Costa Rica vs. Ecuador

This topic was created by Kirsti (
[Wed 5 May, 3:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Trying to decide which of the two is better for a one month
visit in July. Money is definitely a factor (my friend and
I are on very limited budgets), but of course, if the more
expensive country is significantly more appealing than the
cheaper one, then I'd rather pay more and get more. What
I'm looking for in particular: friendly locals and not too
many tourists (I've backpacked in Africa, the Middle East,
and Southeast Asia, and I almost always had a better time
when I wasn't completely surrounded by others doing the same
things I was).
If you've been to both countries, I'd LOVE to hear which you
recommend. Thanks for your help!

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Wed 5 May, 23:10]

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  1. My vote Added by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 6:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Both countries are very nice. You wouldn't go wrong in
    either. However, if cash is a factor then Ecuador is cheaper.
    With the recent devaluation things are cheaper still.

  2. Something you might want to check Added by: radfly (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 7:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    At least as of a couple of weeks ago, there was some fairly
    widespread political unrest in Ecuador (strikes,
    demonstrations, some violence, mainly due to economic
    hardships). There have been news reports about this on
    the Spanish language international news shows on cable
    (precious little on the English networks - how's that for a
    skewed vision of the world?). A friend of mine in Bolivia
    recently cancelled a business trip there because of the
    troubles. I don't know the situation right now, but it's
    something you may want to check into.

  3. i'd chose ecuador Added by: shirlita (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 12:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, I've been to both. They're quite different, but I'd go
    back to Ecuador before CR. E is definitely cheaper and less
    gringo-oriented. It is touristy but much less than CR. It
    is diverse, physically beautiful and locals are very
    friendly. I was there about a month ago during all the
    political and economic problems. It was complete madness,
    although I hear that things have calmed down, strikes are
    over, and the dollar is stable. CR has amazing nature, if
    you're more interested in cloud forests/monkeys/etc, go

  4. my two cents Added by: John (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 23:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with the above--i'd go to ecuador. I've been there
    during protest strikes and it's no big deal. This means
    that the roads out of cities are usually blocked so you just
    need to stay put for a few days. The best thing about
    ecuador, is its diversity. You can be on a beach, high in
    the Andes, or in the rainforsest w/o too much travel. It is
    not too gringo either. The buses, in addition to being very
    colorful (and usually not nearly as crowded as the
    guatamalan chicken buses), they run very frequently and are
    easy to use.

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