
This topic was created by helen (
[Thu 8 April, 8:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i'm flying into panama city around 6:30pm. first night in
central america in a big city... need suggestions for
lodgings. should i just grab a taxi from the airport, or
are there easy buses or colectivos to get to downtown. i
don't want to be wandering around panama city at night with
a big pack. thanks!

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Sat 24 April, 16:13]

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  1. How much excitement do you want? Added by: jdog
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 14:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The "smart" thing to do is to grab a taxi and take the long
    trip into Panama City. It will be fairly expensive I
    think, but you'll be able to specify exactly where you want
    to go. If you want to be freak'n and have a memory you'll
    cherish forever, get on that colectivo with your big pack
    and try to guess where to get off. I took the colectivo in
    during the day and ended up in a rather dicey area with my
    big pack calling out "here's the tourist." People are
    friendly, and if you have an idea of where you want to
    stay, you'll be better off. While I stayed in Panama Viejo
    and enjoyed it, I wouldn't recommend arriving there at

  2. good for the first night... Added by: andreas (
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 2:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    every time i go to a BIG city - i use taxis.
    for pc its advisable.
    check the "gran hotel soloy", big name, waiters,
    really a "better one", good service, pool (of course
    with no water, but great views) on top of the
    building, restaurant, all you need, at the edge
    of the safe part of pc (of course in it),
    three years ago it was for this kind of a hotel
    (surprise, surprise) only 22 $.
    check it. at the time ive been there: it was really
    good luck

  3. good for the first night... Added by: andreas (
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 2:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    every time i go to a BIG city - i use taxis.
    for pc its advisable.
    check the "gran hotel soloy", big name, waiters,
    really a "better one", good service, pool (of course
    with no water, but great views) on top of the
    building, restaurant, all you need, at the edge
    of the safe part of pc (of course in it),
    three years ago it was for this kind of a hotel
    (surprise, surprise) only 22 $.
    check it. at the time ive been there: it was really
    good luck

  4. I was there over xmas and... Added by: Skate (
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 3:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would suggest that if you get in at night, splurge on the
    Taxi. Negotiate before you leave the airport, but it
    shouldn't be more than $10. Actually, shoot for $5 and see
    what they say. The airport is quite a way from downtown
    There are plenty of places you do NOT want to end up in in
    Panama City (especially after dark w/ a big pack!!!) I
    suggest for the first night anyway, stay at a more
    expensive hotel downtown. The bank district is probably
    the safest bet. Plus there is a lot to do and see.
    Personally I recommend the Hotel Costa Del Sol. I stayed
    there just before xmas and they really took care of me.
    Negotiate the price, I got it for half price which was
    about $49 a night. It has a bar and restraunt and pool on
    the roof w/ a great view of the city. They also did me
    right on trips to El Valle, the canal locks, and other
    areas of interest. I'm not associated w/ the hotel at all,
    just passing on my good experience.
    The contact I had there was "David Ramirez" He hooked me up with the tours, spoke
    excellent english, and was an all around nice guy.
    There is also a fairly cheap, actually two, internet cafe's
    within about four blocks of the hotel. If you orient
    yourself correctly, they are behind the Hotel Panama. And
    there's a pretty cool club inside Hotel Panama, but one
    warning: Panama clubs require slacks, not jeans, shoes,
    not sandals, and a collared shirt. People tend to dress up
    there when they go out.
    Of course, your other option is to check with different
    cabbies at the airport and I'm sure you can find somewhere
    much cheaper to stay.
    Have a good time.

  5. Hotel California Added by: Gecko Surfer
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 9:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Arrived late at night in Panama City. splurge for a taxi. If
    you walk out to the main road about 200m, you will get a
    cheaper price. We paid 20 or 25 U.S. for a taxi but it got
    us to our hotel. I highly reccomend the Hotel California.
    Beautiful room for 20.00 U.S. a night. Its in our addition
    of the L.P. In the guide book it says the Hotel Montreal is
    the same only with a pool. Definately not we stayed in both.

  6.'wooly swamp Added by: dnlBoone
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 4:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    definetly TAXI at will find a hotel between
    $20 and $100. stay off the streets at night,I was there the
    last time I visited in '91 and there was a curfew at 10 or
    12pm.(its hard to remember)uhmm, sometimes you might hear
    some kids playing with some super loud 'firecrackers'?
    (leave your jam-box at home)


  7. share a cab Added by: Don Jorge
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 23:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    They are right. It's not worth saving some money and getting
    in trouble at the beginning of your stay.
    I have been there in october. At the airport there is a desk
    where you can buy fixed-priced tickets into the city (safe
    but pricy). I shared a cab with a business man into town
    which reduced the price to 50%. Stayed at a very clean and
    nice Hotel for 12$/night - have to check the name.

  8. TAKE A TAXI TO TOWN Added by: dude (panamaman)
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 16:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    TAKE A TAXI!!! Stay at the Costa del Sol, near Hotel Panama.
    DO NOT stay at the monetreal, it SUKS ASS!!! The Costa del
    Sol is great and not too expensive $40.
    Enjoy, I love Panama, Punto Chame is a grea tquiet place to

  9. Panama Added by: Richard
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 16:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Pick up a coupon at the information desk (on the way to
    baggage claim at the airport) and you can stay at the Hotel
    Roma for about $30 per night. Clean rooms, air
    conditioned, private bathrooms with hot water.

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