Decent Minded Female traveling companion

This topic was created by Brad (bradvoux@mailcity.)
[Tue 13 April, 12:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

This posting is not a joke only serious minded people
respond please:
My name is Brad I am a good looking French Canadian Male
exotic dancer Swimwear model from Quebec I am looking for a
Female travel companion to travel from Mexico to Panama the
problem is last time I attempted this trip I was hit on by
so many Beatifull Latin woman I could not enjoy my self so I
would like to take a Companion with so this will possibly
ward off the many sexual advancs I might recieve I was
almost Raped by two drunken crazed Girls at a hostel in
Guatemala city this experiance hes left me shattered and
untrusting the real shame is I really want to see the
beautifull sights and mystical and exotic Culture but not
with out unwanted sexual advances I do not know if this
behavior is accepted in these countries also I would like to
know if any otere males traveling alone have encountered
such painfull situation and what if any advise can you give
me to avoid attempted rapes by such wild crazed Females I
would be willing to pay for a decent minded Companion's
travel expeses my schedule is quite flexible but some time
before Summer will be fine
Sorry no females from British Colombia or Ontario please
U.S citizens welcomed

[There are 24 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 1:15]

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  1. life Added by: esteban420
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 13:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    life's a bitch, ain't it?

  2. simmilar experience Added by: Skinny
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 16:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Had a simmilarly awkward experience while travelling in Guatemala. Through family connections. I arranged a homestay in Antigua Guatemala with a large family. The deal wasthat I would stay for a week and the oldest daghter would teach me Spanish. I would in turn give the family the equavalent of tuition in a language school. What followed was an awkward situation in which the daughter would just stare at me with big eyes. Not only this, but in the course of our "tutoring" session she tried to direct the conversation to sexual topics!
    Being quite shocked and anxiety ridden I took up a routine in which I would leave the house early in the morning so as to avoid any problems.
    Finding a female travelling companion to protect you is an excellent idea however, women often seem to find men even more attractive when they are with women.
    Alas, perhaps you will be compeled to succumb.

  3. ? Added by: Michele
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 0:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I met some devastatingly handsome men who were travelling
    through Guatemala, and they didn't mention this problem, but
    maybe they were too embarrassed. I can sertainly sympathise
    with your predicament having travelled through some
    countries where women don't go out alone, let alone travel!
    It can be hard to accept hospitality from local people when
    you're not sure what is being offered. I know myself I
    probably hurt the feelings of some decent people by erring
    on the side of caution.
    For you it is a little different than for me because in most
    cases you are not in any physical danger because most women
    aren't attacted by forced sex with a man.
    In tricky situations maybe you could rig up a little
    priest's costume using a strip of white cardboard under the
    collar of your shirt and by wearing a cross! The cross alone
    might protect you if you claim to be deeply religious...Also
    do what women do, don't dress so as to show off your body,
    don't make eye contact with strangers in uncomfortable
    situations, avoid compromising situations. If you are a
    pleasant person, you should be able to join up with women
    travellers on the road - having a stranger dependant on you
    can be a real drag if it doesn't work out. Might help to
    wear a wedding band if you do end up travelling with a
    woman, though. (You could always go with a guy and pretend
    to be gay!) :-)
    Out of curiosity, why no women from Ontario or BC?
    Good Luck!

  4. Huhh? Added by: zoro
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 7:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    this is a joke, right?

  5. I know the feeling Added by: joe
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 7:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can relate to Brad's problem. It's no joke. I am a 49
    year old overweight American male who has definitely seen
    better years. On my last two trips to Mexico I was
    constantly hit on by gorgeous Latino women. I think it was
    the bags under my eyes. It seems that all these women think
    about is trying to get gringo men. It was especially
    embarrassing to my wife and kids who were travelling with
    me. I don't know if it's because I'm so damn good looking
    or the fact that I work out once a month. On my next trip
    I'm going to Guatemala where I hope the women are a little
    more subdued. I would suggest that Brad try to keep his body
    covered or perhaps just stay home and gaze lovingly into a

  6. Your ego is going to kill you Added by: Maria Bonita
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 9:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oh Brad, I think you have the ego out of proportion, yeah, some girls gets crazy when they are drunk but this can happen everywhere, there┤s a lot of decent women in Guatemala. Latin girls are very passionate, but your attitude freezes me.
    You are insulting us... I don┤t think you are too cool or too hot or so good lucking. I think you need therapy. I don┤t see any spark of intelligence here. also, an hones heart, a relaxed attitude, a good manners, that really turn me on, not a good body forced with drugs and a baby face looks more than a girls rather than a man, I think your hands are very soft, not like our men┤s hands, yeah humble people working so hard to survive, that┤s what we are. but your life seems so easy, except that you couldn┤t handle a latin fire, ohhh... poor baby, I bet you got some drugs to releaf your shock.. snif, snif
    Brad, you can travel everywhere, any time, and the way you want. But do us a favor, never comeback to Guatemala. We like real men, not crying babies, you can have a lot of money, a beautiful face and body, a succesfull career but a love of a latin woman, our loyalty, beauty and companion, and the best sex ever, this is something I hope you never can have it, because you don┤t deserve it... we are too much for you... that┤s why you got scared...
    is forever...

