Meeting a travelcompanion...

This topic was created by Mike (
[Mon 19 April, 21:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi, Mike her again. My question this time dosn┤t really
consern any particular destination. How likely is it to
meet someone to travel with. I┤m going to Central America
for seven weeks next month alone, not by choice. I┤ve
always wanted to do a trip like this but not alone. The
reason for this is that none of my friends are interested,
so my only chance is by my self. What are my chances to
meet someone with compatible budget, itinerary and soforth??
(I┤ll be doing LP┤s Highlights).

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Wed 21 April, 22:41]

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  1. don't worry Added by: Michele
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 3:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You'll meet lots of people to travel with, especially if,
    and this is the key, you are already having a great time on
    your own.
    So don't get too wrapped up in thinking you can only have
    fun as part of a group, or with another traveller - there
    are lots of people travelling on their own, because they
    have found you are freer to do what you like when you like.
    Most people also like to hook up with others for dinner, to
    visit a certain destination, to spend a few days on the road
    - and if you really hit it off, maybe you'll plan to meet
    later when you'll both be in the same area again!.
    Just be open and friendly, make eye contact and say hello to
    strangers - now is the time to ignore all the advice Mom
    gave you!
    We stayed in Posada Ruiz in Antigua - cheap, clean-ish but
    in sad repair, because we found we met other travellers
    there to get info from and to chat with etc. We were invited
    to join groups of people who were heading out to bars, and
    ended up travelling with a woman we met there, but also kept
    bumping into people we had met in Antigua when we were in
    other parts of Guatemala. (You can also keep in touch with
    other travellers via e-mail while on the road!)
    Yes you will be lonely occasionally - write your postcards
    then, because you'll be too busy while adventuring with all
    your new friends

  2. Agree Added by: Gecko Surfer
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 7:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Couldn't have said it better myself.Go for it! You will meet
    lots of interesting people.

  3. Where? Added by: Gina
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 13:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    where abouts are you headed? I am going down to the Yucatan, Belize,Guate and Honduras for 11 weeks around the same time.
    let me know!

  4. My itinerary... Added by: Mike (
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 22:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I┤m flying to Guatemala City 28 May and then directly to
    Antigua for a couple of weeks of spanish studies. Buss to
    Panajachel at Lake Atφtlan a couple of days then Copßn, San
    Pedra Sula, Utφla for a diving certificate, back again to
    San Pedro and from there to Nicaragua, some islands in the
    lakes. Maybe I┤ll go to the Coco islands at the caribeean
    coast. I┤ll travel down to costa rica and from there I┤ll
    fly back home 19 July.

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