would you whore yourself in Honduras?

This topic was created by cheryl (hoyden@interar.com.ar)
[Thu 22 April, 5:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My boyfriend has just been offered an amazing 2 year
contract in Teguc, the capital of Honduras. His salary
would make us rich, but I know nothing about the place at
all except that it is damned ugly and poor, especially
after being slammed by Mitch. Anyone who has been to
Honduras and could answer the question: "would you spend
two years of your life in Teguc if someone offered you a
shitload of money", please answer!! I want so much to know
more about the health epidemics that supposedly exist
there, the crime, whether or not there are "nice" suburbs
for us to live in, or hell, even if there is hot and cold
running water now.
thanks and cheers from Argentina,

[There are 15 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 23:02]

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  1. Que triste Added by: Monte
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 2:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    After travelling in latin america for a while I have to come
    to this conclusion: People from Argentina are SO SNOB.
    Cheryl read your own e-mail and you will agree with me.
    Where did you get your info on Honduras???
    Have you ever been out of Argentina?

  2. The answer is obvious Added by: Chato
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 7:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Since it is obvious that you have already decided what
    Honduras is like it is very unlikely that the truth would
    change your mind.

  3. Don't go Added by: lollie
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 14:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    With such a negative outlook I doubt that you could enjoy
    it, I would suggest you stay home. Many of the people are
    poor, and have been hit by trajedy, but I can't believe
    someone can be so judgemental and incompassionate.

  4. whatever... Added by: Cheryl
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 4:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Look you guys--
    The only information I have about this place are some CNN
    photos of the hurricane and some warnings from my embassy
    that diseases and crime are rampant. The news was far from
    good and judging from that stuff alone, no sane human being
    who is not an aid worker would CHOOSE to live there.
    However, i understand that these perspectives are often
    exaggerated and was thus looking for some less judgemental
    info, but y'all are even worse than the State Department,
    only in the other direction!I was not looking for moral
    judgement, just pure facts about the country from a non-
    "official" POV. As much as I empathise with the people
    there, I do not think it is "callus" to try to objectively
    weigh the pro's and con's of making a move. If the
    "judgements" I have made about the place (based on the
    sources quoted above) are wrong, just tell me so!! I have
    been LIVING in countries around the world for the past half-
    a decade (not just merrily backpacking for a month or two),
    and believe me, the more information you can get, the
    better. Don't be so damned critical! That doesn't help
    anyone, and you'd probably have the same feelings about
    going as I do.
    And by the way, Monte, your criticism of Argentines is yet
    another example of how racism is ALWAYS stupid and empty--
    I'm not even Argentine, for god's sake, so be careful when
    you say shit like that.

  5. morality play Added by: .
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 0:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Is the work ethical?
    I wonder how someone can make a shitload of money in an
    impoverished disaster stricken country. I guess your
    boyfriend isn't a disaster relief worker. Maybe he's going
    to help someone rape the natural resources and exploit the
    Wait. I've got it. He's going to exploit the disaster
    relief. Wonderful.

  6. Tegus Added by: John
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 6:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry Cheryl, there sure are a lot of assholes around that
    want to cut you up. As for Tegus I was only there for a
    couple of days and did not think that it was all that bad.
    The people were quite friendly despite their terible problem
    with Mitch, and the section near Parque Central is clean and
    modern. As for the rest of it , it is very simaliar to other
    Latin American Cities. It has a lot of poor people with not
    much opportunity . I think that if you travel so much that
    you surely will be able to make the best of it. Also I have
    met many people from Argentina that would give you a better
    chance than all these oppionated jerks around here. Good

  7. Go pick on someone else who is REALLY nasty! Added by: Cheryl
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 7:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Let me just say that I AM SO SHOCKED AT HOW HORRIBLY
    As a matter of fact, my boyfriend will be representing
    Argentina in the International Development Bank, with the
    goal of directing money from that bank toward rebuilding
    Honduras after Mitch. He is also lobbying the United States
    to write off all of Hondura's international debts. We have
    both lived and worked all over Latin America, and all I
    would like to know is exactly what kinds of conditions I
    need to be prepared to face. I don't mind at all living in
    the face of poverty; but if my safety or health is
    seriously at risk (as it has been in various places
    before), frankly, after spending some years of living like
    that, I am not prepared to put up with much more.
    Anyhow,thanks to John and other people who have spoken
    frankly about the pluses and minuses of going, we have
    decided to go and do our best BOTH to stay safe and happy
    and contrubute positively to our adopted community.
    If anyone else has anything useful to say, I will still be
    checking this thread while it is posted.

