Belize or Costa Rica?

This topic was created by Wendy (
[Thu 22 April, 1:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

If anyone has any top tips on which of these two countries
would be best for a short may trip please feel free to email
me. I'm interested in costs, flights, weather, sites and
what the people are like.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Sat 24 April, 22:17]

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  1. Difficult Choice Added by: Joe (
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 2:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Costa Rica is safer, cheaper and better set up for all kinds of visitors. However it is quite Americanised with shopping malls and Burger King in San Jose (which is boreing), and loads of Americans (but NO Brits which can be refreshing).
    The National Parks in Costa Rica are amazing and completley untouched, but they all have visitors centres etc. and are easily acessable.
    Belize can be quite dangerous (Belize City is pretty but full of crack heads), and is much more expensive than any of the other countries in CA. The jungles however are more unexplored, and the reef and Cayes are more idilic than the CR coast. If you are into diving Belize is amazing.
    With just 2 weeks I would say Costa Rica as it is easier to travel etc. Go to Manuel Antonio NP, Volcan Aranal and Montezuma. It is probably the most beautiful country I have been to in the world.

  2. Costa Rica Added by: Tom Waring (
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 7:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We just got back from Costa Rica and it was outstanding.
    San Jose is a big, modern busling city. The Hotel Johnston
    is a good place to stay right down town. Be careful of
    purse snatching.
    Volcan Arenal is outstanding. Hard to get to by bus, but
    worth it. I'd stay at the cheapest room (US$47) at the
    Observatory Lodge. Still expensive, but worth it, it's
    right at the foot of the volcano. Hire a guide to take you
    up the side at night to watch the lava flow.
    If you're really into nature, Monteverde, a cloud forest is
    magnificient. There was a pair of Questzal birds nesting
    at post market 4 on the Nostotros Trail 2 weeks ago.
    The weather was in the mid seventies every day, pretty much
    all day. I would stretch a point and take a 6 hour direct
    bus ride from San Jose (Palandine bus leaves at 10:00 am)
    to Bocas del Toro, an island in Panama. Beautiful and
    still undiscovered. Swim and dive to your hearts content.

    Have a great trip.

  3. Not belize if you're chinese Added by: clara
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 11:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Everyone always talks about how friendly the belizeans are,
    but if you are asian looking, I can guarantee (I was there
    in January and left the country early) that you will be
    treated like dirt. People will glare at you, not answer
    you if you say good morning, say derogatory things to you on
    the street for no reason, and answer questions without
    looking at you (if they answer at all). Sound like fun?
    Now you know why I left the Belize early.

  4. It's simple... Added by: Chato
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 7:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Costa Rica

  5. definitely cr! Added by: ravensmom (
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 22:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you don't need to stay in san jose when in cr. there are
    many places around arenal and poas where you will never see
    anyone who isn't tico. although if you stay in the smaller
    towns, you need more than a rudimentary knowledge of
    spanish. don't expect most ticos to speak english, except
    in heavy tourist areas, which won't give you the real feel
    of the country, anyway. also, everywhere in cr there are
    two different rates for admissions; tico and tourist. if
    you can't pass for a tico, be prepared. but, hey, it's
    still well worth it. have fun!

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