08].

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  73. belize the rum?
    Created by: spurdogg
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 3:19 Korumburra Standard Time]

    hello , I miss the rum now that im back in california. does
    anyone know where i can get the belizean white rum here in
    central california? need help!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 3:19].

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    Created by: jane175 (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 3:09 Korumburra Standard Time]

    HI, My friend and I want to go to Ixtapa, Mexico this
    weekend for a fun get-away and are looking for any fun-
    loving people who would like to come. May 21-24. Would need
    to find own transportation

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 3:09].

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  75. northwest costa rica
    Created by: hugo (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 1:36 Korumburra Standard Time]

    we are going to cr in mid july. will land in liberia mid
    am and head for the coast(coco beach, ocotal,flamingo
    areas). would appreciate any info on good places to stay
    and eat - mid budget. have never been down that way before
    and really don't know what to expect or look for. we
    prefer guest houses and non touristy things. tx abunch.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 1:36].

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  76. Mekiko
    Created by: beth (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:17 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I want to know the about what their is to do in Mexico on a
    short time scale. Go west or east? Whether female, blonde
    travellers get hassle? Diving? Camping? Those sort of
    Beth -UK

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 15:42].

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  77. why????
    Created by: Soleil
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 23:50 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I created a toppic this morning and now its not on this site

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 23:50].

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  78. Costa Rica beaches
    Created by: Ginette (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 21:35 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We are going to Costa Rica in early July (2 adults and 2
    teenagers). We have several activities planned but we are
    debating about which beach to go to. We are interested in
    Tamarindo, Montezuma and Manuel Antonio. Beeing the wet
    season does it railn less in the Guanacaste region? As
    we plan to go gor 4 days we want an area with something to
    do. Any suggestions?

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 21:35].

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  79. What can you do in Guatamal and Belize
    Created by: Mitzi Schoemans (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 21:00 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hello everybody,
    This summer we would like to go with a couple of friends to Guatamala and belize. We fly to Guatamala city, then we move east to Belize. In our trip from guatamala to belize we pass the Lago de Izabal (a lake). is it possible to go rafting overthere. And is it possible to go by boat to belize from Linvingstone or Puerto Barrios. Or is there a farry-boat?
    Is there anybody who can help me to answer these questions?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 4:47].

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  80. baja california
    Created by: brembo (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 20:24 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm planning to visit baja california next end of june. I read LP guide but I fount it not helpfull.
    I'm looking for good/nice beaches not too much crowded, and snorkelling.
    Your tips regarding everything about baja california will be very appreciate
    bye arianna.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 2:36].

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  81. Chiuhuahua
    Created by: Mireille (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 18:10 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm flying to El Paso wednesdaynight and i would like to
    travel on to Ciudad Juarez and from there to Chiuhuahua.
    I will arrive in El Paso at three in the morning and i don't
    know if there are trains or busses i could take.
    And does anyone know a nice but cheap hostel in Chiuhuahua.
    If someone could help i will be realy gratefull.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 20:42].

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  82. Experience with language schools?
    Created by: Vicky (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 15:05 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi everyone,
    I'm a writer for Escape Magazine ( and for
    the September issue, I'm doing a story about language
    schools abroad. If you've ever taken a language immersion
    course in Antigua (or anywhere else for that matter), I'd
    love to hear from you! Here are some of the things I want to
    * Where did you study?
    * Why did you choose to do an immersion program?
    * Was the program intensive?
    * Did you learn many tricks or shortcuts to the language? If
    so, were they helpful?
    * Did you have a harder or easier time learning this way?
    * What were the benefits of the program? The drawbacks?
    * Did you live with a family?
    * Do you have any anecdotes you'd like to share about your
    * Did you consider the program a vacation?
    * What kinds of cultural activities were you involved in?
    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 15:05].

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  83. How to dress in Antigua, Guatemala
    Created by: Anna
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 13:26 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am traveling to Guatemala this summer and I plan to stay
    in Antigua most of the time for language school and I would
    like to know how I can dress. I am from America and I am
    used to wearing shorts and tank tops and receiving no
    unwanted attention.. Do I need to dress much more modestly
    in Antigua?? I know when I travel around I will need to
    dress conservatively but I heard Antigua is more modest.
    Any information could help...

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 6:10].

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  84. Rock en Espanol
    Created by: JohnH (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 12:16 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I will be travelling to Mexico City during July and August.
    I'd like to find some web-information about seeing bands
    like Cafe Tacuba live. I dig their music and would love to
    experience a live performance in the D.F or vicinity.
    Also, once there, what's the best source of information on
    local music? (i.e - Cafe Tacuba) Thanks!!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 13:37].

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  85. amΘrica latina
    Created by: helen (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 4:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Soy estudiante de medicina y quiero trabajar (por comida y
    alojamiento) en un hospital en amΘrica latina. Busco un
    proyecto para participar. Estoy en mi ultimo a±o de
    estudios. Si tienes unas informaciones, enviarme un e-mail,
    por favor.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 1:33].

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  86. surfing Mexico!
    Created by: tomas (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 3:07 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Me and my friends are going to Mexico in June. We thought
    of going to a laid-back place somewhere between Acapulco
    and Mazatlan. We are beginner- intermediate surfers so we
    are not looking for the big, fast and hollow waves.
    Do you know if there are any cheap places you can
    Thank┤s a lot /Tomas

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 17:01].

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  87. 2 wks in Yucatan
    Created by: Maise
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 2:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I fly into and out of Cancun (in middle of june) but plan
    to get the hell out of there. My mission is to chill on
    the beach and dive and get some rays but also experience
    Mexico. Thinking of beaching it on Playa de Carmen,
    Cozomel or Isla Mujeres - good idea? Which is the best?
    don't want to go mad partying.
    As for seeing Mexico (& surroundings) - I plan on taking an
    overnight bus to Palenque and from there head to Tikal via
    frontera Corozal & Bethal (as I have been told this is a
    great way to do it - the boat ride being a highlight?!).
    And I guess from there I will need to head back up to
    Seem like a good trip? Anyone got any hints and tips? Not
    to be missed experiences? Recommendations on where to
    stay? If I arrive in Palenque at 8am, should I get up to
    the ruins that day and head off the next seeing as I have a
    tight schedule or can I enjoy a day there and do the sights
    the next day?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 9:12].

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  88. Tikal back to Cancun
    Created by: Maise
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 2:33 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I've got 2 weeks and I fly into/out of Cancun. How can I
    get back to Cancun from Tikal? Can I go through Belize?
    Anyone suggest a good route with anygood stopovers on the

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 4:06].

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  89. Oaxaca State in July
    Created by: Anders
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 22:31 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We're planning to go to Oaxaca State during July. The area
    seems very interesting and not as crowded as other parts of
    Mexico. Having read the LP guide you also get the feeling
    that the beaches down there are very nice. However we're
    slightly concerned with the risk of heavy rainfall during
    this time of the year. Can anyone tell me how bad it is?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 3:59].

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  90. surfing costa rica
    Created by: surfing (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 16:36 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Gday Hodaddys,
    Im seeking any info on waves, accomodation,
    camping, board shapers with costs, buying a car, watering
    holes, chicks, water temperatures, any dangerous or rad
    stories, times to go etc. From Mexico to South America,
    also any snowboarding info would be cool.


    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 13:12].

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  91. Looking for rental house in Costa Rica!!
    Created by: James
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 15:56 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I need any help on finding a rental house in Costa Rica for
    the Christmas Holidays and New Years. We are 3 couples, and
    are on somewhat of a budget. We would prefer a house or
    cabina on the coast (either one). Thank you kindly in

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 22:11].

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  92. Guatemala to Honduras
    Created by: paul (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 15:16 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Anyone know how easy it is to get across the border to
    Honduras from Puerto Barrios. I know its possible to get
    from PB to utila by boat, but do you have to cool your
    heeels for a week if you just miss one. We are on limited
    time and can't afford delays.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 1:47].

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  93. travel withought funds
    Created by: larry
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 13:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I want to travel from Panama To Cancun without spending any money. Anybody know any tips for hitch hikers? I am a budget traveler.
    Anyone know any hotels or camp grounds that will pay me to stay there? What about job opportunities while I am traveling? Any places that will pay me to kick back and smoke dope while I braid my pony tail?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 10:19].

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  94. whitewater rafting shoes
    Created by: ecm
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 10:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    What do people wear on their feet when they go whitewater
    rafting (Costa Rica)? I don't own a pair of tevas nor want
    to buy a pair because I wouldn't be using them outside of
    this trip. Is it bad to go barefoot? Stupid to wear
    hiking/athletic shoes?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 12:34].

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  95. Transportation: Costa Rica - Colombia
    Created by: Tres Chicas
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 10:42 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We have three weeks to do Costa Rica and Colombia. We're
    trying to budget for the cost (temporal and financial) of
    travel between the countries. What recommendations do
    people have to get us from CR to the Caribbean Coast of
    Colombia? We wouldn't mind stopping in Panama if cheaper
    transporation calls for it; but our agenda primarily
    includes the first two countries.
    -- What are the buses through Panama like? How long would
    it take to cross the country in buses? How much?
    -- How much is a plane ticket from CR to Colombia? How
    long is the ride?
    -- Is there a plane that will take us straight to Cartagena
    or do we have to go through Bogota?
    -- And the reverse: how to get back from Colombia to Costa
    Rica to catch a plane back to the US? Or should we fly
    back to the US from Colombia?
    -- Which airlines service these countries?
    Please help! Muchisimas gracias.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 0:28].

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  96. Placencia Questions
    Created by: Greg
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 8:03 Korumburra Standard Time]

    (1.)-Just wondering if anyone can recommend reasonably
    priced beachfront bugalows in Placencia. (2.)-Also I have
    read in another post that there is now a bank in Placencia,
    does anyone know if it will exchange Canadian dollars /
    travellers cheques. Does it have an ATM and if so does it
    accept Canadian bank cards? (3,)- We are planning to fly
    from Belize city (BZE) to Placencia, does anyone know what
    the airfare is and is it o.k. to purchase tickets at the
    airport on the date of travel? (4.)- Lastly will it be the
    rainy season during the first two weeks of June? If so is
    it all day rain or just for a couple of hours a day?
    Thanks in advance. GB

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 13:45].

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  97. Mexico City Safety
    Created by: Chris
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 7:49 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone have any UPDATED information on the crime
    situation in Mexico City? Has it gotten better, worse, or
    stayed the same? Are there any areas of the city where
    increased caution is advised? Since I am Latino, would this
    make it easier to blend in and thus avoid being a target?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 2:28].

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  98. hotels mexico city
    Created by: shona (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 5:49 Korumburra Standard Time]

    i will be ariving in mexico city at 8pm, anyone know any
    hotels (cheap) that they could recomend either near the
    airport or city centre, thanks for previoous info

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 4:02].

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  99. Tenting Information
    Created by: Ian and Nicholina (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 3:27 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My wife and I are planning a 4-6 month trip in Central
    America starting in November. We hope to fly to Panama and
    work our way back overland to Canada. Any and all
    information on do's and don'ts, places to stay and things to
    see and do is much appreciated. In particular how useful is
    a tent, we used our's constantly in southern and eastern
    Africa. It sounds like they are pretty handy in Mexico but
    what about other places?
    Thanks in advance. Ian and Nicholina

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 11:45].

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  100. flooding
    Created by: chris (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 21:23 Korumburra Standard Time]

    i'm travelling in south east asia at the moment, but i'm due
    to fly into central america shortly. does anyone have any
    first hand experience of the conditions there at the moment
    as i've heard a lot of rumours about flooding etc.

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 21:23].

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  101. Question, question ...
    Created by: a bit concerned
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 17:41 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi !
    Well, in less than six weeks, my first big travel (and
    solo ...) in Central America (CR and Panama mainly) and on
    budget. But I've got a question : When you go to the
    beach, is it safe to leave passport, Visa card, etc ... at
    the hostel or do you take them with you (if so, what do you
    do if you want to swim ??) ?
    Thanks !

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 7:51].

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  102. Costa Rica Info
    Created by: Jeff
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 15:30 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi folks...
    I've noticed many people having questions about Costa Rica
    so I thought that the Costa Rica Tourist Board Phone Line
    could be part of the solution. Their number is:
    1-800-343-6332 (I think it's only available in the U.S.)
    But they also have a web site, so if you think it might be
    useful, just surf to:
    It worked for me and my wife planning our trip to CR...
    good luck and Bon Voyage!

    [Posts on this topic: 0. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 15:30].

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  103. Diving BAJA
    Created by: Diver
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 6:55 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Were is the best snorkling in Baja?

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 6:57].

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  104. Travel within CA
    Created by: Dulce
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 0:45 Korumburra Standard Time]

    How much does it cost to travel from San Jose, CR to San
    Salvador, ES? By way of Air and Bus? Also how long does it
    take for the bus??

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 11:05].

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  105. Internat. flights Guat
    Created by: Petter (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 22:11 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I`m planning on doing a language course in Guatemala in
    october, and after that head for Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    I haven`t been able find any connection between the
    two cities. Would be grateful for any information, prices etc.
    Also, cant`t decide whether to to go to Xela or Antigua.
    Any inputs?
    Thanks, Petter

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 9:29].

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  106. Mexico, belize, guat
    Created by: shona & sean webster (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 7:05 Korumburra Standard Time]

    we are planning to travel to the south of mexico, belize
    and guat. starting in may 1999 for roughly six weeks. we
    would like information on accomodation that you have tried
    and like, and whether it is safe to travel in belize. also
    does anywhere hire out bikes?
    thanks s&s

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 2:33].

