CR Trekking

This topic was created by Elia (
[Mon 26 April, 6:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Want to trek for about three days in CR. This would include
sleeping in the jungle, not in a lodge. Anyone know of an
outfitter that does this? Thanx Elia

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Sat 15 May, 8:20]

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  1. 3 day jungle trip, CR Added by: Susan
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 1:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live on Zancudo Beach, and just did a 3 night hike thru
    Corcovado National Park. you could bring your own tent, but
    we did stay in the Ranger stations and ate some meals there
    (basic rice and beans etc). It is $4 for a bed and net.
    The hiking was spectacular, and I have never seen such a
    beautiful and diverse jungle. We saw tapir, monkeys, wild
    pigs, non poisonous snakes, and other small mammals. i
    would say it is the best I've seen anywhere, and the hiking
    is not too brutal. there are three Ranger stations thru the
    park. you would depart from Jimenez, if you need a guide
    there are outfitters at the Carolina Restaurant called
    Escondido Trex, or Everyday Adventures, or out of Dona Letas
    Bungalows (which has a web page somewhere) You could find
    us thru our web page at and write me
    at the Los Cocos e-mail susan

  2. traveling comapnion/CR tours Added by: Brooke
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 12:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am looking to see if there is a female who be
    interested in travelling in Costa Rica June 15th? I
    love the beach and the outdoors and would love to find
    someone to travel with- i .am up for anything

  3. Costa Rica tours Added by: Brooke
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 12:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am wondering of anyone can recommend a tour company
    as i am going to Costa Rica and will be solo for a
    week and would love to hook up with a tour group. I am
    flexible as to where Costa Rica- i would love to be
    with a group and have something planned- hotels set
    up, etc. I love the beach and the outdoors- kayaking,
    etc. Thanks in advance for your thoughts and

  4. Brooke Added by: T. (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 8:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a 22 yr. old female who will be traveling solo in CR in
    June. Drop me a line.

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