  8. Wrong choice of words Added by: Nathalie
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 21:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Maybe if you hadn't used the words "whore yourself in
    Honduras", you'd have received different responses.
    However, from your following posts, it seems those were
    deliberate words from a pretentious bitch. And while it's
    nice that your boyfriend is doing all these wonderful
    things to help the community as you put it, how are you

  9. la puta Added by: John
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 22:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Isn't it obvious Nathalie? She's whoring herself.

  10. read this first Added by: lisa
    [Timestamp: Mon 26 April, 5:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have read all of your posts and do not think you are a
    "pretentious bitch", but would venture to say that Nathalie
    is a jeolous bitch!! (what's the matter, nat? don't have a
    rich boyfriend to travel with?) And as for John, maybe he
    was joking, but then again, mysogyny is not surprising,
    even on the thorntree.
    Guess what? I have been to Tegus (NOT Teguc, as you called
    it), and though I only passed through a few months ago (Feb
    99), there was still a lot of damage done by the hurricane.
    The road from Tegus to Los angeles (where I really wanted
    to go) was destroyed by Mitch, and I did not feel safe
    enough to travel at night. I didn't get sick at all, and
    don't think the disease reports are really valid. don't
    worry about that. As for crime and poverty, yes, they exist
    (and I was told they are getting worse) so be careful.
    I, for one, am glad you decided to go, and hope that
    youwill join your lover to help Honduras recover.
    Good luck! (and ignore all the jealous assholes)

  11. Some facts... Added by: Mauricio
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 4:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    o There is no organization called the "International
    Development Bank". You probably meant to say the
    "Inter-American Development Bank" (IDB).
    o Your boyfriend will not be "directing money from that
    bank toward rebuilding Honduras", instead he will be
    administering a loan from the IDB to Honduras. The IDB does
    not give out grants. Honduras and its people remain
    responsible for the timely payment of such loan.
    o More than a quarter of Honduras' external debt is owed to
    the organization for which your boyfriend works, the IDB.
    Currently the Honduras owes the IDB approx. $1 billion.
    o Do yourselves and the people of Honduras a favor, stay in
    Buenos Aires, and leave economic development work to people
    who are committed and knowledgeable about the country to
    which they are assigned, and are prepared to roll up their
    sleeves and get dirty.

  12. boy friend Added by: Mick
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 5:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    because you and your boyfriend are just living together. I
    am sure some charming Honduran girl can easily take you
    away from him. With or without a $%^&load of money.

  13. beautiful Honduras Added by: cashmere
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 3:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Seems like your original question was for information on
    Honduras and not on opinions of what you/your boyfriend is
    doing there, etc.
    my parents just returned from living 2 years in San Pedro
    Sula Honduras and although there was some getting used to, I
    think they would not change their decision for the world.
    Hoduras is a very poor and poverty stricken country, but has
    the natural riches and the people are absolutely wonderful.
    They met some great friends and plan on returning soon.
    Good luck...

    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 15:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  15. loco poco Added by: john
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 23:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    After reading the posts to Cheryl's questions......it is
    amazing the way individuals perceive the " words" of others
    mi esposa jessenia es de Hondurian...... for you gringos she
    is from the poorest part of honduras. Her mother had 17
    children....... 9 of which are no longer living because of
    medical attention and other living conditions which only
    exist in 3rd world countries and are beyond the
    comprehension of most individuals.
    The quality of life ......is relative to your exposure to
    the " amenities" of other countries, and since most of the
    people in all countries are exposed to these amenities, via
    television and other media, this quest to leave the homeland
    for "el Norte" exists.
    There is no doubt that it will be a hard experience for you
    living in conditions unfamilar to you, however if you & your
    friend are truely sincere in your desire to help humanity,
    you will be rewarded in self gratification which only you
    can value.

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