Oaxaca State in July

This topic was created by Anders
[Mon 17 May, 22:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We're planning to go to Oaxaca State during July. The area
seems very interesting and not as crowded as other parts of
Mexico. Having read the LP guide you also get the feeling
that the beaches down there are very nice. However we're
slightly concerned with the risk of heavy rainfall during
this time of the year. Can anyone tell me how bad it is?

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 3:59]

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  1. Nice beach Added by: Angy
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 0:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In Oaxaca you centainly have really nice beaches like puerto
    escondido ('hidden beach', though not so hidden as you would
    think) and puerto Angel. Near puerto Angel there is a beach
    (also mentioned in LP) I forgot the name), you can go there
    by truck. There are really very few people over there and
    you have hammocks to relax. Super !
    I think it will be ok with the rainfall, though you never
    can be sure. When I lived in Mexico, most of the times it
    started raining every day at the same time for about an
    hour. So most of the times you knew when it starts
    raining...but as I said the whether casn't be trusted. Don't
    get discouraged. Go anyway. It is fantastic !

  2. rain Added by: danielle
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 17:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    during the rainy season, july to october or so, it rains
    just about every night. the day starts out sunny, but then
    towards mid-late afternoon the clouds roll in and then it
    absolutely pours for hrs! sometimes all night. it can be a
    drag. but i was in oaxaca intermittently from october till
    jan and the weather change was quite drastic-- rainy to
    drought-like. For beaches, go to puerto escondido (which if
    we are going to get picky means "hidden port") the other
    beach angy is talking about is zipolite, it's a nude beach
    so if you are ok with that go, but i don't need to see
    naked old men. escondido is a young surfer town, lots of
    fun. I read somewhere that single women go there on
    vacation because the odds of meeting a studly guy are VERY
    good. I met my boyfriend there around dia de los muertos
    and we're still together. the place isn't crowded at all
    and you begin to feel like a local after a few weeks.

  3. Oaxaca is beautiful Added by: sarahp
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 12:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was studied at a language school in Oaxaca from mid-July to September and absolutely loved it there. The rain isn't really that bad. I've been in other cities in Mexico about the same time of year and Oaxaca was the least rainy of all of them. Also, it never lasted beyond an hour and it would always clear up beautifully within a short amount of time.
    You might consider trying to get tickets to the Guelaguetza. It is a yearly festival, held the last 2 Sundays of July. It has historic roots and people from all over Mexico come to see it. It's about 4 hours of traditional Oaxacan dance and music. I'm not sure where you could get tickets though since I was able to get them through the school I was attending. Maybe a tourist office?
    The beach that the other post couldn't thjink of the name was probably Zipolite. It is right next to Puerto Angel. It is very small and the atmosphere is young (20's to 30's), very international. When I was there, there were at least 8 different languages being spoken, including Hebrew. It is also known as a "clothing optional" beach. There was also quite a bit of marijuana, if you're into that sort of thing. But you definitely don't want to plan to swim there as the undercurrent is something awful. Have a great time.

  4. where? Added by: traveller
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 3:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try N. America site because strangely enough mexico is in N
    America. there are in fact more than one country on that
    continent. by the way Oaxaca is great and Ziploite is the
    beach resort if you want to get your clothes off and have

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