Arenal--places to stay

This topic was created by Jen (
[Sat 22 May, 0:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Went to Costa Rica last year and didn't make it to Arenal.
Now, we're going again in July and I've checked the LP guide
for places to stay around Arenal, but I can't really find
anything within budget. We heard rumors about cheap places
with hot springs fairly close to the volcano. Please let me
know any great places that are under the $20 range. Cheers!

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 9:57]

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  1. $$$ Added by: Tom Waring (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 9:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We were just at Volcan Arenal, and unfortunately, don't
    recall seeing any cheap hotels about.
    I know it's easy to spend someone else's money (yours in
    this case), but I'd skip eating and stay at the Observatory
    Lodge for one night. I think they had some doubles for
    The Lodge is right at the base of the volocano, which
    really is spectaular. There are, I believe, two free
    walking tours that start from the Observatory and also a
    pleasant waterfall with a natural pool to swim in you can
    hike to.
    More $$$s - to really enjoy the volcano to its fullest, you
    need to hire a guide to take you up the side of the volcano
    at night to see the lava flow. They usually charge about
    Hope it works out - it really is something.

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