Costa Rica/Panama Bound

This topic was created by dana
[Fri 30 April, 2:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Thanks to all for the ideas on places to go and things to do
in Panama. I have a few more questions before I depart.
The big issue for me now is money. Am I going to need US
TCs, or will Canadian be OK? Does it matter if they are
issued by Visa or Amex? Are ATMs reliable/plentiful?

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Mon 10 May, 15:14]

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  1. US Added by: colon
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 2:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    US is good throughout the region.
    The old greenback is the currency of Panama. They call it
    something else, but you just use dollars from the USA.

  2. TC Added by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 3:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Use American Express. I have had a lot of trouble cashing
    Visa travelers checks.

  3. ATMs Added by: Julie
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 9:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I used ATMs in San Jose but don't remember any outside of the city.

  4. Bag TCs Added by: Greenie (
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 15:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had a lot of problems cashing travelers checks. It was
    close to impossible in Panama City and got worse every
    where else. You can only cash checks in bank which have
    pretty short biz hours or in nicer hotels (which you have
    to be a guest of). If I did it again, I would bag tc's and
    just bring US $ or use ATMs.
    Another word of advice...keep small bills at hand at all
    times. Cabs can rarely make change and get pretty upset if
    you don't have small currency.

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