Cancun to Palenque

This topic was created by graham (
[Sat 3 April, 18:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am taking a short break in Cancun end of April and would
be interested in hiring a car for some of the time to get
to Palenque. Does anyone have experience/tips for car hire
in this area, I have been quoted UK ú230 for the return
flight by travel agent in UK, which was almost as much as
the Cancun London flight!
Also would appreciate suggestions for quiet and reasonable
beach accomodation near Cancun.

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Tue 27 April, 19:12]

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  1. isla mejarus Added by: Amrit
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 3:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think that is how you spell it....but anyways it is the
    island of women just of the coast of Cancun, it has
    beautiful beaches and is probably the one third the price of
    Cancun, we stayed a week and loved it, it only takes 40
    minutes by ferry. Don┤t take a cab when leaving the Cancun
    airport, get a collectivo it is still expensive but cheaper
    than a cab.

  2. time factor Added by: joe
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 5:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You say you are in Cancun for a short break ? Palenque is a
    long way by car. By bus it's about 5 hours to Merida and
    another 10-11 from Merida to Palenque. A car would be faster
    but not by much. Have you considered Chichen Itza and Uxmal
    as closer alternatives ?
    I have hired a taxi from Merida to Uxmal for a family of 4.
    It was about twice what the bus would have cost. For a
    single person the cost would have been the same since you
    hire the vehicle irregardless of the number of passengers.
    We took buses. They helped teach my kids patience.

  3. Tulum Added by: Dave
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 0:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I highly recommend a visit to Tulum, a Mayan site an hour or
    so south by bus from Cancun. For a reasonable fee you can
    stay at the campsite in a tent or in a hut,just along the
    road from the ruins, on one of the best beaches i've seen in
    the world.Get up early in the morning to visit the site
    first thing before the tour buses arrive.
    Whlist at Palenque make sure you go inside the Temple of
    Inscriptions to see the tomb. Totally amazing.

  4. Chichen Itza instead Added by: Kerstin (
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 19:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As Joe already mentioned it is a long way to go if you are
    on a short break. Car hire is very expensive and driving
    over there is not like in England. People drive quite
    aggressively and roads are often bad slowing you down
    Why don't you consider Chichen Itza instead. It is 3 hrs one
    way from Cancun and can be achieved in a day. Buses (ADO)
    leave the Cancun bus terminal at 9.00 am and return from
    Chichen Itza at 4.30 pm. Cost Pesos $90/ return (ú6).
    I also wanted to go to Palenque originally, simply to see
    the "Ancient Astronaut" - Lid of Palenque, but soon realized
    this would not be possible (lack of time!) during a one week
    stay. I must say I was very impressed with Chichen Itza!
    Tip: Take US$ travellers cheques rather than ú. The rate is
    better. If you do wish to change ús to Pesos, do it in
    England where the rate is ú1 = Pesos $15. In Cancun you only
    get Pesos $13.5
    Have fun!

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