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  107. Costa Rica
    Created by: David
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 2:29 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone know of any good beach towns to visit in
    CR? Maybe a place that has good nightlife and diving? also
    is it easy to get there? Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 7:13].

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  108. Bungalow in Mexico or Belize
    Created by: Hasse (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 18:46 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, weÆre looking for a nice place for relaxing and having
    fun in Mexico or Belize. WeÆre arriving in Mexico in the
    beginning of july, and will stay till august. WeÆve
    travelling independently several times before, but this is
    first time in America. This spring we have taken some
    spanish-lessons. We will travel in the southern and eastern
    part of Mexico and probably Belize and maybe Guatemala. As
    we are two students from Sweden, with a limited budget, we
    want a cheap place to stay, like backpacker-place. But we
    also need :
     Bungalow close to the sea(maybe a room in a hostel or so)
     Coralreef for snorkeling, acessable without boat
     White, clean and wonderful beach
     Good place for relaxing
     Opportunity of some activity, like jungle-trecking, bird-
    Well, this can be hard to get it all, but some of it would
    be great!
    Just one more thing, isnÆt islands extraordinarly?, I think
    so anyway. That means most of all I would like to find this
    specific, fantastic place on a ISLAND.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 3:42].

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  109. Not a pretty topic
    Created by: bruno
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 10:49 Korumburra Standard Time]

    After seeing a movie last night (Tango) I was thinking about
    the horrors which have occurred in Guatemala, Nicaragua, El
    Salvador, and elsewhere. "Disappearances", torture,
    terrorism in the name of drug prevention, anti-communism,
    whatever. Then I thought of being a tourist in these same
    locales, where the people are the survivors of this madness.
    I enter with peace and curiosity. I know little of what is
    behind those eyes and why the people seem so shy and quiet.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 4:39].

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    Created by: Canadian Traveler (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 10:49 Korumburra Standard Time]

    If you can recommend the best place to visit, let me know...
    I'm q 26 year old Canadian guy looking for a great vacation
    for the month of August. Must be on (or very close to) the
    ocean. Would prefer an area with GREAT nightlife (with
    locals and/or travelers), safe streets, and costing under
    approx. US$40 per day (after airfare, of course).
    Thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions!!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 0:02].

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  111. bus through central/south america
    Created by: Kate
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 9:29 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I was in Mexico recently and met a girl who had just
    crossed over from Guatemala. I told her of my plans to
    travel through Central and South America later this year -
    she said there is a new jump-on jump-off bus service
    servicing capital and major cities and I would hear about
    it when I got there. Does anyone know if such a thing
    exists, where it goes, how much it costs, etc.?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 2:41].

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    Created by: Chloz
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 8:11 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm going to Guate in July for a few months and was
    wondering if anyone knows of any paid work i could do in
    Antigua - i'm not too fussed what, just something fun and
    good for my spanish. any advice plea

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 2:31].

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  113. Puerto Viejo (CR)
    Created by: Paco
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 7:46 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Some tips about Puerto viejo are wellcome:
    Is there any way of going from there to Bocas de Raton?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 5:27].

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  114. Arriving to Guate City
    Created by: Joel
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 5:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    everyone can help me with this... I am arriving late at night to Guatemala city, and take a bus next day to Quetzaltenango for spanish lessons.
    I was wondering where to spend the night in the city...some affordable place, because I am a student.
    it┤s better to stay in airport area or get some accomodation near the bus station. are the taxis safe? or can I take the bus?
    any advice?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 8:19].

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  115. Looking for Medical Volunteers
    Created by: Juan y Norma (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 2:00 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We run a small Spanish School in Quetzaltenango Guatemala
    specilizing in teaching Spanish to professionals, doctors,
    dentist, nurses...etc. Our progam is designed to teach
    you Spanish while at the same time you help us by
    volunteering at local area hospital or Family Medical
    We are actively looking for professional either students or
    trained medical personel that would like to volunteer and
    learn Spanish at the same time.
    Our school works with the Medical School at the University
    of San Carlos in Quetzaltenango and can provide official
    documentation to you describing your work in our program.
    If you are a medical student you may be able to use this
    training as part of your degree.
    In the mornings you will work either in a local hospital or
    Family Medical Practice side by side with licensed doctors
    and nurses. In the afternoon you will return to the school
    and be given 1-on-1 intensive Spanish Language training.
    We also offer a variety of activities, however, our main
    focus is on teaching Spanish and providing quality
    volunteers to the local medical community.
    If you find this interesting or just want more information
    we have recently put up a web site at:
    We look forward to hearing from you soon!
    Juan & Norma

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 4:50].

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  116. READ THIS or you wount get laid in 99..
    Created by: Italian Stalion
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 0:26 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi everyone, you could`nt resist!!
    We are 3 Italians going to CA late this summer, and would bee yours for ever if you point us in the right direction.
    What should we do when we arrive MexCity late in the evening (accommodations, what area etc). Are we safe there that late? "Should I stay or should I go" from DF right away?
    Where should we go from MexCity, via Vercruz to Yucatan/ Cancun (expensive)/ Quintana Roo/Tulum (crowded?) or Oaxaca or Chiapas (rainy)?? Or maybe straight to Guatemala (lake Atitlan/ Tikal something..). What about baia California?
    Is it better to go north from DF this time of year, considering the rainy season in the south, or is it just the same in the north?
    We just want to kick back and relax, meet fellow travellers, meet the sun, and have a beach party perhaps.
    Tanks in advance
    Have a nice day, and see you there.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 16:19].

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    Created by: V.V.
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 23:42 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi again, you all
    I posted this a while ago, and have had worthy respons, but it would be interesting to hear some more. The problem description:
    I hope this isn`t an improper question.
    I am wondering how the legislation is in Mexico and Guatemala. Particularly regarding weed, pot and similar. It's not important too me, but it would be nice to know if you could get into a lot of trouble if you accidentally come across it, and even more accidentally get caught!
    Is it easy accessible?
    And as "zoro" and " fellow smoker" said warn of the dangers, but don`t preach. I know there are difference in opinion on this matter, but let`s take that elsewere!!
    "La vida loca" or somthing

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 19:08].

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  118. Diving in CA
    Created by: DJ Ron
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 23:21 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm travelling through Costa Rica and Panama for six weeks
    in June/July and am trying to find info on decent places to
    take a PADI diving course for four or five days - no luck
    as yet. Are certificated courses easy to find? of varying
    quality? costs? All help appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 0:13].

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  119. trip around Costa Rica
    Created by: Thomas (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 6:41 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We are planning to go to Costa Rica for 2 weeks at the end
    of May and would be happy to get some tips on the following
    Does anyone know a good car rental company in San Jose or
    is it better to rent at the airport?
    What's the approximate price for a 4WD per week?
    What are good places to go to in 2 weeks time?
    What's nicer, the Carribean or the Pacific Coast?
    Does anyone know a good hotel in San Jose for approx. $30
    per night/double room?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 9:05].

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  120. Caribbean coast in Nicaragua
    Created by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 3:23 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi. I'm planning to visit Nicaragua in August or September,
    and would like to travel to the Caribbean coast--Bluefields,
    certainly, but perhaps also to less accessible spots up
    and/or down the coast. However, I'm not sure if Hurricane
    Mitch affected that part of the country or not. Has anyone
    been to the area recently?
    Also, the guidebooks seem to indicate that there are some
    busses that do late-night runs from city to city. I know
    traveling after dark in some countries is dangerous; is it
    safer in Nicaragua? Are there any problems with bandits, of
    the sort that you sometimes find in Guatemala?
    Answers (or any other advice on Nicaragua) would be most
    appreciated. Thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 16:33].

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  121. Belize - Malaria
    Created by: Jessica (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 2:49 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm heading to Belize in 8 days. The Cayes, Placenta,
    hiking in the south. Did you travel to these places? Do I
    need to take Malaria pills.
    The doctor recommended Mefloquine which here in Boston, USA
    are US$8/pill. This is going to be very expensive based on
    a 1+year trip. Do you know where I can get cheaper pills?
    In CA??
    Any information is appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 18. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 0:11].

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    Created by: clayre (clayreg@hotmail.como)
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 0:58 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone know which areas of Costa Rica are Malarial or have had recent oubreaks of dengue fever?
    Trying to plan a trip there avoiding malarial areas !

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sun 16 May, 14:42].

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  123. mexico-trains
    Created by: dickvis (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 23:38 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Just came back from MEX. Used latest LP from a year ago.
    Chapter on trains is cxompletely out of date. Service very
    much reduced, from MEX only running:
    day and night train to Vera Cruz, takes 14-15 hours!
    3times a week to Monterrey-N.Laredo, connects with train to
    Piedras Negras border
    other promised services:
    Vera Cruz-Coatzacoalcos; COA-Mareida; COA-RTapachula;
    Tampico-Cd. Victoria; Aguas Calientes-Torreon; Puebla-
    Oaxaca (daily, now in daytime, both ways). All trains have
    only one class of seats, numbered, but no adavnce bookings,
    no more sleepers, restaurants or anything else. Just for

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 12:23].

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  124. Sending things home
    Created by: Katie (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 22:32 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Anyone know how easy/reliable it is to send things home (in my case UK) from Mexico, Guat, and Costa Rica??
    Think it may be the way forward in limiting the weight of my rucksack!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 16:25].

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  125. mexico-cuba
    Created by: nikolas (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 21:54 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Please inform me if there is a flight from Mexico City or
    Cancun to Havana in Cuba and how much does it cost.Thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 14:27].

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  126. Some encouragement please!!
    Created by: Andy (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 21:08 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Just a quickie...I resigned from my job yesterday as a High
    school teacher in London to travel CA from August to
    December. I'm psyched already, but give me some

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 13:47].

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  127. HOSTALS
    Created by: vERN
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 18:22 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Is there many youth hostals in C.A.,where do most backpackers stay?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 11:28].

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  128. Camping at Coapan?
    Created by: Mike (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 18:04 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi everyone, Mike here with 16 Days to go.
    This is a followup question to the one about hammocks.
    Does anyone know how it works at Coßpan? Do you get thrown
    out after dark or is it possible to sleep at the site over
    night in a hammock? It would of been a cool memory...

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 17:22].

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  129. Costa Rica Tips for May
    Created by: CR Bound (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 15:07 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi there--I'm leaving for CR in 2 weeks and am still
    putting together my itinerary. Any suggestions would be
    very helpful! I only have 6.5 days and will be going to La
    Fortuna/Arenal, Monteverde/Santa Elena, and Quepos/Manuel
    Antonio. Any suggestions on transportation between the
    places? I was thinking of bussing from SJ to Arenal, then
    horsebackriding to Monteverde and bussing back to SJ. Then
    catching a flight from SJ to Quepos--any idea on flight
    times or costs? I am also looking for places to stay-we
    have a moderate budget for 2 (not shoe-string, but nothing
    extravagant unless really worth the splurge). I'm also
    looking into canopy tours and river rafting excursions so
    any tips on companies would be great. Whatever else you'd
    like to throw in re: packing, etc. would also be most
    helpful. Main question regarding shoes: tennis shoes,
    tevas, or both? Do I need to invest in hiking boots for the
    rainforest? THANKS!

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 14:34].

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  130. Lago Atitlan Panadivers Chato
    Created by: Allen
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 9:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Chato or anyone ,
    Please give me the email address of the dive shop in Santa
    Cruz on the lake.I believe they are called Pana divers.
    I would like to ask them where to get hold of a nautical
    chart for lake Atitlan. I saw one on there wall 2 years
    ago.Also if anyone else knows where I can get that chart
    would appericiate the help.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 2:46].

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  131. Storing Plane Tickets
    Created by: Lindsay (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 5:37 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We are leaving tomorrow morning for a 3 month stay in CA.
    We fly into Cancun and leave from Cancun and are wondering
    if it is necessary to carry our return tickets for the whole
    time. Is there a safety deposit box somewhere or will
    American Airlines hold our tickets for us. Will we be asked
    for our return tickets when crossing the border into Belize
    Guatemala or will a photocopy be good enough? Thanks for
    your help,

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 8:10].

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  132. Panama
    Created by: Ton (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 5:20 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm flying into San Jose early June for a 3 weeks holiday.
    Understood from various messages down this line that
    Bocas del Toro is worthwhile visiting. Also San Blas
    seems to be a must. Could somebody tell me if it's not
    to much of a hassle to travel from one to the other.
    Any direct ferry-boats?
    I'm planning to do this in the first week and then back to
    CR. Basicly I go there for the diving as it seems more
    affordable there as the dollar is getting more and more
    expensive to buy. From San Jose to the border by bus
    seems easy but then?
    There also seems to be a festival at Isla Grande at the
    24th of June. Anybody any experience there.
    Await yrs,

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 20:58].

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  133. 2 girls in Mexico
    Created by: Louise
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 4:31 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am leaving for Puerto Vallarta on the 31st May for 3 weeks
    with a friend. We were planning on travelling around
    Northern Mexico until we heard some rather disturbing
    stories about young girls travelling on their own. Neither
    of us speak a word of Spanish which I realise is a problem.
    I do have experience of travelling alone in Asia for 3
    months. How does Mexico compare to India, Thailand, Nepal
    and Sri Lanka? More dangerous? What is the Mexican
    reception of tourists who don't speak Spanish? Now we think
    we may base ourselves somewhere safe but non-touristy near
    Puerto Vallarta, and go on little excursions from there. Is
    there anywhere you can recomend as a good base, and any
    places of interest and beauty to visit that are close?
    Also, I'd appreciate your opinions on two 21-yr old girls
    travelling there. How easy is it to find people to travel
    with out there?

