Costa Rica - Cheap Accommodations?

This topic was created by Azeem (
[Wed 14 April, 5:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Can anyone suggest REALLY cheap places to stay in San Jose?
I'm looking at under $10 a night. I arrive in San Jose on
April 30 - I'm also willing to split accommodation with
single travellers who seek the same.
For those who have been to Costa Rica - what do you
recommend. I'm not into the 'touristy' thing. I'm
interested i na spontaneous, easygoing, inexpensive 1 month
trip during which I can get some beach time, see the
volcanoes and do a jungle trek. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for any that respond!

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Fri 23 April, 4:29]

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  1. Avoid Costa Rica Added by: Robert
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 13:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey there, Costa Rica is an expensive destination. for the way you want to travel I can recommend you to go to Guatemala. I think is one of the best back-packers places in Latin America. It┤s not expensive, they offer you much more to see than in C.R.
    in C.R. you will find a lot of american tourists... yeah is very expensive because of that, you know why..
    Go to Guate... you will love it and will have a lot of fuin

  2. Go to both Added by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 13:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try the Tica Linda..been a crash place for years. Cheap, in
    the center and lots of fellow penny pinchers.

  3. Hey Bob... Added by: Lynda
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 11:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    do you have contact info for the Tica Linda? How would you
    compare it to the hostel in SJ?

  4. cheap farm hangout Added by: villelobos (villelobos @
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 14:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My friend gary lives near chacarita, about 6 hrs from san
    jose on a farm. If you want to hang out for cheap in
    nowhere let me know. He has horses and will put you up in
    his very basic place cheap. Let me know if you want more

  5. The Imperial.. Added by: Laura
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 14:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Not sure I'd recomend it...But two friends stayed there for
    I think 3 dollars a night and came back saying it had been
    the adventure of their lives :)
    Ok so I know this is a lot more expensive (anywhere from 45
    to 80 dollars), and may be touristier than you'd like...But
    if you want to go to the middle of nowhere try Rara Avis
    near the town of "las Horquetas". Basically a hotel
    (max. ocupancy of about 40) 15kms away from everything, no
    electricity, have to hike in or ride a horse or tractor.
    It's a private reserve bordering Braulio Carrillo so there
    is some nice wildlife and pristine jungle..Was an experience
    that changed my life, and they have a waterfall that makes
    your eyes jump out of your head

  6. Grand Hotel Imperial Added by: m
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 4:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent nine months there last year and since it is
    virtually impossible to travel without spending time in San
    Jose, I passed quite a few nights in the city. I would
    never stay anywhere but the Gran Hotel Imperial. It's about
    four dollars a night. Not the safest area - remember to
    always go right out of the doors (toward avenida central)
    and don't go at night. They've got a restaurant that's
    decent and serve beers at night. Many, many, many other
    travelers stay there and there's a great, friendly

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