Flores - Palenque by boat

This topic was created by dominique
[Sun 23 May, 1:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I know there is a possibility to go by boat and bus from
Flores (Guatemala) to Palenque in Mexico. Has anybody done
this. I'd appreciate all info.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 5:08]

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  1. Right Added by: Koen (kdb@pandora.be)
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 2:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm planning to do the same thing in November this year,
    but I couldn't get much info untill now. I did check
    several guidebooks, and what I gathered untill now is this:
    First take a bus to Sayaxche (2 hours)(I did this in 1993
    already). From Sayaxche you can either join a cargo boat
    towards Benemerito in Mexico, but this will take a couple
    of days as they are slow and there are nofixed schedules.
    Another option is to rent your own boat. I know they were
    quite expensive in 1993 as there's 1 guy who owns most of
    the boats. For a trip to Benemerito they'll charge at least
    150 US$, stopping at several Maya sites along the river.
    From Benemerito you can go to Palenque. A better option
    however is to go further to Yaxchilan (after all this is
    the reason why you would do the trip by boat I guess). i
    don't know exactly the price, but I would count on 300 US$
    for the 8 hour trip all the way from Sayaxche to Yaxchilan.
    Then go back to Corozal, there are places to spend the
    night there. Next day you could either take the bus to
    Palenque or else go to Bonampak first.

    If you're interested in joinig us on that trip in order to
    share the costs of the boat, we will do this around
    22/11/99. Anyone who's interested, just mail me.
    For info on Tikal and Palenque, check out my website

  2. Second option Added by: Koen
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 5:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Or were you referring to the second, much easier but also
    less adventurous option: Flores-Usumacintaz river (5
    hours), then 30 min boatride, and then from Tenosique
    further on to Palenque. That's pretty easy but you'll miss
    the jungle Maya sites like Yaxchilan and others.

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