Share Info on your Trip to Belize!

This topic was created by Linda (
[Wed 19 May, 23:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Have you been to Belize?
The Green Travel Network is a complete online resource for
the adventurous traveler. The multi-faceted website serves
up equal parts inspiration and travel planning practicality
by bringing together world travelers, experts, and tour
operators to create a vibrant online community.
Would you like to be included?
If so, we have a couple of options:
--Go to our site and
enter a "trip report" about your journey.
--If you don't have time, just contact me and allow
us to enter it for you
So join our community and meet other travelers who share
your interest.
For further information, feel free tp cpntact me. Thank you!

[There are 0 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 23:59]

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