San Jose in August

This topic was created by Garrett
[Wed 19 May, 6:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My girlfriend and I are planning to attend a language
school in San Jose in August just before our university
starts again. We were wondering what what weather to
expect in San Jose because we've read that August is during
the rainy season in Costa Rica. Also, any suggestions
regarding language schools or sites in and around San Jose
would be great. Thank-you.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 10:48]

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  1. No Problems. Added by: Sparkles
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 4:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    San Jose is fantastic. I have been living here for nearly
    six months now. The rainy season has started already. It is
    beautiful in the mornings and then from about 1:00 in the
    afternoon, it pours down. Bring a slicker or a raincoat,
    and buy an umbrella here. It really isn't that bad.

  2. Language School Added by: Jimmern (
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 5:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Garrett - can you send me any info you have on your language
    school in San Jose? My girlfriend and I are also going to be
    in that area this fall and were interested in some intensive
    spanish classes before we just started travelling around.

  3. Language Schools Added by: Garrett
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 6:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jimmern, the LP guide to Costa Rica has a big section
    devoted to language schools in and around San Jose. I
    don't own it yet, but I've been looking at it in our local
    bookstore. The hardest part is deciding which to go to.

  4. ICADS Added by: Lisa (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 0:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in San Jose for the month of August in 1990, studying
    Spanish at ICADS (Institue for Central American Development
    Studies). They have homestays and language instruction
    for around 4-5 a day. I liked the school, for the most
    part, but there were a lot of Americans there, so we spoke
    English more than I really wanted. The rain in August
    wasn't that bad at all--just a few hours a day. Definitely
    not a reason to avoid CR in August. It is a beautiful
    country! Have fun.

  5. Language School Added by: Patsy
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I started my current travels in Latin America by taking 3
    weeks of Spanish in Costa Rica at a school called CPI
    (Centro Panamericano de Idiomas). They have 2 schools; One
    is based in San Juaquin de Flores, a pretty, quiet suburb of
    San Jose. The other is in Monteverde (ie, the Cloud
    Forest). I did 2 weeks in San Juaquin and 1 in Monteverde.
    Although I would recommend both,I found Monteverde difficult
    to study in because it was so beautiful and there was so
    much to do...but you may have more study control than I had.
    Both schools are impressively beautiful and well run, and my
    homestays were great. In SJF, we often studied outside
    in a manicured garden in the shade. One problem...studying
    in CR is expensive! I spent something like $900 on 3 weeks
    of 4 hours per day of Spanish plus homestay. I hear
    Guatemala is much cheaper. Good Luck! Patsy

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