North Mexico-Anybody ever been there?

This topic was created by jacksonpollock (
[Wed 21 April, 1:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am planning an August three week trip to the North of
Mexico and Baja California. Any suggestions? We would like
to rent a car and drive from Chihuahua to Cabo San luca!
Are there any ferries between the mainland and the Baja C.
peninsula? What are the road conditions like. Can we cross
Copper canyon by car? What kind of accomodation can be
found on the road?
Best holidays to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 1:10]

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  1. mainland to Baja del Sur Added by: bruno
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 1:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ferrys between Mazatlan and La Paz, Topolobampo (Los Mochis)
    and La Paz.

  2. Few Roads across the copper canyon Added by: Benjamin
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 4:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This sounds like a great idea, however when my wife and I
    travelled through this part of Mexico there was no road
    that went through the Copper Canyon area to the coast. You
    can get from Chihuahua to a little past San Rafael (1 1/2
    hours West of Creel by road) but, if I remember correctly
    the roads get sketchier and sketchier after that, if they
    are existant at all. This is particularly true if you're
    going in August. The roads are likely to be bad; that is
    the height of the rainy season down there.
    There are good roads that drop south from the States that
    follow the coast or the interior; you could loop up from
    Chihuahua to the border area south of Tuscon and skirt west
    to near Mexicali, but it doesn't sound like you've got that
    much time.
    My suggestion would be to do this trip in reverse. Drive
    down the Baja and catch a ferry across the Sea of Cortez to
    Topolabampo or Los Mochis, the catch the Train from Los
    Mochis east into the Copper Canyon area, spend some time up
    there travelling on foot (Mexicans are really very friendly
    and are good about picking up hitchers) or finding
    organized tours of the Canyons from Creel.
    Good luck.

  3. Ferry Info Added by: Elliott Moore (
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 19:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Up-to-date (April '99) info on the Baja ferries is at:
    which lists present fares, accomodations, departure times, etc.
    Paving of the road through Copper Canyon has been expected
    to be finished "shortly" ever since my first visit there in
    1980, but hasn't happened yet according to visitor reports
    a few months ago. You can cross the Sierra Madre up to the
    north, by the U.S. border; you can also cross by CURVY paved
    road between Durango/Mazatlan. I find that heavy truck traffic
    left me uneasy on this road, though. Hope this helps. Elliott Moore

  4. Copper Canyon Added by: Sharyn (
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 12:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would suggest not to drive the Copper Canyon - how could
    you look and enjoy and keep the car on the road!! It is an
    amazing trip by train and not expensive!!

  5. If Added by: Jen
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 1:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you go to north Mexico, don't miss the Copper Canyon. It is
    really very special. The train ride is beautiful, but you
    do need to stay at least one night there to enjoy it fully.
    If you're looking for a Northern "colonial town", try Alamos
    - about 40mins from Navajoa in Sonora. It's really quiet
    and laid back - oh, and beautiful for the area.
    I don't know how far South you want to go, or when, but we
    enjoyed San Blas. They do great little Jungle rides by
    boats. Its mosquito ridden in Summer though.
    I thought that Chihuahua and Los Mochis were both dumps, so
    plan not to waste too much time there if possible.
    Have fun!

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