How to dress in Antigua, Guatemala

This topic was created by Anna
[Tue 18 May, 13:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am traveling to Guatemala this summer and I plan to stay
in Antigua most of the time for language school and I would
like to know how I can dress. I am from America and I am
used to wearing shorts and tank tops and receiving no
unwanted attention.. Do I need to dress much more modestly
in Antigua?? I know when I travel around I will need to
dress conservatively but I heard Antigua is more modest.
Any information could help...

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 6:10]

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  1. dress as you like!! Added by: luis (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 1:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    we are not a muslim country, so don't worry about short and
    tank tops, but at night it gets a litle cold... this will be
    relative considering if you are from minessota or florida,
    but bring also clothes for chilly days and nights, have a
    good trip

  2. Gringo Clothes... Added by: Steve Shealy (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 11:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am stationed in Panama (have been here for a year or
    so) and do notice that tank tops and shorts tend to make
    one stick out as a "gringo" more. If a male wears shorts
    around here, you defnitely get stared at. I think slacks
    or a skirt would attract less attention, but then again,
    Antigua is a tourist destination, so shorts/tank tops are
    not that uncommon. I went to Antigua last year (day trip
    out of Guat. City), but there weren't that many other
    Americans around (other than us - and we know not to wear
    shorts), but like I said before, my gut reaction is that
    you might want to go more with the slacks/skirt routine to
    attract less attention and help to blend in. Good luck,
    and write back for more info if needed.....SMS

  3. dress Added by: atp
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 6:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You'll see plenty of foreigners in Antigua in shorts and
    tank tops - the locals are used to it, but definitely do
    dress more conservatively than Americans and I felt like I
    really stuck out when I wasn't dressing more
    conservatively. Outside of Antigua and Panajachel, they
    will stare at anything "revealing" and you'll probably feel
    uncomfortable if not wearing pants/skirt.

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