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 9:59].

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    Created by: Candace (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 0:30 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Please help! I am looking for a good, friendly Spanish
    school in Costa Rica. I want one not too far away from the
    airport as I have to return to meet someone after one week.
    I will be by myself and want to feel comfortable and
    hopefully have things arranged before I go in early June.
    The schools there seem quite expensive, around US$320 and
    up. Is this average? Please let me know of your experiences
    there. I am getting very EXCITED now that it is down to less
    than one month!
    Any suggestions are appreciated! :)

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 15:40].

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  135. Souveniers!
    Created by: Wayfarer
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 18:54 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi everyone,
    I┤m sitting here thinking about what to buy with me home
    from Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
    I know of Guatemalas textiles, the Honduran cigars and
    possibly a drawing from Nicaragua. What else is there? A
    parrot from Costa Rica would of been nice but sadly not

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 12:00].

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  136. Guat., Honduras+Costa Rica in June
    Created by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 14:58 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Here I go againàBeen periodically reposting this. Keep
    getting responses from interested travelers plus some neat
    tips on places to see. Bob is flying to San Jose, Costa
    Rica(using a Central American air pass) on June 14th for 2
    months traveling in Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala (and
    open to other suggestions). I have traveled in Latin America
    off and on for over 23 years. My first masterÆs program was
    in Latin American Studies so IÆm pretty well versed in
    knowledge of the area. IÆm fair to middlÆn in Spanish. I
    lived in Lima, Peru(Senderos and all) and Quito,
    Ecuador(Hotel Gran Casino...if you know what that means you
    are definitely my kind of folk) in the 80Æs. I travel just
    about as cheap as possible. IÆve had lots of experience doing
    that. Lonely Planet guides tend to be my Bible(though they
    have got a bit too cautious latelyàmust be the lawyers). Not
    into mountain climbing or killer treks but IÆm hard to tear
    away from an Indian market (really good at bargainingàbe it a
    blanket or a couple of tomatoes). Pretty knowledgeable about
    textiles. Will stop by just about any ruins...and usually
    know something about them-know more than my share about the
    Maya. Museums are great and I actually read the exhibit
    signs. Last couple of summers have been spent traveling
    through Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia
    with some interesting people leaving a trail of Dead tapes
    behind us. Go to*
    mr.k_computer_class/mr.k_ex_adv/mr.k_ex_adv_title.htm for
    photos. Summer of Æ96 I was in Guatemala and Mexico. IÆm
    planning to meet up with some of the survivors of my previous
    adventures for various legs of the trip. (4 or 5 of us at
    this point-with another being twisted) Still looking for
    other good folk to join our little band of merry pranksters.
    We could watch each otherÆs backs and luggage. If nothing
    else, maybe we could meet up somewhere for a beer and swap
    stories. My itinerary is pretty open. I go where the
    spirit(usually cheap rum) takes me. By day its beaches,
    museums, jungles and Mayan ruins. By night letÆs see what
    commandments and Old Testament admonishments we can break.
    Looking at doing 3 weeks in Costa Rica..beaches, cloud
    forests and active volcanoes(any virgins want to come
    along?)àfly next to Honduras for a week or so..Bay
    Islandsàdefinitely Copan..then on to Guat for a monthà
    Quiriqua, Tikal, Antigua, Lake Atitlan, Chichicastenango and
    some of the more interesting mountain villages(Momostenango,
    San Francisco El Alto, Nebaj). Let's hear your ideas. IÆm
    open to suggestionsàthe journey is often more important than
    the destination. IÆm easy going (donÆt smoke tobacco..
    well..maybe a cigar in Honduras, do drink and will eat just
    about anything) and hopefully you are too. Fellow Dead Heads
    (working on my play list) and teachers(we can always bitch
    about our students) are particularly welcome. The idea is to
    just have fun, learn and acquire memories for the rest of our
    lives. Times getting shorter so letÆs get planning. Even if
    you canÆt make it and would like to just exchange info,
    thatÆs cool too.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 6:17].

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  137. Water Well Volunteer
    Created by: Rob
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 2:11 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I will be traveling to Guatemala in July & August, & maybe
    till the end of the year, and would like to volunteer to
    help drill water wells for a humanitarin group as this is
    my line of work and I have 6 years experience. Could
    someone please point me in the right direction.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 5:46].

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  138. Great Meat in Panajachel
    Created by: Tom
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 2:06 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I thought I would share this with everyone. Its hard to get
    a good meal in Guatemala especially if you love meat. But I
    just had a great one At Guajimbos in Panajachel, great
    Also can anyone share their suggestions for good food on
    the rest of my trip. Tomorrow I go to San Pedro de la
    Laguna, then on to Antigua, The city, Puerto Barrios, then
    I hope to take a boat to Punta Gorda Belise.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 8:16].

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  139. Yen to colones??
    Created by: djm
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 1:56 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone know if it is easy to exchange yen for colones
    in CR? When travelling in SE Asia I could quite often get
    away with using yen. I'm in Canada at the moment (with a
    handful of yen left from my days in Japan), and would like
    to use this money for a trip to CR and Panama this month,
    but I don't want to lose out on the rates by exchanging yen
    for CD dollars for US dollars for colones. Anyone have any
    experience with this?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 22:51].

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  140. Around Yucatßn
    Created by: Girl from Sweden
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 21:29 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm going to Mexico for three weeks the day after tomorrow.
    I plan to see Puerto Morelos (south of Cancun), Isla
    Mujeres, Palenque, Merida and Tikal(Guatemala). Does anyone
    have any suggestions about what to do, what to see, where
    to stay, where to eat and how to get around et c? I fly
    from Sweden to Cancun and back.
    Thanks in advance!

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 20:25].

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  141. Hammocks...
    Created by: Mike (
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 15:48 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, Mike here with 18 days to go.
    I┤ve started to think about hammocks, a month ago I
    wouldn┤t even consider it but now it┤s a definite
    possibility. It┤s cheap, It looks comfortable, It┤s easy
    but the big question: Is it safe???
    I┤ve gotten the impression that you, most of the time, pay
    someone at a hotel or similar for the right to hang your
    hammock at their porch. If that is the case can you lock
    your backpack and valuables in the hotel? Has anyone had
    any bad experiences sleeping in a hammock? Does anyone have
    some practical tips perhaps?
    Thank you in advance...

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 9:44].

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  142. spanish schools in Guat
    Created by: johnny
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 2:52 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I┤m in Guatamala looking for a good spanish school. There
    are so many here i was wonndering if anyone could recommend
    one that they may have been to.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 4:10].

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  143. Costa Rica
    Created by: julie (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 23:00 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, I was wondering if there is anyone that knows of any
    organizations/places in Costa Rica( in the San Jose/Cartago
    region) that have a need for volunteers? I'd rather help
    out a smaller place, because they have less help and more
    need for it than bigger organizations.Any ideas, past
    P.S. Any recommendations for places to see and stay at
    during july/august, being a very low budgeted student?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 9:19].

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  144. Overland through CA
    Created by: Laura and Olly (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 10:30 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We are thinking of traveling overland from the US to Costa
    Rica. In June and July. We would love to hear any
    comments. How feasible it is, how much it is likely to
    cost, if the weather is likely to impossible/impassable etc
    or any other real barriers or tips.
    Alternatively, we are really flexible, so if you have any
    ideas about other routes or itineries they would also be
    We are interested in hearing about diving in Guatemala and
    Costa Rica. Are there any excellent backpacker travel
    services specialising in trips through CA, or are we best
    traveling by bus?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 10 May, 5:48].

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    Created by: CJ (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 8:45 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I have 3 weeks in travel S Mexico, Guate and El Salvador. I
    want to take a Spanish course in Mexico for a week and then
    my husband will meet me and we will continue on into Guate
    and down to ES.The reason that I am thinking of taking the
    Spanish in Mexico is that I am not wanting to travel by
    myself in Guate to another city and then have to meet my
    huband a week later.
    Any suggestions for a safe and interesting place to take
    Spanish in Mexico? Or is it practical to think of flying
    into Guatemala city and then onto Flores? And perhaps taking
    spanish there?
    Any suggested routes to travel down to Guate on the bus
    from Mexico?
    Sounds like we don't want to miss Lake Atilan and Tikal.
    My husband is wanting to have some serious beach lounging
    too, so any suggestions for nice beaches in Guate or is ES
    the place for that?
    I have a lot of questions and not much time to plan!!! Any
    advice would be appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 6:22].

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  146. How safe is Guatemala?
    Created by: Troodon (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 3:19 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm planning on visiting Guatemala this November and am
    trying to find details of the area. On my definitely going
    to visit list are Lake Atitlan, Tikal, and Copan in
    Honduras. I'm trying to find out how safe it is around
    there; I've heard conflicting stories ranging form "no
    problem at all" to "your life is constantly at risk."
    Anyone who's been there recently know for sure? What's the
    actual level of risk? How easy is it to avoid? Is it
    basically safe as long as your careful? Let me know if you
    can. I'm trying to dissuade my parents' fears and would
    like some hard facts to base my arguments on.

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 12:24].

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  147. Beaches in Ecuador
    Created by: lazy and pasty
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 19:49 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I've been doing my research on Ecuador like a good pre-
    tourist, but I'm not finding much on swimming-lying-on-sand
    beaches. Any opinions?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 10:03].

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  148. Not your ordinary gringa
    Created by: Single Asian female
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 19:42 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Curious to hear opinions of any travelers of Asian descent
    who've been to Central America (particularly Costa Rica,
    Ecuador, Belize) -- I read a post by someone who spent a
    month in Belize and reported that she was treated pretty
    much like shit because she was "Chinese-looking". So am I,
    and I sort of want to avoid that kind of vacation. I
    traveled through West Africa for two years where I became
    familiar with having people pick on my identity in ways
    more offensive than the mere "gringo" epithet, so it's not
    as if I don't have a clue; I just want to get a feel of
    Central America's take on non-Anglos. And while I'm at it,
    I might as well ask on behalf of one of my traveling
    companions how African-Americans are received in CA.

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 2:46].

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  149. Panama - Budget Hike in the Rainforest
    Created by: Lider
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 7:57 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Click below for a 3-part series describing in full detail
    and instructions a 3-day rainforest hike near the
    Panamerican highway at Penonome. This is a budget ($6 to
    $20 per day depending on options) trip. It is meant for
    the adventuresome and culturally sensitive traveler who has
    more time than money and can put up with primitive
    accomodations in exchange for a very autentic and extremely
    not-on-the-beaten-path experience. A WORKING KNOWLEDGE OF

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 8:04].

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  150. Driving in Mexico
    Created by: jk55 (
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 4:15 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Although technically, Mexico is in North America, I posted
    this here because most posts regarding Mexico seem to be
    placed here rather than on the North American board.
    I have recently returned from spending two weeks in Mexico.
    This trip focussed on visiting some of the old colonial
    cities. I took an old model Suzuki Samurai [late '80's] on
    the trip and had a great time seeing many parts of northern
    and central Mexico. Didn't make it down to Oaxaca or time.
    Crossed through Laredo and took the carretera libre
    [4-lanes] and bypassed Monterrey entirely. Headed down
    through San Luis Potosi [dry and incredibly dusty during recommendation is "avoid it" during April-June] and
    then drove to Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende. BOTH
    Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende are highly worth
    visiting. The best thing about these cities is the
    architecture and the narrow streets where you can walk and
    look in the windows of stores actually built to the scale of
    a real person [rather than a giant]. If you go to these
    cities, you should take some time to walk all around and
    look at the details of architecture. San Miguel's streets
    are laid out in a grid while "a drunk cow" laid out
    Guanojuato's streets.
    The fun thing about *driving* in Guanajuato is that I wound
    up driving in the Subterranea not exactly intentionally!!!!
    What is the Subterranea? It is an amazing system of
    underground streets [one thoroughfare and some small
    branches] that were built, many years ago, under the city.
    It's one way. The traffic that goes the other way travels
    above ground. You just sort of come into town and if you
    drive long enough, you'll wind up in the Subterranea!!!! The
    Subterranea is a mild adventure...they don't exactly grow
    roses down there and the traffic goes about 10 mph, but you
    haven't lived until you've tunnelled!
    From Guanajuato I drove westward to Patzcuaro in Michoacan.
    Patzcuaro is neat. Some of the buildings in the old town
    square were built in the mid 1500's. It's a small town with
    a lot of souvenir shops. If you're there on a weekday,
    you'll avoid the crowds from Mexico City and have the place
    almost to yourself.
    From Patzcuaro, I went to Uruapan, also in Michoacan. This
    is a pleasant city in the middle of an avocado-growing
    region. A large number of the people of Uruapan have worked
    in the United States so it's sort of a "little United
    States." The climate is great [like California] and lodging
    at the Hotel Alaska on the outskirts of town was pleasant
    and affordable. Not exactly an architectural highlight, but
    it's a pleasant place to just kick back and relax.
    From Uruapan I drove a circuitous route designed to *avoid*
    Mexico City. I had several reasons for this. The first is
    that I was by myself [safety] and the second is that my
    family has a history of respiratory problems and I needed to
    avoid the horrible pollution in Mexico City. Also, didn't
    really care to put up with the traffic.
    The next interesting destination that I had was Taxco. The
    best thing to do in Taxco is to park the car at a hotel and
    walk around, as the streets are extremely narrow and more
    crowded, with less parking than those of Guanajuato.
    Bring a little $cheese$ to Taxco - it's the center of the
    silver smithing industry in Mexico. My short visit was lots
    of fun.
    From Taxco, I drove down to Puebla [didn't stop except for
    gas - large cities aren't my thing] and from Puebla took the
    toll road down to Veracruz. I highly recommend this drive
    for anyone who enjoys viewing natural transitions [ecotones]
    because you go from a relatively dry highland to the
    rainiest area in Mexico within a couple of hours as you
    drive down the eastern slope of the Eastern Sierra.
    The only questionable thing that I observed in Mexico
    happened on this autopista [toll highway]. There was a guy
    lying smack in the middle of the right lane of the highway!
    Fortunately, I saw him in time and got in the other lane. He
    was in his early 20's, pretty big, and wasn't visibly
    injured or anything. He had two buddies close by. I asked
    a local if this was the way that people commit suicide, and
    he said, no, that this is a scam. The guy and his buddies
    were waiting for some "good samaritan" to stop and "render
    assistance" to the guy who was lying down in the middle of
    the highway. Then they would all gang up and rob the "good
    samaritan." My source said that this scam is common on the
    autopistas that surround Mexico City. travelers,
    be careful of this scam. I did a lot of my traveling on the
    free highways and never saw anything of the sort. I think
    this scam mainly happens on the autopistas.
    Got into Veracruz after an overnight stay shortly before
    Veracruz and spent a very enjoyable two days looking around
    the city. There are loads of internet cafes in Veracruz,
    and access runs 10 pesos per hour [approximately $1.20].
    There are also lots of pretty tropical plants and the
    weather is HOT!
    From Veracruz, I drove back home on the eastern coastal
    route [start out on highway 180]. The 150 miles or so north
    of Veracruz are the prettiest. There are a couple great
    beaches in this area, but I'm not going to tell you exactly
    where, because they're so secluded. They're Gulf beaches,
    so the waves aren't too high but at least they're bigger
    than on the Gulf Coast of Florida.
    Then you pass through citrus-growing country, some
    agricultural land, some pasture, and then there are some
    very pretty fields of sorghum in Tamaulipas, right before
    you come to the U.S. border crossing at Matamoros. This
    area used to grow cotton, but there were too many pest
    problems, and so sorghum is grown instead. The red heads of
    the sorghum make for very picturesque fields.
    By the way, some knowledge of Spanish helps a lot in
    obtaining luxuries such as food, gas and hotel rooms.
    All in all, had a great time, and can't wait to go
    "traveling" again.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 13:50].

