Schools of language in Central America

This topic was created by Anke (
[Thu 8 April, 17:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I`m planing a trip to Central and South America in summer and want to improve my Spanish language while staying there.
Does anybody know a good school of language in Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua.....?
I┤m also interested in such schools in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia but my server has problems with rhe " South America - branch ". So , are there any Central-America -specialists with experience in Spanish courses in South America?
Any information will be greatly appreaciated.
Please drop me a mail!
Herzliche Grⁿ▀e aus Heidelberg!

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Mon 12 April, 14:41]

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  1. spanish schools Added by: John (
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 6:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are plenty of spanish schools in Antigua (and they are
    very cheap!) My old roomate just moved to Antigua and took
    a spanish class for about $100/week including room, board
    and 1 on 1 instruction. You can e-mail him (Matt Hartell)
    at I just returned from visisting him
    for two weeks. You can also take part in a medical study
    and they will pay you up to $450 for three weeks. The
    e-mail for the study is I know it sounds
    kind of crazy, but it did pay for my trip there.

  2. Schools Added by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 7:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try this site:
    They carry listings for language schools. Antigua is the best

  3. consider Xela Added by: kristin (
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 15:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Antigua is really nice for school but very touristy. I
    spent two weeks last year studying in Quetzaltenengo (aka
    Xela) and loved it. The town is in the western highlands
    of Guate and is less touristy (which means you speak more
    Spanish) and has more of a university feel. There are
    still plenty of expats though so you are not totally
    lonely. ICA was one school there that I liked, but there
    are many. ENJOY!!

  4. la paz Added by: anne
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 April, 11:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i went to a school in xela called la paz. they have very
    good teachers and home stays. you do not need to
    prearrange your stay but show up 1-2 days early.

  5. Spanish Schools in Xela Added by: Tom L. (
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 April, 14:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For a comprehensive listing of schools in Xela goto

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