
This topic was created by Mike (MikeinCA@1coolplace.com)
[Mon 10 May, 15:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi, Mike here with 18 days to go.
I┤ve started to think about hammocks, a month ago I
wouldn┤t even consider it but now it┤s a definite
possibility. It┤s cheap, It looks comfortable, It┤s easy
but the big question: Is it safe???
I┤ve gotten the impression that you, most of the time, pay
someone at a hotel or similar for the right to hang your
hammock at their porch. If that is the case can you lock
your backpack and valuables in the hotel? Has anyone had
any bad experiences sleeping in a hammock? Does anyone have
some practical tips perhaps?
Thank you in advance...

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 12 May, 9:44]

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  1. HAMACA!!! Added by: JULIO
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 2:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I love my hammock...
    It's small and not heavy. When it's real hot you sleep
    better than it a bed. It's comfy. (buy a double or
    king size).
    Most places where you sleep have lockers or the owner will
    keep your things for free at night.
    You'll love it.... And renting a place to hook up your
    hamaca is ALWAYS cheaper than renting a room.
    For comfort buy cotton, for durability buy nylon....

  2. Try Added by: Allen
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 9:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would suggest you try to sleep in one at least one night
    at home before you drag one with you.I personally could
    never get comfortable in one even when my hammock companion
    was a bottle of Belizian rum.
    Good luck

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