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  151. Guatemala or Equador
    Created by: Rowena (
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 1:10 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My friend and I are travelling this July. We are trying to
    decide between Equador and Guatemala. Can you all help us?
    Could you give a good comparison between the two i.e.
    prices, weather, things to see, etc. Thanks!!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 9:00].

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  152. Doe anyone know...
    Created by: arthur (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 19:48 Korumburra Standard Time]

    of any recommended language schools in Costa Rica - ideally
    intensive Spanish for a few weeks with lodging? Thanking you
    in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 14 May, 8:26].

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  153. Where would you Honeymoon?
    Created by: Sheila (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 2:01 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Where would you go for your honeymoon if you could pick a
    small hotel in a beautiful and somewhat remote village on a
    beach for a honeymoon? Fishing, ruins, diving, and hiking
    are desirable.
    This 30ish couple are no longer students so can afford
    moderate prices. They will have only one week's stay during
    the last week of July, and I have the assignment to create a
    couple of itineraries to offer them. Two recommendations so
    far: Capt. Swizze (sp?) near Tamarindo, Costa Rica; and Las
    Chozas near Troncones, Mexico. Look forward to your

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 10:28].

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  154. Guatemala language schools diving
    Created by: Bry Japan (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 23:39 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm thinking about going to Guatemala for a while. So, how
    many weeks is a good amount to spend at a lanuguage school?
    I was thinking about four weeks or so. Is Xela really the
    un-sceney place it claims to be? I've never done an
    intensive language course before. After studying German for
    five years I have a feeling that fluency requires more than
    four weeks of instruction. I find reports of instruction,
    room/board for $100 week a bit far fetched after what I'e
    been reading. Will I have trouble getting into a school in
    August without a reservation? Forgive me, I'm now in a land
    without cheap access to books in Eglish. How far away is
    Xela from Guat. City?
    Have any of y'all done a beginning diving course in
    Guatemala or is it better to just head to Belize. What about
    Lastly, Nancy if you're out there. How do you know so much
    about Guatemala?
    Bryan Japan

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sun 9 May, 7:58].

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  155. Cheap airfares via the internet
    Created by: Ali
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 23:07 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I have checked out some of the travel/airfare sites on
    the internet including those that try to find the cheapest
    airfare to match your departure and arrival destinations.
    However, they tend to be geared towards advertising packages
    rather than for the independent traveller who just wants to
    get from A to B as cheaply as possible. Also they seem to be
    very US (or major city) oriented.
    Can anybody recommend a simple, banner-free, frame-free,
    elegantly designed site (probably asking too much) which
    does this:
    Given a month, departure city and arrival city it returns a
    list of cheap direct flights in that month or cheap flights
    with stop-overs. eg I might be interested in finding the
    cheapest August 1999 flight(s) that will take me from
    Auckland NZ to Mexico City.

    [Posts on this topic: 1. Latest post: Fri 7 May, 0:48].

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  156. Mexico Highlights...
    Created by: Lynda (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 18:17 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am travelling to Mexico for three weeks, can anyone
    comment on the places i MUST visit, amd whether Copper
    Canyon is worth getting to.
    Also, how true is it that women are still not accepted in
    the Cantinas?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Sun 9 May, 23:21].

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  157. Dog Papers
    Created by: Allen
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 15:58 Korumburra Standard Time]

    What do you need to bring a dog into Guate. permanantly?
    I brought my dog to Guate. last august for a visit but am
    planning to move now and I know that the customs guy was
    real serious about telling me that I could not leave the
    dog when I left. That time we came by plane but now we will
    be coming by truck. Probably at la Mesilla.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 9:12].

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  158. Help Needed
    Created by: homegirl
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 13:23 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Can all of you please suggest some good websites where any
    good travel experiences, pictures, or travel diary is kept?
    I'm talking about either personal sites or a site that has
    this sort of thing from people's contributions. Thanks in

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 10 May, 23:51].

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  159. education in mexico
    Created by: Jim (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 2:32 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Help! I need to correspond with someone who knows something
    about the Mexican educational system. Someone who has been
    through it would be great or any information or feelings on
    it would be welcome.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Sun 9 May, 4:52].

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  160. Relaxing in Belize
    Created by: Rosella
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 2:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I spent a lot of time in Asia travelling around. I don't
    expect Belize to be anything like it but I'm looking for
    the Belize equivalent of a lovely beach, cheap and mellow
    accomodation where I can hang my hammock. I enjoy spending
    time with locals and other travellers. Can anyone recommend
    a couple of areas within Belize (or even Central America)
    that fit the above description.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Tue 11 May, 12:47].

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  161. Pueto Vallarta - tell me about it?
    Created by: Wanda (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 22:59 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Any info on PV - weather through to what the atmosphere is
    really like - please let me know!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 11:53].

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  162. Mosquitos
    Created by: Katie (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 22:29 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Am slightly confused given the huge variety of Mosquito repellents around - what should I use - 100% Deet - should i use this on my skin and clothes....
    Thanks for any advice you may have
    (P.S. I am going round Guatemala, Costa Rica and Mexico)

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 12:36].

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  163. Cyber Cafes
    Created by: John
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 12:21 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone know if there are internet cafes in Merida,
    Mexico? If so what part of town, or what are they close to.
    Any info would be a great help.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 21 May, 1:58].

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  164. 5 de Mayo
    Created by: Luis (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 9:23 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Who came up with the idea that 5 de Mayo was celebrated by
    Latinos everywhere, as the Lonely Planet home proudly
    I am from Colombia and never heard of 5 de Mayo until I
    came to the US...I understand it isn't even a big deal in
    Mexico ( compared to september 16th) Is that Right?
    And to LP webmaster RESEARCH!!! Not all latinos eat tacos

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 2:35].

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  165. Hepatitis
    Created by: Joe
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 9:14 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Travelling to Guatemala for 3 weeks. Staying with a family
    for one or two then on my own to Tikal, maybe to a village
    around Lake Atitlan. Are hepatitis shots necessary ? Is
    malaria a serious threat ? Do you know any websites that
    deal with these kinds of medical issues ? Thanks to all.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 6 May, 7:45].

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  166. Central America on a tight budget
    Created by: Aisling (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 4:09 Korumburra Standard Time]

    In September my friend and I plan to travel to Mexico and
    from there to CA then SA. We will only have 3/4 weeks in
    mexico and want to know which places are are worth visiting
    bearing in mind a friend will have to fly out of Cancun.
    We like to take it easy so i guess cheap places near the
    beach is what we are after.
    We don't know if we should change our sterling to US$ or
    just get sterling travellers cheques, does anyone know if
    Sterling is widely accepted.
    We plan to go to Guatemala and do a spanish course and then
    we want to go to the orphanage in Rio Dulce, has anyone
    been there? We were planning on spending 2-3 months there
    as consistency is best for the kids.
    I would be grateful for any information on any of the above.
    Thanks in advance

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 6 May, 1:31].

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  167. Costa Rica vs. Ecuador
    Created by: Kirsti (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 3:42 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Trying to decide which of the two is better for a one month
    visit in July. Money is definitely a factor (my friend and
    I are on very limited budgets), but of course, if the more
    expensive country is significantly more appealing than the
    cheaper one, then I'd rather pay more and get more. What
    I'm looking for in particular: friendly locals and not too
    many tourists (I've backpacked in Africa, the Middle East,
    and Southeast Asia, and I almost always had a better time
    when I wasn't completely surrounded by others doing the same
    things I was).
    If you've been to both countries, I'd LOVE to hear which you
    recommend. Thanks for your help!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 5 May, 23:10].

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  168. Cycling through Chiappas and Yucatan
    Created by: Elke (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 1:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I plan a 4 week trip to Chiappas and Yucatan together with
    my boy-friend and my bike, yeahh !. However, I read in a
    book that biking in Mexico can be somewhat dangerous,
    because of the traffic. I also used to camp for free on my
    other trips, but I am not sure, whether this is possible in
    Mexico, without being robbed.
    Do you have any information for me about the traffic on the
    roads in Chiappas and Yucatan ? and about the safety in the
    woods ??
    Thank you !!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 23:44].

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  169. "Fear and Loathing in Mexico" ??
    Created by: Depp & del Toro
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 0:39 Korumburra Standard Time]

    What are the greatest dangers for travellers in Mexico in your opinion??
    ( E.g. ; crime, robbery, assault, pickpockets, spiders, snakes, fraud, swindle, illness, disease, mosquito, heat-stroke, car accidents, etc.)
    I do look forward to get there but you know -
    " Insight with foresight"
    Johnny & Benicio

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 10 May, 21:59].

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  170. Fantasies
    Created by: Dreamer (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 0:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Am I dreaming, or did I see somewhere that it is possible
    to get serious discounts with a student card at some bus
    companies in Mexico? Confirmation of my fantasy would be
    much appreciated. And what have been the best student deals
    for you in Central America??

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 11:06].

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  171. August in Mexico and Guatemala
    Created by: Vittoria
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 23:08 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am planning to spend four weeks travelling around Mexico
    and Guatemale this summer and I really need your advice!
    First of all, what are the things we really should not miss?
    Do you think we will have problems in finding accomodation?
    I am going with my boyfriend and we plan to sleep in budget
    /middle price hotels.
    What are the best places to visit around Atitlan lake?
    We want to go to Tikal and spend one night there to have
    more time to visit the ruins. Is it better to go on our own
    or with a tour? If so, can you suggest a good agency? I
    have read a lot about Nancy, is she as good as it seems?
    When we go to Tikal, is it worth going to Ceibal too?
    Is Valladolid worth a visit? And what about Campeche?
    Thanx a lot for your help!

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 5:48].

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  172. Medical Clerkship in Guatemala
    Created by: Anke (
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 19:57 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I┤m a medical student from Heidelberg and I will stay for two month in Guatemala in summer. To pass my second clinical exam I have to absolve 120 days of medical clerkship. I would like to spend 2 or 3 weeks of my time in Guatemala for working at a local hospital or clinic. Is there anybody who has experience in absolving a clinical clerkship or a clinical elective in Guatemala and would e-mail me some adresses of Hospitals or clinics? Any suggestions how I could get in contact with a clinic via Internet? Any info would be greatly appreciated!
    Please drop me a mail!
    Grⁿ▀e aus Heidelberg Anke

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 10 May, 5:40].

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  173. Southn Chile in Aug/Sept?
    Created by: Sharyn (
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 15:09 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I plan on being in Chile in late August and early September
    and have heard about the great boat trips along the
    Southern Coast through fjiords and up to glaciers etc.
    Living in the tropics, I am unsure about the extreme of the
    winter that might be experienced here and amd anxious to
    hear from travellers who may have ventured this far South
    in the winter. Is it feasible and worthwhile? I would be
    grateful for some first hand information. Sharyn.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 6 May, 0:17].

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  174. Pavones to Bocas Del Toro
    Created by: CV (
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 6:33 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My husband and I are taking 3 weeks in July to go to Pavones (he wants to surf) and Bocas Del Toro (I want to drink beer and read books on the beach).
    Is it better to rent a 4x4 and drive down the Pacific Coast of CR and then drive across the border and ferry it over to Bocas or should we just fly and bus it? Any idea about the price difference? How long does either take?
    Also, do we need to take Malaria pills?
    Any suggestions of places to stay in either area?
    Any ideas about what to expect from the weather in either place in July?
    Any answers would be helpful!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 12:02].

