This topic was created by tomas (
[Tue 27 April, 8:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi friends,
I just wanna make sure that everyone which has an e-mail
account from Hotmail, knows that this company is owned by
Microsoft, which in turn is mainly owned by Bill Gates.
I believe this guy is already too rich and powerfull to be
receiving money from you; travel lovers.
If you don't feel like supporting Bill Gates then please
switch your e-mail account to any other free-supplier:, yahoo, lycos, mailexcite, altavista, etc
muchos saludos and fight monopolies !!

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Thu 29 April, 11:01]

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  1. Ooooooo Added by: paul
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 9:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow!!! News Flash!!!!!

  2. ummm... Added by: cwd
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 11:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hotmail is FREE, you dumbass.

  3. Hotmail Added by: Bob
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 13:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Use Hotmail..that part costs Gates money to run..just don't
    click on any of the banner ads and he doesn't get any

  4. just posted about this Added by: Treesa
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 13:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    do any of the alternatives you mention allow you to save
    messages to disk (without cut and pasting) or to forward
    messages from that account to another account? Those are the
    two lacks that annoy me most about Hotmail.

  5. Dumbass Added by: ..........
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 20:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Is Hotmail from Microsoft ??????????????????????????????

  6. newsflash Added by: Hello....
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 1:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I also dont' think that Bill Gates needs any more money.
    But i am also aware of the fact(as is most of the rest of
    the educated world)that bill gates has receantly donated
    the bulk of wealth to charity, making him the most generous
    philanthropist. I believe that his donation was in excess
    of 10 million dollars, and as someone else has already
    stated, because hotmail is free it actually costs microsoft
    $ to run. If you want to hurt Bill Gates may I suggest a
    slightly more direct approach, or at the very least try to
    educate yourself before you speak!!!!!!!!

  7. 10 million Added by: Bob
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 1:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    $10 million to Gates is chump change...just another tax write

  8. Yes Virginia there is a santa claus Added by: Alan (
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 6:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You know what. It didn't bither me one it to be able to
    connect to my hotmail around the world while travelling.
    Nor does it bother me that with ie5 I can have seemless
    local repositories of my email at work and home (try that
    with any other free mail supplier).
    The story I hear is that Bill is giving his fortune away
    when he dies. His wife and children will get enough for
    them to be considered very well off but I believe the total
    they are getting is less that the $10 million in chump
    change that has been mentioned here.
    Why would I want to support the people at yahoo or freemail
    or flavourofthedaymail rather than hotmail?

  9. Thronetree Added by: John
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 April, 11:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You know that you guys are just making a mess of the the
    this site!

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