Tikal back to Cancun

This topic was created by Maise
[Tue 18 May, 2:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I've got 2 weeks and I fly into/out of Cancun. How can I
get back to Cancun from Tikal? Can I go through Belize?
Anyone suggest a good route with anygood stopovers on the

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 4:06]

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  1. You could try this............ Added by: Cookie
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 3:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To Tikal:
    Once in Cancun, get shared taxi to bus station. Get bus to
    Chetumal, Mexico. Get Batty Bus from Chetumal to Belize
    City. Change bus to Belize/Guatemala Border. Shared taxi
    (or bus if it is there) to Flores/Santa Elena Guatemela.
    From Flores see Tikal, arrange with travel agent or guest
    house for transportation.
    Going Back:
    Option 1: Turn around and go back
    Option 2: Take bus (on really bad road) to Bethel. Take
    shared boat up river to Mexican Border. Note: From here
    you can also hire a boat to Bonompak and Yachitlan if you
    have time and the money. At Mexican Border, either take
    the bus, if it is there, or get everyone together and rent
    a truck and driver to take you to the highway. Hitch Hike
    to Palenque or wave down a 2nd class bus or shared taxi.
    See Palenque. Take bus back to Cancun (try the overnight
    bus, so you can sleep). If going by way of Chetumal, get
    off the bus at the airport cross roads, it'll save you a
    trip to Cancun town. If you have time, go to Merida, or go
    to Tulum (or Chitzen, or Coba, or Uxmal, there's alot to
    see on the Yucatan).
    Two weeks is plenty of time to make this loop. I've done
    this route, and many different variations of it about six
    times (thanks to those super cheap charter flights from
    Minneapolis to Cancun during the winter and early spring).

  2. For Maise Added by: Pickett
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 6:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Cookie is somewhat right but your suggestion is the way to
    go to Palenque and Tikal. On the way back you can catch a
    bus from Flores directly to Chetumal Bypassing Belize City
    (which is a hell hole). From there it's a about 4 hours to
    Playa del Carmen. If you stay in playa del carmen stay at
    las ruinas in a hamaca. Also go to Tulum and stay there in
    a hammack also. Tulum rocks. If in Playa you gotta go to
    Chizen Iza. Blow off Belize City Just get thru belize asap
    its expensive as hell. I've done the exact trip your about
    to take and I now have been living in Guatemala for 3
    years. Good Luck

  3. For Maise Added by: Pickett
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 6:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Cookie is somewhat right but your suggestion is the way to
    go to Palenque and Tikal. On the way back you can catch a
    bus from Flores directly to Chetumal Bypassing Belize City
    (which is a hell hole). From there it's a about 4 hours to
    Playa del Carmen. If you stay in playa del carmen stay at
    las ruinas in a hamaca. Also go to Tulum and stay there in
    a hammack also. Tulum rocks. If in Playa you gotta go to
    Chizen Iza. Blow off Belize City Just get thru belize asap
    its expensive as hell. I've done the exact trip your about
    to take and I now have been living in Guatemala for 3
    years. Good Luck

  4. We Flew Added by: larry
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It was a time saver, plus we got to see Tikal from the air,
    and that's something. I recommend Aviateca (Guatemalan
    airline) over Aerocaribe (Mexican airline, rather sloppy). I
    think neither of these two airlines goes 7 days a week,
    but between them every day is covered. You could get a
    morning flight to Tikal (Flores), and then when it's
    time to leave try one of the overland routes to get back to
    Cancun. Cookie's Option #2 sounds like a great adventure to
    begin with and a good way to see Palenque too. (As I
    remember, the Aviateca flight to Flores continues to
    Palenque, so that's another option if time is short.)
    By the way, my opinion is that Tulum is a drag, but I know
    I'm in the minority on this one.
    Also by the way, I think 3 days and 2 nights at Tikal itself
    is sensible, followed by one night in pretty Flores. Happy

  5. whoops Added by: larry
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just remembered, it was the Aerocaribe flight that
    continued to Palenque.
    We flew Aviateca back to Cancun and that's how we came
    to experience both of these airlines and found Aviateca to
    be a noticeably better outfit, and that's my story!

  6. to Cookie Added by: Koen (kdb@pandora.be)
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 4:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Could you give me more info on the trip from Flores to
    Bethel and then onward to Yaxchilan. Is it easy to
    organise, how much did you pay to rent the boat, how long
    did it take, Did you share the costs with fellow travellers
    or is this an unusual trip for travellers?
    Thanks for helping.

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