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  175. Cyber Cafes
    Created by: John (
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 22:25 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I was wondering if anyone knows if there are cyber cafes in
    Merida, Mexico. Never been to Mexico, so I dont know what
    they have to offer. And if there is one, or a few of them,
    list location, or where they are next too, and maybe the
    name if posible. Thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 7 May, 8:15].

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  176. spanish in panama
    Created by: stefan (
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 4:09 Korumburra Standard Time]

    does anybody know a cheap language school around Panama
    Thanks for your help

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 4:06].

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  177. Teaching English
    Created by: mp (
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 2:00 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm heading back down to CA this fall, and was wondering if
    anyone could share experiences of teaching english WITHOUT
    a certificate. I am looking at Guatemala. I would
    appreciate any info.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 6 May, 11:07].

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  178. San Jose - Tikal - Merida
    Created by: Susanne (
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 0:46 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Further down Nancy wrote, that you can fly from Guatamala City to Tikal for $ 59. Does anyone know of travelagencies to contact in CA and what the price would be if we combine this with San Jose, CR as starting point and go to Merida/Cancun after Tikal (probably we'll have to fly via Guatamala City/Mexico City).
    Thanks in advance

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 10:28].

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  179. Advice Please ... Sleeping Bag ...
    Created by: Jerry
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 15:25 Korumburra Standard Time]

    To bring or not to bring...
    1)Headed to the highlands of Guatemala within a week. Last time I was there was around january and I was verry chilly. I am wondering if the temperatures this time of year warrant bringing a sleepng bag ... anyone....?
    2) Bay Islands, Honduras. shgould I bring a mosquito net or are they generally supplied at places to stay?
    Do these items merit carrying the extra cargo?
    Those of you who have ever felt foolish squeezing through a crowded central american busses with a big bag migh be able to sympathise.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 10:18].

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  180. Travelers Cheques...
    Created by: Mike (
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 15:14 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, trip┤s payed and 26 days to go. Now my problem is wich
    travelers cheques to choose! I┤ve narrowed it down to Visa
    or American Express. I have a Visa card. I┤ve been to the
    bank┤s counselling but the bitch couldn┤t give me a
    straight answer to the costs involved when cashing them and
    soforth. I think I┤ve read somewhere that American Express
    is more widely spread than Visa in CA, is that true. Does
    American Express cost less than Visa. I┤d love to hear your
    experience┤s. Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Sun 9 May, 6:39].

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  181. arriving in San Jose
    Created by: Lynda
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 13:47 Korumburra Standard Time]

    hi all! i'm flying into san jose, CR ~8PM and needing to
    get myself into a hotel for the night. the airport's a bit
    out of town, so i'm wondering: is it easy enough to get into
    san jose? should I bus, or what's a reasonable price for a
    taxi? how about alajuela? has anyone stayed in the place
    with the treehouses (tuetal lodge)? should i book something
    ahead of time? bob- you seem to think tica linda's a great
    place. do you have a contact e-mail, fax or phone? thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 14:59].

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  182. spainish schools is quetzaltenango
    Created by: john (
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 10:51 Korumburra Standard Time]

    i am looking for a spanish school, that can provide a one
    on one teaching,along with accomandation with a local
    family. I would appreicate any feedback or suggestion for
    schools in quetzaletenanago, Guate.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 7 May, 10:09].

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  183. Can. Money in Belize
    Created by: CL
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 8:05 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I read you can cash Canadian T.C's in Belize, anyone out
    there know if this is possible?. Have you done this?. Any
    info would be great. Thanx

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sun 2 May, 17:51].

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  184. tips for American travelers
    Created by: Michael Morton (
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 4:55 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, I am writng an article on whether or not traveling is
    becoming increasingly risky for Americans given today's
    global context. I was wondering if anyone had more unusual
    or non by-the-books advice for American travelers on how to
    maintain a low profile. The tips can apply to a whole
    region/continent or be site-specific. Humorous suggestions
    or anecdotes are also welcome. Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 4:21].

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  185. Vehicle imports into Guate.
    Created by: Allen
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 13:35 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I would like to here experiences of ones who have recently,
    last 6 months, driven thru Mexico straight to Guate.
    Especially any who have imported a vehicle and nacionalized
    it. Car, pickup, box truck, bus or any kind of other
    vehicle. How much did it cost you for Mexico permits,
    propinas,gas,fumigations,etc.? And then for Guate how much
    did you spend for the window sticker,if they still have
    that, other fees and if you nacionalized your vehicle how
    much import, VAT, and other fees and permits? Also what
    percentage import duty paid and how was the value
    It has been 5 yrs. since I last drove to Guate. from Texas.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 10:35].

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    Created by: Mike Schvarcz (
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 10:10 Korumburra Standard Time]


    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 5 May, 11:41].

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  187. Amebas Profesional advice
    Created by: allen
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 12:43 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I ve heard plenty of home remidies and old wives tales
    about amebas. I even got very sick last year in Guate from
    pharmacuticals and had to get a quick flight back to the
    My Question is: From a medically educated person, what are
    amebas, are they just everywhere in Guate,or are they only
    present when veggies have been irigated with contaminated
    Would it be safe to eat raw lettuce theoretically & in real
    life if the lettuce was never irrigated but relied only on

    [Posts on this topic: 11. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 3:47].

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  188. strange white spots
    Created by: spot
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 11:05 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I've recently returned to Canada after 4 months in Costa Rica.
    I now have white spots on my chest and back which
    I didn't have before I left.
    Someone said this is a kind of fungus that come from
    the ocean, (or costal areas?).
    Has anyone ever heard of this or know how to
    get rid of it?

    [Posts on this topic: 10. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 18:11].

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  189. CR/Bocas del Toro
    Created by: Hilary
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 2:41 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi all,
    I'm travelling to Costa Rica next week from Canada and have
    noticed quite a few people raving about the Bocas del Toro
    in Panama. Can i have some more info- is there cheap
    accomodation there? So many nice islands have big hotels,
    but most people have said that this is more undeveloped.
    Just wanted to check before catching the bus to Panama! Any
    Canadians have trouble with visas for Panama? Can i get one
    in San Jose?
    I think someone else was talking about this too, but really,
    do i need anti-malarials? I hate taking them but will if

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Thu 6 May, 7:50].

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  190. MONEY?
    Created by: amy (
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 2:36 Korumburra Standard Time]

    i have what could be a silly question... when travelling in
    guatemala and costa rica, is it best to use american dollars
    or the local currency? i'm canadian and any info would be
    really helpful. as well what about travellers cheques or
    ATM? thanx for the help!!! (:

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 18:46].

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  191. Costa Rica/Panama Bound
    Created by: dana
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 2:16 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Thanks to all for the ideas on places to go and things to do
    in Panama. I have a few more questions before I depart.
    The big issue for me now is money. Am I going to need US
    TCs, or will Canadian be OK? Does it matter if they are
    issued by Visa or Amex? Are ATMs reliable/plentiful?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 10 May, 15:14].

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  192. baja
    Created by: bianca (
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 April, 23:52 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We are planning to visit Baja California around 19 - 24
    July. The week before we are in San Diego.
    Is a regular car OK to travel down south? Do europeans need
    visas? We have only about a week - we have to be back in San
    Diego about 25 July.
    Is Mulege a nice place to stay? Can you recommend Hotel Cabo
    San Lucas for this short trip? Cabo Pulmo? El Cardonel?
    Happy travels!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 5 May, 14:42].

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  193. "Big trouble in little Mexico"
    Created by: V. Vega
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 April, 22:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Fellow traveler's !!!!
    I hope this isn`t an improper question.
    I am wondering how the legislation is in Mexico and Guatemala. Particularly regarding weed, pot and similar. It's not important too me, but it would be nice to know if you could get into a lot of trouble if you accidentally come across it, and even more accidentally get caught!
    What about driving? Do one need a driver's license, and do they accept any nationality? Is it safe?
    Is it easy to get σ place to sleep if you get too Mexico C airport around 1900. Is MexCity safe that late ??
    C U

    [Posts on this topic: 12. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 19:05].

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  194. Mexico - Language and Trip-tips
    Created by: Geir (
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 April, 16:59 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hey Everyone!
    We are four Norwegian boys travelling to Mexico for 4-5 weeks in July/August. We would bee grateful for any information, especially concerning;
    - We don't speak any Spanish. Is that a huge problem?
    - Enjoyable places.
    - Places to go if we look for "fun & sun" (not all too commercial), given our language limitation.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Sun 9 May, 7:07].

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  195. Guatamala
    Created by: Buck
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 8:16 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I wanna go to Guatamala. Anyone know of a cool place to

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sun 2 May, 12:59].

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  196. Night bus from G.C. to Xela?
    Created by: Big W
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 3:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Anybody know if there's bus service from Guatemala City to
    Xela after 7:00 pm? I checked the transportation page on
    the Xelapages site, but it appears that at least the
    last pullman service bus is at 7:00pm. Any ideas? We'd
    like to make it to Xela after our plane arrives at about

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Mon 3 May, 6:36].

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  197. Safety in Antigua
    Created by: Heath
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 2:15 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hello - I know this issue is touched upon often on this
    board, but I'm trying to decide how safe I'll be as a solo
    female traveler in Antigua (I plan on studying Spanish
    there). Have there been any problems in that area recently?
    I'm pretty sure that if I use my head I'll be fine, but my
    family is concerned.... Thanks for any input on this!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 18 May, 22:34].

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  198. Late arrival...
    Created by: Mike (
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 0:24 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, I┤ll arrive at La Aurora, Guatemala City, next month
    around eight in the evening ("PM" i think most of you call
    it). My original plans were to take a bus or taxi to
    Antigua the same night and there try to find a hotel. Now
    however I┤m starting to think that maybe I┤ll expose my
    self to more danger then necessary. A better idea would
    perhaps be to stay at one of the hotels nearby the airport.
    Does anyone have any thoughts on this. Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 30 April, 15:07].

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  199. Expat in Mexico
    Created by: Sam
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 22:14 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My wife and I took an early retirement, sold all our
    assets,bought a pop-up trailer and set out to explore.After
    4 months of camping from state to state we arrived in
    Mexico.We travelled around Mexico for a couple of months
    and than settled in the old colonial heart of beautiful,
    modern Queretaro in central Mexico.We rented a casa and
    settled down to a peaceful, inexpensive lifestyle. Even
    though we don't work our days are full and never boring.
    If I can be of assistence to others of you out there who
    may be thinking of doing something similiar I would be
    happy.Please feel free to ask me any questions.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sun 2 May, 5:22].

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  200. guatemala-costa rica-colombia
    Created by: amy (
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 13:58 Korumburra Standard Time]

    was wondering if anyone could help me out. i'm planning on
    going to guatemal for july and then on to costa rica and
    colombia, but not necessarily in that order. my question is
    that as my time is limited (only can stay until end of
    august-have to get back for school)does anyone know how much
    does it cost to fly from guatemala to CR, and from CR to
    colombia? or Guatemala to Colombia? and is there anything
    that i absolutely have to see in a brief stay in CR? want to
    relax, meet fanatabulous people and have an amazing time!
    thank you so much... have fun travelling (: amy

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 28 April, 5:11].

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    Created by: tomas (
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 8:37 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi friends,
    I just wanna make sure that everyone which has an e-mail
    account from Hotmail, knows that this company is owned by
    Microsoft, which in turn is mainly owned by Bill Gates.
    I believe this guy is already too rich and powerfull to be
    receiving money from you; travel lovers.
    If you don't feel like supporting Bill Gates then please
    switch your e-mail account to any other free-supplier:, yahoo, lycos, mailexcite, altavista, etc
    muchos saludos and fight monopolies !!

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Thu 29 April, 11:01].

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  202. Trouble with humidity
    Created by: Suzanne (
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 5:38 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I was in Leon Guanajuato in January. It was beautiful and
    I am considering going back to teach English for a year or
    so. For a very picturesque visit, I would reccommend
    Guanajuato City. It's very colonial and has been preseved
    very well. Also, San Juan de Los Lagos is really
    interesting, with the second most important cathedral in
    Mexico. It was very impressive.
    My problem seems kind of bizarre in that I'm from a very
    dry part of Canada, and I was unaccustomed to the
    humidity. My skin and hair were terribly greasy the entire
    time I was there. I was wondering if someone has a
    suggestion for me to fix this strange little problem?

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 4:38].

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  203. puerta vallarta
    Created by: Brian (
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 5:15 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I plan on travelling down the west coast of mexico, into
    guatemala, belize, and back up along the east coast. I'm
    flying into Puerta vallarta because it's very cheap airfare
    from denver, but are there any cheap places to stay, like
    campgrounds? Any info about that, or advice for the entire
    trip would be much appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Sun 2 May, 5:33].

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  204. Public Health Volunteer Work
    Created by: Hillary
    [Timestamp: Mon 26 April, 7:31 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am an R.N. working on my master's degree at UCLA in
    International Public Health. I want to do a summer
    internship in Central or South American and I speak Spanish.
    So far I have not found a program. Are any of you aware of
    someone to contact regarding this. I am especially
    interested in maternal and child care. Thank you.

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Wed 28 April, 5:15].