  7. bum fluff Added by: ugly bloke
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 11:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This is not a joke but if you are serious....
    you know the answer is very simple, grow a beard one you
    are past the stubble stage and if you can put up with the
    itchy stage (about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks is enough, this will cut
    down all unwanted advances by at least 90%, especially in
    an area where facial hair is almost unheard of. This
    depends though on how much you value your appearance/image

  8. Imposter Added by: BC Female
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 13:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am embarrassed that you claim to be a fellow Canadian!
    No one from any other province would be stupid enough to
    even think up such a problem - serious or not!

  9. OH BRAD hank JNR the third Added by: spiro
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 15:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ooohhh baby give it to me so bad . you really have a great
    ... oh yeah baby.

  10. I'm also serious Added by: Girl A
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 17:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would go with you. I was hoping that I could find a
    companion to travel with since I am a little insecure about
    traveling alone. If you are not joking, please post when
    you plan this trip.

  11. funny Added by: coyoteway
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 6:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey, this is the funniest string I've seen on this tree
    since I saw a picture of Brad in a string ...

  12. welcome Added by: canadagirl
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 11:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Welcome to how it feels to be female, Brad. Though, I'm
    sure you yourself have never given unwanted attention to a
    woman, nor viewed women as mere sexual objects. The
    difference, however, is that you can go home...

  13. ??????? Added by: nexus
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 0:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are joking. If your experience has left you shattered
    and untrusting, why would you solicit meeting a female
    companion over the internet? This is someone you do not
    know and might just turn out to be like the women you are
    so afraid of!!!!
    It is obvious that you are an egotistical idiot!! This
    might come as a suprise to you, but not all women in third
    world countries want to get in your pant. (is there
    anything in your pants?)
    Here is an interesting theory: Were you shattered and hurt
    because it was WOMEN who tried to rape you and not MEN?
    Come out of the closet Brad.....

  14. One more thing Added by: nexus
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 0:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If a woman wants sex from you does that make her indecent?

  15. One more more thing Added by: Louie
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 5:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In answer to nexus. No. If a woman wants sex from Brad it
    does not make her indecent. Deaf, dumb, blind and desperate
    definitely; but not indecent.

  16. good stuff!!! Added by: woodmother (
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 19:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks this is good stuff I am so!!! happy to see that "WE still have IT!!!!!!! ha ha ha thanks again I laughed for 10 min.sTWW

  17. Tell them you're not a US citizen.... Added by: Jen
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 4:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We got loads of unwanted attention from guys when
    travelling, however, more often than not, once the guys
    found out we were from Ireland and did not hold the key to a
    US passport, they lost interest quickly. But maybe I'm just

  18. Understood Added by: Liz
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 10:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wish this was funny but women are just as capable of such
    horrid act as men ignore these stupid ignorant people brad

  19. Get real man..... Added by: Yeah, rightí (
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 7:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    C┤mon, try to understand this poor gringo, he is so used
    to the frigidity and politycally corectness of the US and
    CAN girls that almost anything seems to him a rape, maybe
    the girls just talk to them and...... here goes his mind
    imagining all sorts of kinky stuff

  20. Is it true? Added by: Simon
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 7:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Brad is this story true? I'm a African-American who has
    been to salsa clubs in North Carolina. I never had latino
    women hit on me. If I come to Guatemala City the women you
    talked about-if I found one would be laughing if I tell this
    story. The only latina of that kind of boldness would be
    Gloria Trevi and I never met another one like her. I doubt
    it would happen if I visit Guatemala. However if it does I
    will apologize on this post.

  21. HEY BRAD.. Added by: cyndi the cynic
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 7:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for the informative posting. It really is
    enlightening to learn that someone who works as an EXOTIC
    DANCER and SWIMWEAR MODEL, and who is clearly so aware of
    their awesome physical prowess, would have such a dreadful
    time adjusting to a few women coming on to them in such a
    machismo-ridden part of the world.. come on, Brad, cut the
    bullshit here and get off the thorn tree with your time-
    wasting drivel. Or at least if you really think you need
    to bust everyone's balls, have the intelligence to conjure
    up a believable story.
    An exotic dancer who is traumatized by the attention of
    drunken women?? HELLO?????

  22. bullshit??? Added by: Don Marcos
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 20:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    bullshit or not. travelling as a couple is the perfect way
    in my book. less hassle with amorous latinos (or latinas).
    that is, if you are sure you don't want the attention ;-)

  23. Biology be Damned! Added by: Evil Female Rapist
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 14:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, you might think it would be difficult for a woman to
    rape a man, but after just a few weeks in Guatemala, I've
    learned the secret trick - after you tie him to the bed with
    his own Exotic Quebecois Swimwear, simply fill a syringe
    with Liquid Viagra and he is Helpless before your Beautifull
    Latin Wiles.
    (I hear news of this trick has spread to Ontario and British
    Columbia, too.)

  24. An Irish Girl? Added by: curious (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 1:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Would you be interested in an Irish girl as a companion or
    does your personal bodyguard need to be a French Canadian
    Female exotic dancer swimwear model????

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