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  205. tattoo
    Created by: mp (
    [Timestamp: Mon 26 April, 7:25 Korumburra Standard Time]

    In case anyone is in Antigua, Guatemala and wants a new
    tattie for cheap, go to 69. I watched the artist change
    sterile needles and he is very talented. The store is also
    into piercings and the couple is really cool. I have my
    tattoo now since October, it healed perfectly.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 11:53].

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  206. CR Trekking
    Created by: Elia (
    [Timestamp: Mon 26 April, 6:13 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Want to trek for about three days in CR. This would include
    sleeping in the jungle, not in a lodge. Anyone know of an
    outfitter that does this? Thanx Elia

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 15 May, 8:20].

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  207. Mexico City to Acapulco
    Created by: Alan
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 20:19 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone know if it's possible to get a taxi or bus from
    Mexico City Airport to Acapulco in the evening.
    If so, how much would it cost - a flight is about $120 US
    if I book in the UK

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 19:33].

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  208. Spanish School Antigua or Xela?
    Created by: Dale
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 13:46 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I want to go to school in Guatemala but cant decide Antigua
    or Xela.
    Please give me your comments.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Thu 20 May, 14:38].

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  209. taxis at guat. city airport
    Created by: milla
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 13:11 Korumburra Standard Time]

    i'd really appreciate any tips . . .
    i'm a young female who will be travelling to guatemala
    alone this summer . . and i am TERRIFIED of getting out of
    the airport and not knowing what to do. i have a place to
    stay for the night, but i've heard so many stories about
    being harassed at the airport, having my baggage/money
    stolen, and running into dishonest carriers/drivers.
    can anyone tell me how i can find an honest cab driver
    outside the airport?

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 12:23].

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  210. Guate - San Jose
    Created by: Jesse
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 8:50 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi !
    In July, I will take the bus Guatemala City - San Jose via
    El Salvador. How much would it cost ? Is there a company
    that runs night busses ? Do they drive in the weekends (day
    or/and night) ?
    Also, how much is a plane ticket (one way) Guatemala City -
    San Jose ?
    Thanks !

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Tue 27 April, 9:09].

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  211. Unreasonable cancellation policy?
    Created by: beetleboy (
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 4:28 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My wife and I leave for Costa Rica in two weeks, and I made
    reservations on-line last night for the Costa Verde hotel in
    Manuel Antonio. However, in their reply to my request, they
    asked that to confirm the reservation we provide them with
    our credit card number and fax back a signed authorization.
    Now, I have no problem with that, but their cancellation
    policy is that if you cancel within 14 days of your
    reservation, you forfeit the total amount of the booking. My
    question is this: Do all hotels there have similar
    cancellation policies?
    Also, since we will be traveling in the rainy season,
    actually arriving in Man. Ant. on a Monday when the park is
    closed, could we get away with not making a reservation at
    this hotel at all and just show up? Any answers would be
    greatly appreciated. Feel free to e-mail replies.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 3 May, 1:57].

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  212. Rain
    Created by: Penny
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 1:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I want to go to Central America in August (Mexico,
    Guatemala). However this seems to be the rainy season. Does
    anyone know how rainy rainy means?? Does it drizzle all day
    like in England or just tip down for a hour or so then stop?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 27 April, 9:04].

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  213. Up to date prices in Mexico / Guatemala
    Created by: Jean-Marc (
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 22:05 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I will spend 4 weeks in south Mexico and in Guatemala in
    next aug/sept. Can anyone give me an idea of up-to-date
    prices for stuffs like the following (that will help me to
    establish a budget) :
    - flight Guate City-Flores
    - bus/taxi from Cancun airport to downtown
    - Chichen Itza entrance
    - Bus Campeche-Palenque
    - Bus San Cristobal de las Casas-Antigua
    - Tikal entrance
    - typical lunch (I mean in a small comedor, and eating like
    locals do) in Mex ? in Guate ?
    - typical dinner (I mean in a small comedor, and eating
    like locals do) in Mex ? in Guate ?
    - a breakfast in Mex ? in Guate ?
    - a night in a cheap hotel (a budget one but at least clean
    and with hot water at one moment of the day) in Mex ? in
    Guate ?
    - bottle of Coke, in Mex ? in Guate ?
    - bottle of beer in a restaurant, in Mex ? in Guate ?
    - postcard postage to Europe in Mex ? in Guate ?
    - a postcard in Mex ? in Guate ?
    - a Film for Camera in Mex ? in Guate ?
    - 1 Telefon-call Campeche-Palenque
    - 1 Telefon call Antigua-Flores
    - Taxiride within Guate City
    - bus from Guate City downtown to airport
    - Airport international taxes in Mex ? in Guate ?
    - a rafting day trip near Antigua
    Thanks in advance for any help

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 19:54].

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  214. Mexican Busses
    Created by: Chet
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 14:33 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am going to travel from Nuevo Laredo to Mexico City by bus
    in mid May. Due to a very tight schedule I am trying to get
    some specific info beforehand. My only experience with this
    route was on the train - which was waaay too slow. If anyone
    has recent information (approximate time, cost, and bus line
    suggestions), I would be grateful.

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Tue 11 May, 7:43].

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  215. Guat to flores
    Created by: Neato
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 10:27 Korumburra Standard Time]

    About how much round trip?

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Tue 27 April, 9:08].

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  216. When does rainy Season start?
    Created by: Neato
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 10:25 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Heading to Guatemala Mid may. Wondering about rainy season and also temperature in highlands. Do I need warm, waterproof gear?

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Fri 30 April, 15:43].

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  217. get paid to travel
    Created by: Andrew (
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 5:06 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We have established a company which will shortly provide the
    world's largest online searchable database of travel
    content. If you are interested in becoming an accredited
    travel writer, and getting paid for the information you
    accumulate during your trip, please send us an email that
    describes your travel interest and experience.

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Wed 12 May, 2:52].

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  218. How to get through Guatemala and Belize?
    Created by: travelmates (
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 1:31 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We were thinking of travelling from San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas - or maybe Palenque - through Guatemala and Belize, ending up in Quintana Roo/Yucatan. Has anyone got an idea how to get there - and does there exist any public transportation there at all? Does anyone have any safety tips on travelling through these countries? Thanks in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 4 May, 10:44].

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  219. safety
    Created by: t
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 12:36 Korumburra Standard Time]

    hi there all ya fantabulous travellers!
    i am beguining to b convinced that driving is more hassle
    than it's worth - after doing some research, i still wanna
    go down over land thru ca.i heard there a few areas that r
    unsafe for travel colombia honduras and more - my question
    is how do i over come this obstacle?
    (i am on a tight budjet)
    * i suppose there is an increase in health hazards due to
    hurricane mitch, and probably an increase in crime as people
    were left poor and homeless because of it. i'm
    guesstimating, do u have any input on that?
    have u passed all those countries?
    can u estimate the costs?
    have u taken the ferry in panama, how much did it cost
    (without a car abviosly) - have u heard anything about it
    not operating and that one has to FLY to colombia.
    peru quito - i read it would be safer to leave your stuff at
    hotels (even down to the passport), is that reliable? am i
    not better off just carrying the essentials with me in a
    money belt?
    i know it's allot of questions, but would apprciate any
    first hand info

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 5 May, 2:57].

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  220. creme de la creme
    Created by: ace (
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 11:48 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My wife & I were just married and are going to Belize in December for our honeymoon. While staying on Ambergris Caye we wish to stay in the very best hotel available.
    Any comments? Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 27 April, 23:07].

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  221. would you whore yourself in Honduras?
    Created by: cheryl (
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 5:09 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My boyfriend has just been offered an amazing 2 year
    contract in Teguc, the capital of Honduras. His salary
    would make us rich, but I know nothing about the place at
    all except that it is damned ugly and poor, especially
    after being slammed by Mitch. Anyone who has been to
    Honduras and could answer the question: "would you spend
    two years of your life in Teguc if someone offered you a
    shitload of money", please answer!! I want so much to know
    more about the health epidemics that supposedly exist
    there, the crime, whether or not there are "nice" suburbs
    for us to live in, or hell, even if there is hot and cold
    running water now.
    thanks and cheers from Argentina,

    [Posts on this topic: 15. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 23:02].

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  222. Belize or Costa Rica?
    Created by: Wendy (
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 1:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    If anyone has any top tips on which of these two countries
    would be best for a short may trip please feel free to email
    me. I'm interested in costs, flights, weather, sites and
    what the people are like.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Sat 24 April, 22:17].

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  223. Backpackers Index
    Created by: Wayfarer (fred@backpackers)
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 17:51 Korumburra Standard Time]

    he Backpacker Index has links to 1000's of backpacker/
    Independent Adventure Traveller related sites world
    wide.Check it out at
    Not to be missed if planning your next trip

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 24 April, 23:32].

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  224. quiet places in baja
    Created by: noam (
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 10:58 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Fellow travellers. I am looking for a quiet spot in baja for
    a short (4 days) vacation away from the mega-resort
    landscape created for american vacationers. beautiful beach
    would be nice. and relative proximity to a major airport a
    definite plus. any suggestions would be most appreciated.

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Mon 26 April, 18:43].

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  225. Where to go? Suggestions
    Created by: Nicole (
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 3:05 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I've backpacked before in Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia and
    Guyana. I've volunteered in the Caribean before but would
    like to go someplace new. I'm thinking of Mexico or
    Guatamala. I only have 2-4 weeks if I can but most likely
    two weeks. I want to go:
    1) Someplace relaxing with beautiful beaches and very little
    2)With alot of history and culture
    Any recommendations? Guesthouses? I'm not a "hardcore"
    backpacker - this trip is more a vacation than an adventure
    but I don't like tours or expensive hotels. I appreciate
    any suggestions about sites, festivals and local activities
    I'm hoping to hear about your positive and negative
    experiences. Thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Sun 25 April, 12:15].

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  226. Honduras, Bay Islands/ Tikal overland
    Created by: Murray
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 1:21 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Wanted to hear about Honduras from recent travellers. Heard that there is some sketchy activity there. Also do people reccomend flying to Tikal? or are the roads ok?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Fri 23 April, 7:22].

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  227. North Mexico-Anybody ever been there?
    Created by: jacksonpollock (
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 1:06 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am planning an August three week trip to the North of
    Mexico and Baja California. Any suggestions? We would like
    to rent a car and drive from Chihuahua to Cabo San luca!
    Are there any ferries between the mainland and the Baja C.
    peninsula? What are the road conditions like. Can we cross
    Copper canyon by car? What kind of accomodation can be
    found on the road?
    Best holidays to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 26 May, 1:10].

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    Created by: Jasmine (
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 12:30 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We are looking to do a RtR holiday in Mexico in November.We
    have been there numerous time and have visited several
    beaches on both coasts. We are travelling from Western
    Canada and there will be flights to Cancun at that time
    directly from our city. We have been to Cancun(very
    briefly) and really want to have a more low key
    destination...but not totally isolated. We have heard Playa
    Del Carmen may be the place we are looking for.Do any of
    you have any suggestions as to a nice place...not too low
    budget ...but something homey and comfy for several weeks?
    Or perhaps there is another place someone can recommend on
    that coast..travelling distance from the Cancun airport.
    What are your recommendations?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 21 April, 8:13].

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  229. Costa Rica in October?
    Created by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 23:43 Korumburra Standard Time]

    From everything I've read, it sounds like Costa Rica is a
    rainy mess in October. Can anyone who's actually traveled
    there then confirm, deny or qualify this? Thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Mon 3 May, 2:06].

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  230. Meeting a travelcompanion...
    Created by: Mike (
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 21:43 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, Mike her again. My question this time dosn┤t really
    consern any particular destination. How likely is it to
    meet someone to travel with. I┤m going to Central America
    for seven weeks next month alone, not by choice. I┤ve
    always wanted to do a trip like this but not alone. The
    reason for this is that none of my friends are interested,
    so my only chance is by my self. What are my chances to
    meet someone with compatible budget, itinerary and soforth??
    (I┤ll be doing LP┤s Highlights).

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Wed 21 April, 22:41].

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  231. Guatemala
    Created by: Paul (
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 14:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Ok, I know i just placed a post a few topics down. I've now
    decided, I have enough airmiles to fly my girlfriend and
    myself to Guatemala from san Jose and work my way just the
    one way. My girlfriend likes to spend a few days just veging
    out on arrival, so I figure on going to Lake Atitlan for a
    few days. i was there in 1980, so I have know idea what it
    is like now. can anyone tell me what the weather is likely
    to be like in mid-june, and also any info on a nice town to
    stay in with a nice cheap hotel. (maybe $10 a night or
    thereabouts). We were planning on getting diving tickets in
    Honduras (Bay Islands), but I notice off a web site, than
    you can do this quite cheaply at Lake Atitlan. Anyone have
    any feedback on that. The other question I have is rather
    odd. I've travelled all around the world with my ex-wife, a
    rather average looking brown haired girl. My current
    girfriend is a very attractive blonde. She is in her mid
    40's, but looks about 30. Am I going to have to fight off
    amorous Latin American men, or is it no hassle?
    By the way if anyone needs info on Vancouver, Canada, I
    run a backpacker oriented site on that subject, and am quite
    willing to answer questions.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Sun 25 April, 12:27].

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  232. What about PANAMA???
    Created by: dana
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 6:35 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I keep reading all about CR, Guate, Honduras, etc. . . What
    about Panama? I'm planning to be in Panama in May and June,
    and I'm looking for beaches, parks and any other interesting
    places to visit. Any ideas??

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Sat 8 May, 7:04].

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  233. safety in Sonora
    Created by: snook
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 10:42 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I have a question about if it is safe to drive from El Paso
    to Casas Grandes continuing along route 2 to the toll road
    15, heading south to Hermosillo and ending up at Bahia de
    San Carlos. We are three 50 year old women and two 16 year
    old girls. Our vehicle options are 1) 1994 Honda Civic, bit
    crowed 2) rent a Toyota Corolla that might have a little
    more room or 3) rent a mini van. I'm afraid a minivan will
    scream "ricas" and gain us a bit more attention than we
    would like. Any advice on this??? We are leaving 4/30 for a
    week. Thanks

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Fri 23 April, 7:47].

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  234. A List of Spanish Schools
    Created by: n. (
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 6:06 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone know anything about these Spanish Schools?
    They are:
    1) La Paz Spanish School, Quetzattenango Guatemala
    2) Kie-Balam Spanish Language School, Guatemala
    3) Juan Sisay Spanish School, Guatemala
    4) Instituto Habla Hispana, Mexico
    5) Instituto Allende, Guanajuato Mexico
    6) Instituto Cultural Oaxaca, Oaxaca Mexico
    7) Becari Language School, Oaxaca Mexico
    Which schools are the best and which areas are the safest?
    Thank you.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 22 April, 2:48].

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  235. guatemala
    Created by: alone
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 10:24 Korumburra Standard Time]

    what should a female alone do in guate. where should i
    go/see. is it safe?etc. please let me know if you have done
    a similar trip (1-3 months). please give me some ti

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Sun 25 April, 18:44].

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  236. el salvador
    Created by: bob (
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 6:59 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am going to salvador next tuesday, anyone find interesting
    wood carvers, the small sorpresas, or any other good
    shopping values?

    [Posts on this topic: 2. Latest post: Fri 23 April, 1:25].

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  237. Mitch/Nicaragua
    Created by: big W
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 4:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We've heard about Mitch and Honduras. Any reports/websites
    to check on Mitch's effects on Nicaragua? Travel tips on
    Nicaragua are also welcome.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 10 May, 19:25].

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  238. Sickness by food poison???
    Created by: Mike (
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 2:12 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, I┤ll be doing Central America in a month and there┤s
    something I┤m a bit worried about- the food.
    I really love food but do I really dare to eat everything
    that comes in my way?
    Thanks in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Mon 26 April, 4:41].

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  239. CR to Guatemala
    Created by: paul (
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 23:50 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, I've got 30 days in June- July to travel around Costa
    Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and maybe El Salvador.
    Not spending too much time in Costa Rica, been there before
    a couple of times, but i fly return to san Jose, and my
    girlfriend wants to go to Mt. Arenal. What I want to know is
    is it feasable in this time frame to travel overland through
    Nicaragua to Honduras, spend a week in the Bay Islands
    getting a diving certificate, get across the border into
    Guatemala, get to Tikal and maybe Lake Atitlan (public
    transportation) and then back to San Jose via El Salvadore
    and Nicaragua again. I've been to Guatemala before but it
    was 15 years ago, but my girlfriend has never been there
    Paul Beddows

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 17 April, 5:01].

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  240. Maybe the saddest question ever asked!!!
    Created by: Katie (
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 3:19 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am going for 12 weeks to Costa Rica, Mexico and Guatemala in Jun and will probably not do more than a couple of days hiking hence my sad question "What footwear do I wear"? Trainers or hiking boots........the dilemma! ANyway if you have time to answer that'd be cool

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Mon 10 May, 19:47].

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  241. travel guides
    Created by: jai
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 1:44 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm planning a big trip through Central and South America,
    but don't particularly want the burden of carrying several
    travel books with me for the entire time. When I was in
    Asia I found several cheap second-hand bookshops that had
    endless copies of LP guides among others. Is this the same
    in the Americas? Does anyone have any tips on where to
    purchase secondhand copies (apart from with other
    travellers) once I am there?

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 17 April, 5:07].

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  242. going to Mexico
    Created by: Jessie
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 9:44 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I'm leaving for Mexico in a few weeks.
    What would be the best guide book for travelling in Mexico?
    - I'm a backpacker and planning to spend less than 30$
    a day in Mexico and Guatemala.
    LP book is the best?
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Sun 25 April, 6:43].

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  243. Hurricane Mitch
    Created by: Mike
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 5:39 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi, I┤m going to Central America in a month and was
    wondering about to wich extent Hurricane Mitch has ruined
    Honduras? I will be travelling Guate-Copßn-San Pedro Sula
    and from there to the Bay Islands. After two weeks i┤ll be
    going back to San Pedro Sula and on from there to
    Nicaragua. Also if anyone know some really of the beaten
    track highlights in Costa Rica i would apreciate it.
    If anyone has any info I would be very grateful!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sun 18 April, 5:34].

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  244. costa rica expensive?
    Created by: marit
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 20:33 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi everyone. Is Costa Rica really that expensive? If I go
    for a month vacation, how much money woud i need for a low-
    budget trip? Is it true that in july and august the rates
    are cheaper? thanks, Marit.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 15:21].

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  245. Students
    Created by: Susie-Q (
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 12:54 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I know this topic has been hashed out repeatedly on this
    sight about what schools to go to in Antigua. If there are
    any current or very recent former students, I would love to
    hear what you have to stay about your school. Please e-mail
    me back. I was thinking of going through Amerispan but I am
    now realizing that might be a waste of money. Thank you and
    I hope all are having a good time.
    Thanks again.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Thu 15 April, 6:37].

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  246. short trip
    Created by: Sick of freezing
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 12:53 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I want to go somewhere warm and sunny for Spring Break next
    year. I've heard that Belize has some wonderful beaches and
    diving...but I don't know a whole lot about costs. I don't
    want one of those crazy expensive resort tours. Any
    suggestions/comments? Thanks in advance.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 19 April, 0:28].

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  247. el Sav.
    Created by: kirk (
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 7:21 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi- please help me out, I really have had wonderful
    experiences in CA,traveling. I have been putting of el sav.
    due to the fact I keep hearing it is not safe and offers
    very little compared to other countries in CA. But some of
    the best trips I've ever been on where the ones I was the
    most worried about before I left! Would you blow off Hond.
    and Guata to do el

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 24 May, 16:29].

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  248. 2 Weeks in Mexico - Where to Go??
    Created by: Toby
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 6:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Im going to Mexico with a couple of friends for 2 weeks in
    August. Basically some advice on where to go would be cool
    - we think the Yucatan peninsular sounds like the best
    place to go but maybe it would be worth flying into Mexico
    City and going east or west to to either the pacific or
    Carribean coasts. We're all keen to have some fun on the
    beach and nightlife etc.. and see some of the Mayan etc..
    ruins. However I am also keen to speak and meet some
    Mexicans - I speak fluent Spanish - and would feel as
    though I had missed out if I came home to London without
    having met anyone from the country
    Any advice would be really appreciated

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Thu 13 May, 7:05].

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  249. Costa Rica - Cheap Accommodations?
    Created by: Azeem (
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 5:12 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Can anyone suggest REALLY cheap places to stay in San Jose?
    I'm looking at under $10 a night. I arrive in San Jose on
    April 30 - I'm also willing to split accommodation with
    single travellers who seek the same.
    For those who have been to Costa Rica - what do you
    recommend. I'm not into the 'touristy' thing. I'm
    interested i na spontaneous, easygoing, inexpensive 1 month
    trip during which I can get some beach time, see the
    volcanoes and do a jungle trek. Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance for any that respond!

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Fri 23 April, 4:29].

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  250. Instrument makers
    Created by: Fred
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 16:55 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone know of instrument makers in mexico or central America. I would like to purchase an inexpensive, preferably handmade guitar sometime while traveling.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Fri 16 April, 2:43].

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  251. Warning about a travel agency in C. Rica
    Created by: Lynn (
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 15:01 Korumburra Standard Time]

    A posting to warn people not to use these 2 Costa Rican
    travel agencies, Rainforest Tours and the Costa Rica
    Tourism and Travel Bureau. We used them(booked through the
    Internet with Costa Rica Tourism and Travel Bureau to find
    out later that they are also Rainforest Tours) for our 3
    week birding/vacation trip to C. Rica Feb. 16 - Mar. 9,
    1999. Numerous problems with them include no map provided
    by them, no distances or time estimate between
    destinations, no directions on how to find the hotels we
    were booked into, resulting in 1 destination on itinerary
    (that was prepaid) not being accomplished. We were given
    wrong instructions by the owner of these establishments and
    it resulted in us missing a vital connection with a bus to
    Laguna Lodge in Tortuguero. Missing this cost us USD500.00
    plus 2 nights of alternate accommodation. We were also
    booked into a terrible place in Guanacaste (Villa Casa
    Blanca) for our last 4 nights in C. Rica. We were promised
    the "honeymoon" suite by the travel agent, only to find
    that the room reserved for us was only big enough to fit a
    bed into it! A/C was also promised and this was also
    missing. The temperatures while we were in Guanacaste were
    around 35C. Being from Canada (in the wintertime) this was
    not acceptable to not have a/c. We left after 2 nights and
    went to another hotel (with a/c and more room in it!)and
    this also cost us more money, around $USD200 (total of
    around USD700). So, we would not recommend using either of
    these agencies. The owner was not helpful and terribly
    defensive if we asked him any questions at all.

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sat 17 April, 11:25].

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  252. Decent Minded Female traveling companion
    Created by: Brad (bradvoux@mailcity.)
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 12:30 Korumburra Standard Time]

    This posting is not a joke only serious minded people
    respond please:
    My name is Brad I am a good looking French Canadian Male
    exotic dancer Swimwear model from Quebec I am looking for a
    Female travel companion to travel from Mexico to Panama the
    problem is last time I attempted this trip I was hit on by
    so many Beatifull Latin woman I could not enjoy my self so I
    would like to take a Companion with so this will possibly
    ward off the many sexual advancs I might recieve I was
    almost Raped by two drunken crazed Girls at a hostel in
    Guatemala city this experiance hes left me shattered and
    untrusting the real shame is I really want to see the
    beautifull sights and mystical and exotic Culture but not
    with out unwanted sexual advances I do not know if this
    behavior is accepted in these countries also I would like to
    know if any otere males traveling alone have encountered
    such painfull situation and what if any advise can you give
    me to avoid attempted rapes by such wild crazed Females I
    would be willing to pay for a decent minded Companion's
    travel expeses my schedule is quite flexible but some time
    before Summer will be fine
    Sorry no females from British Colombia or Ontario please
    U.S citizens welcomed

    [Posts on this topic: 24. Latest post: Wed 19 May, 1:15].

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  253. mexico
    Created by: nils (
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 11:13 Korumburra Standard Time]

    hi, my girlfriend a I are planning to go to Mexico this
    July. But I'm not quite sure wether it's o.k. since it's the
    first time backpacking for her. Is Mexico a place to start?
    our spanish is not the best so far but I'm working on it.
    I want to do a little diving maybe but we're not fixed to
    anything. What are some good hints or anything else ??

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Sun 18 April, 19:18].

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  254. Prices in Guatemala
    Created by: Jennifer (
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 8:08 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hello Travelfolks!!!
    i am planning a 4-week trip to Guatemala in June and until
    now I thought that prices there (for hostels, food,
    transportation etc) would be lower than in MEXICO (where I
    am currently living). i just heart from a friend that this
    isn┤t so, in contrast prices are double/ three time of
    Mexican equivalents.
    What does a 1 person-basic-room or dormitory style
    accomodation cost, what a meal and a 12 hour transport on a
    budget bus etc...I would be very very grateful. If you just
    know about Guatemala, it would already help me if you
    mention the prices in the local currency (guatemalan). I can
    supply you with the Mexican equivalents, if you wish so.
    greetings, and thanx for any tip, Jennifer

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Tue 25 May, 5:57].

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  255. Where to find my own beach in Mexico????
    Created by: shawna (
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 7:55 Korumburra Standard Time]

    A group of friends and I are planning a trip to Mexico for
    about 3 weeks this christmas/new years. We went to Cancun a
    couple of years ago, couldn't stand stickin around there.
    We definetely had the best times out of the city. We'd
    really, really, like to stay somewhere right on the beach,
    close to a town perhaps, but far away from the touristas!
    If anyone has any suggestions, advice please let us know!

    [Posts on this topic: 3. Latest post: Wed 14 April, 10:20].

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  256. just back from CR
    Created by: Aninha
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 5:50 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Thanks again to all who gave advice about Costa Rica before
    my family of 4 went there. Now we're back, and here are
    some thoughts:
    Pension de la Cuesta in San Jose is well-located, well-
    priced, and safe. Good muesli also.
    It is not worth spending a night in La Fortuna itself--but
    by all means consider staying at the incredibly clean
    Cataratas hotel run by Quakers, just outside of town. Or,
    if you can possibly splurge a bit, the Tabacon Resort is
    well worth the $110/double price. This cost includes
    wonderful buffet breakfasts and morning-'til-night passes
    at those fantastic hot springs, where you can soak, sip
    your favorite beverage, and marvel at the very active
    volcano...whatta place! Get up early and you'll see toucans
    and hear howler monkeys.
    Don't bother with the grungy and overpriced Hotel Tillawa
    in Tilaran. The $20 Cabinas Mary is just across from the
    town square, which is the place to be at dusk.
    The folks at Tico Winds are lots nicer than the Tillawa's
    people, if you plan to rent windsurfing equipment. They are
    cheaper, too. And yes, in early April that wind was mighty
    Jaco is only worth a stop if you are an avid surfer. It
    appears to be a high-crime town. We stayed at the Tangeri,
    which has a semi-toothless codger with a pistol patrolling
    at night.
    Manuel Antonio National Park is all it is cracked up to
    be. Go early, and prepare to be mesmerized. (I took two
    rolls of film on iguana portraits alone.) We stayed at the
    Vela Bar. It has a good location and good food, but is
    pricier than some others. If the park is your interest,
    and not a great view from your room, then the Vela Bar will
    suit you nicely. If, however, you want a view and can hack
    marching up a big hill after a day at the beach, then you
    can try the gorgeous Si Como No. The gift shop there merits
    a look-see but ain't affordable.
    The animal rescue center between Quepos and Manuel Antonio
    is well worth a visit, but has limited open hours---check
    before you go.
    There is a good French bakery in Quepos, a short walk from
    the t-shirt painter's shop.
    There is a tiny road sign between Quepos and Jaco, amongst
    the African palm oil trees, advertising
    waterfalls/horseback riding/bat caves/lunch. This is a
    private road, but if you go down it and are lucky, you
    might have a marvelous adventure. Beto, the farm manager,
    gave my family a memorable afternoon riding horses to a
    fascinating bat cave. He only requested a tip in return.
    If you have a car, be sure to explore such signs by the
    road--they are often places where the high-priced tours are
    The advice about reserving a car before you leave for CR is
    sage. You'll get the same price or better and nearly
    always a newer car. I happened to go with Dollar.
    If you ride the buses, please note: we saw three accidents
    involving buses on our trip. It was Semana Santa when the
    roads were crowded and passing over double lines was de
    rigueur. Each accident we saw involved head-on collisions
    between cars and of those accidents in
    particular will be etched forever in our minds. The only
    injured parties on the buses appeared to be those in the
    front seats. {Those in cars not using seat belts were
    toast.) So, you may want to lessen your risk by sitting
    toward the middle of the bus.
    We had an amazing trip---hope you do too.

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 15:53].

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  257. Copper Canyon
    Created by: Scarlet (
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 April, 14:55 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My partner and I are travelling to mexico for a month in
    October/November. I really would love to do the Canyon,
    but it just seems a bit out of the road from everything
    else. Anyone been there that has an opionion on whether it
    is worth it? Otherwise any other similair suggestions
    further south?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 20 April, 5:22].

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  258. Guatemala, Honduras Safety
    Created by: Jayare (
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 April, 14:12 Korumburra Standard Time]

    though I've been to both Guatemala and Honduras, It was six years ago and I have recently heard about increases in crime.
    I am planning on going in within a month or so and would like to visit Tikal, and Copan as well as the bay islands. I wouls also like to climb at least 1 volcano in Guatemala.
    has anyone out there recently traversed any of these routes? Any words of wisdom and/ or caution ?

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Fri 16 April, 23:58].

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  259. Latinas?
    Created by: Healthy able bodied male
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 23:18 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I just want to know your opinions on where in Central America (or Caribbean or South America, if you need to go further afoot) has the most tempting, attractive, come-hither women?
    Please don't lambast me over this, it is just a guileless question.
    Happy hunting,

    [Posts on this topic: 14. Latest post: Fri 23 April, 10:48].

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  260. Ideas????
    Created by: Fiona (
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 15:47 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I have 5 months to travel in Central and South America, and
    was thinking about Mexico, Ecuador, Peru and possibly Cuba,
    but really am clueless at the mo about the whole thing! Any
    up to date info would be greatly appreciated, as well as
    suggestions of places to go, avoid, people to say hello to
    etc etc You know how it goes!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Fri 7 May, 0:35].

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  261. muchas muchas gracias por todos...
    Created by: afrikagirl
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 14:36 Korumburra Standard Time]

    thanks to all who posted and emailed responses to my
    questions about el salvador last month. I've just gotten
    back from a wonderful trip and will happily share any and
    all advice as needed. Please post questions and/or your

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Sat 22 May, 5:31].

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  262. Tourist Card
    Created by: Julie
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 13:21 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am a Canadian who will be traveling into Nicuaragua via
    bus (from Honduras). I am told that getting a Visa (or
    tourist card?) is easiest when flying in. Is it easy to get
    one when coming in by bus? Should I try and get one in
    advance, if so how?
    Thanks for your help!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 26 April, 8:09].

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  263. Confused
    Created by: Gecko Surfer
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 10:29 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Looking for a place to go next Christmas. We had planned on
    Equador but not so sure with the bank situation. I don't
    really feel like getting robbed. So now we are looking at
    alternatives. We were in both Panama and Honduras and liked
    them both. Honduras for the Bay Islands and Tela. Panama for
    the city Isla Grande, Boquete and Guadalupe. We are not
    sure whether to stick with going to Equador or look at
    alternatives. What about Nicaragua? Places we missed in
    Panama? Honduras not sure after the hurricane. Last time to
    Roatan too touristy. Is Costa Rica too touristy? How about
    Belize- Placencia? What about Venezula? (I know my spelling
    is terrible) What do you think? We like some colonial
    cities, hiking and nice beaches. I know Equador doesn't have
    the beaches. You can't always have everything. What to do,
    any advise would help. We have 17 days.

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Wed 14 April, 11:14].

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  264. Costa Rica in July?
    Created by: Brooke
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 9:46 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am planning on going to CR the end of June for a month- i
    wanted to find out about the weather and some places to go-
    im looking for the sun and the beach and possibly a job- i
    dont know if i could find a job for a month but any ideas?
    Im concerned about the weather because im trying to get out
    of San Francisco and the rain- thanks for your help!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sat 10 April, 7:51].

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  265. Schools of language in Central America
    Created by: Anke (
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 17:26 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I`m planing a trip to Central and South America in summer and want to improve my Spanish language while staying there.
    Does anybody know a good school of language in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua.....?
    I┤m also interested in such schools in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia but my server has problems with rhe " South America - branch ". So , are there any Central-America -specialists with experience in Spanish courses in South America?
    Any information will be greatly appreaciated.
    Please drop me a mail!
    Herzliche Grⁿ▀e aus Heidelberg!

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 12 April, 14:41].

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  266. Guatemala & diving in Utila
    Created by: rose (
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 10:39 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone have recommendations for places to stay in
    Guatemala City (budget-moderate). Also, if anyone has
    suggestions on diveshops and certification in the Bay
    Islands, i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks much!

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Mon 12 April, 11:55].

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  267. panama
    Created by: helen (
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 8:20 Korumburra Standard Time]

    i'm flying into panama city around 6:30pm. first night in
    central america in a big city... need suggestions for
    lodgings. should i just grab a taxi from the airport, or
    are there easy buses or colectivos to get to downtown. i
    don't want to be wandering around panama city at night with
    a big pack. thanks!

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Sat 24 April, 16:13].

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  268. Best beach in Costa Rica????
    Created by: traceyh (TRACEYH@MJI.COM)
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 23:24 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My friend and I are leaving for CR on April 15th. Our travel agent booked us an itinerary starting in San Jose, moving on to Arenal and Monteverde, and then ending up in Tamarindo at the Tamarindo Diria Hotel for 3 nights. If we are renting a car, is this itinerary manageable for a 10 day trip? Also, is Tamarindo the best choice for a beach in CR? The travel agent said it would be his choice for 20-30 aged vacationers. A friend said we should not miss Manuel Antonio, even if we are there for only 1 night. I've also heard things about Montezuma. Would our itinerary allow us to visit a couple of different beaches, or should we stick with one for a few days? We're single women in our mid-late 20's.. I'd like a beautiful beach that attracts vacationers around our age,possibly with a little bit of a night life - restaurants, etc. I also would like to go snorkeling and horseback riding. Any ideas?

    [Posts on this topic: 6. Latest post: Tue 13 April, 6:01].

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  269. Snorkelling
    Created by: Woman from Atlantis
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 8:46 Korumburra Standard Time]

    (I already have this on 'Activities' page)
    Going to Belize in September.
    Never snorkelled before. Any tips on how NOTto drown? I want to buy gear before I go out so I can practice......what brand is best? How much will I have to pay for snorkel, mask and fins?
    How to dress.....Naked, topless or full evening dress??

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Fri 9 April, 10:02].

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  270. Looking for handy hints
    Created by: The Adventurers
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 8:25 Korumburra Standard Time]

    WE are a couple off on looking for adventure in Guatemala.
    If anyone has any handy hints about language courses in
    Antigua, cheap flights from the UK, or travelling down
    across land from Mexico City, please let us know. WE are
    also keen to hear about good climbing spots and scuba
    diving sites in CA.
    Any advice would be handy

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Mon 12 April, 14:51].

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  271. Cancun or Puerto Vallarta ?
    Created by: Cathy Fox
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 6:43 Korumburra Standard Time]

    My husband and I are hoping to make our first trip to
    Mexico early next year. We can't make our minds up whether
    to go to Playa del Carmen (Nr. Cancun) or Puerto Vallarta.
    Does anyone have any recommendations ? We are hoping to
    avoid the All-Inclusive holiday trap.

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 17:29].

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  272. Panama: 2-4 day Budget Rainforest Hike
    Created by: Lider
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 4:37 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Click on the follow-up posting below for a full description
    (2-3 page)of this hike. Ideal for the budget conscious
    (i.e. have more time than money; cost per day $6-$20
    depending on options), culturally sensitive backpacker with
    a working knowledge of Spanish. Remote yet accessible
    area, safe, untouched by tourism, hospitable and peacefull
    locals. Rainforest and cloudforests in El Cope National
    Park, Cocle Province (near Penonome). On the continental
    divide, view both oceans in good weather, excellent
    birdwatching, rainforest waterfalls and swimming holes,
    climb mountains (1,500 meters above sea level).

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 15 April, 8:17].

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  273. TIKAL- places to stay
    Created by: Guata Gertie
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 8:58 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We've got two nights to spend in the Tikal area; We are
    considering spending one night in (or around) El Remate and
    the second night in Flores.
    Any other suggestions for itinerary? I would appreciate
    recommended names of lodging. $15 - $50/room OK. We are
    thinking of the Gringo Perdido place near Remate. Any
    great restaurants? Are these safe towns at night?

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Fri 9 April, 4:04].

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  274. Trujillo safe?
    Created by: Bronwen
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 9:41 Korumburra Standard Time]

    We are planning to start a 6 month voyage in Central and
    South America with some beach time and spanish studying in
    Trujillo, Honduras. BUT I just read that rape, robberies,
    and danger make the beaches there a really bad scene. Has
    anyone been there lately? What was it like?

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Sun 9 May, 22:40].

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  275. Language school for a year
    Created by: n (
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 8:05 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hello, does anyone know if it is possible to take a Spanish
    course for a year in Central America(I prefer Guatemala,
    Mexico, Costa Rica)? I hear you need about a year or so to
    become fluent in the language. I don't think I could afford
    this, any idea how much this would cost, appox.? Thank you,

    [Posts on this topic: 5. Latest post: Mon 12 April, 14:59].

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  276. Antigua research -- social space?
    Created by: emily and kate
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 4:54 Korumburra Standard Time]

    we are students studying in guatemala city, currently doing
    some field work in antigua (during semana santa!)
    we need to find info primarily on the social space and
    social structure of antigua
    - who lives in antigua (social classes)?
    - where/ what parts do they live in?
    - what do they do (occupation)?
    - how has the rise in tourism affected the city?
    - also any general historical info would be great
    if anyone has any ideas on any of this stuff it would be
    GREATLY appreciated!!
    or if you know of any great sources
    thanks so much!

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Thu 8 April, 5:45].

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  277. Belize info please
    Created by: Julie (
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 April, 21:50 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Hi - We're off to Belize for 2 weeks in May and thinking of going to Caye Caulker as the first stop - can anyone recommend anywhere to stay? Is there anything we must see or do?
    Also want to see some of the forest etc in land so thinking of going to Chan Chich - is it good? Can anyone recommend anywhere else?
    Look forward to hearing from you.

    [Posts on this topic: 8. Latest post: Sun 11 April, 4:37].

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  278. Cancun to Palenque
    Created by: graham (
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 April, 18:03 Korumburra Standard Time]

    I am taking a short break in Cancun end of April and would
    be interested in hiring a car for some of the time to get
    to Palenque. Does anyone have experience/tips for car hire
    in this area, I have been quoted UK ú230 for the return
    flight by travel agent in UK, which was almost as much as
    the Cancun London flight!
    Also would appreciate suggestions for quiet and reasonable
    beach accomodation near Cancun.

    [Posts on this topic: 4. Latest post: Tue 27 April, 19:12].

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  279. Car Rental in CR
    Created by: Nicole (
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 April, 11:02 Korumburra Standard Time]

    Does anyone out there have any experience with renting a car
    in Costa Rica? I am going for 2 weeks in May, and want to
    make the most of our time there (not getting stuck on busses
    like I did across Thailand!)...approx how much is it? Is it
    worth it? Was driving sketchy? Should we reserve a car in
    advance, or deal once we get there? Any and all info would
    be great. Also, we will be doing some surfing, so do their
    rental cars accomodate boards? Thanks for your help, sorry
    about the twenty-question factor!

    [Posts on this topic: 9. Latest post: Wed 14 April, 16:42].

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  280. Cancun at night
    Created by: Gina (
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 10:30 Korumburra Standard Time]

    hi eveyone!
    my friend and i arrive in cancun just after 9 at night. i heard it isn't safe for 2 young girls to be wandering around after dark so does anyone know of a cheap place to spend the night close to the airport?

    [Posts on this topic: 7. Latest post: Mon 17 May, 5:45].

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