2 girls in Mexico

This topic was created by Louise
[Wed 12 May, 4:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am leaving for Puerto Vallarta on the 31st May for 3 weeks
with a friend. We were planning on travelling around
Northern Mexico until we heard some rather disturbing
stories about young girls travelling on their own. Neither
of us speak a word of Spanish which I realise is a problem.
I do have experience of travelling alone in Asia for 3
months. How does Mexico compare to India, Thailand, Nepal
and Sri Lanka? More dangerous? What is the Mexican
reception of tourists who don't speak Spanish? Now we think
we may base ourselves somewhere safe but non-touristy near
Puerto Vallarta, and go on little excursions from there. Is
there anywhere you can recomend as a good base, and any
places of interest and beauty to visit that are close?
Also, I'd appreciate your opinions on two 21-yr old girls
travelling there. How easy is it to find people to travel
with out there?

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Fri 14 May, 9:59]

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  1. Vamos Added by: francisco (bwashburnjr@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 5:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hola my name is Brad I am planning to go at the same time you are.I have been to mexico several times. I grew up in San Diego. The last time I went to Puerto Vallerta, I went with a friend and we drove from colorado in my truck. We didnt have any problems but we met others that had. We stayed in Vallerta for about three weeks. Most of the best parts of mexico are south of here. Anyways my plan as of now is to fly into Puerto Vallerta or Ixtapa and head south to Puerto Escondido then cross over to the yucatan or something like that, I am really pretty flexible. I speak enough spanish to get by but want to learn more. So if you girls want an escort I'd be happy to join your trip.
    Hasta luego
    P.S.I go by francisco in latin countries. my middle name is francis so it works ok.

  2. not PV Added by: B (garcia@colmex.mx)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 9:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi. There is some danger of course, although Northern
    Mexico is generaly safer than the south. Traveling through
    the sierras in Chihuahua, for instance, can be great, but
    do not do it alone. Join a hiking club or a party of at
    least 5 to go with safety.
    As for the environs of Puerto Vallarta, I would NOT dare to
    hike -this is the core of the drug producers area, a little
    Colombia. There is plenty of countryside in Mexico to hike
    without such a risk!
    Good luck.

  3. Es No Problema! Added by: Mary
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 16:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent 3 weeks in PV as a single woman-alone!(in '85)and
    never had any hassles. I am a good looking blonde tamale.
    The beach vendors are much less agressive than in Bali. A
    cab driver even returned my wallet with $50.00 U.S. cash in
    it. I did see a group of men getting robbed at knife point
    on a golf course when I went horseback riding with 2 other
    girls. Better than the couple on the beach in Rio(Brazil)
    where the thieves cut off their clothes to get to their
    money belts. I had gypsy kids in Nice(France)trying to do
    the same to me. I kicked the leader in the gut and knocked
    him out. Just don't go down the same dark lonely streets
    that we wouldn't go down in Bangkok, Hong Kong,etc.(I'm glad
    I'm not in China now!) Never been to India so don't know
    about safety there. I have felt much more at ease anywhere
    in Mexico(been all over there and 30 some other countries)
    and Asia than anywhere in, say,South America or in of parts
    of Chicago-where I'm from! Everywhere people think Al Capone
    is running around-well, he almost is! With lots of his
    buddies, too! And don't get totally zonked out on tequila
    and cruise the streets at 3:oo am. Do consider spending a
    night or longer in Yelapa-45 mins. by boat-no cars! I
    revisited last year.(with The Man. I finally found one worth
    marrying!) It has grown since visits in 1985 and 1989. It is
    still a neat little place to visit if you want to relax. If
    you like alot of action you might go insane. Snorkeling is
    good by Los Arcos, private boat(US$25.00 for 2 hours)for
    hire off Mismaloy Beach (which was pristine without condos
    in 1985.)Also there's a boat to a bird sanctuary-you can't
    land on it-just for snorkeling. I want to say Margarita
    Island? I just came back from the Margarita Island off the
    coast of Venezuela so it may not be that name in PV. Oh
    well... Guadalahara can be entertaining for several days.
    And if you can do DO Copper Canyon! It would be a shame if
    you didn't! But I don't know what is worse-long distance
    buses in Mexico (try not to sit next to the chicken that
    knows she is going to have her head chopped off for dinner
    and she is really pissed!)-or hitch-hiking. My advice-get ID
    and make it known that you have sent their name and passport
    #'s to someone at home.(I think it saved me from serious
    damage! by two nice? American college boys once!)And after
    all, Ted Bundy was charming! In Tasmania-you may not have
    heard of one of our many serial killers in the good old
    U.S.A.! At least my paranoia hasn't kept me from going
    places. No major unpleasantness traveling! I'm alive
    to tell about it! Be aware! Have fun!

  4. I want to know more... Added by: susie-q (nina_anne@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 17:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your travels sound incredable. I would love to hear more
    from you. I am very interested in travel and as a woman,
    just want to know what others have come across. If you have
    the time e-mail me. thanks

  5. mex alone Added by: ali (ali_in_cardiff@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 0:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hello. i am 20 and travelling through mex alone. i am
    staying in belize digging mayan ruins for two weeks then i
    am travelling up through the yucatan, oaxaca, tabasco,
    puebla and into mex city. i am hoping to visit as many
    archaeological sites as possible. i am worried about being a
    lone female traveller, but i am quite prepared to knock
    anyone out who tries to take my money and i don't intend on
    walking around in a bikini. this is my first time travelling
    alone and i wondered if any of you have any advice or
    encouragement. anyway have a great trip, maybe i'll see you
    there. ali.

  6. solo, only way to go! Added by: danielle (dfillis@usa,net)
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 18:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I recently returned from a 6 month trip through mexico
    (where I stayed in guanajuato on student exchange),
    guatemala, and belize. I'm 20, short and blonde--what they
    call a "guerita." I speak descent spanish so I got along
    fine, although I probably did everything I was NOT supposed
    to do such as: took night busses and arrived in isolated
    towns in the middle of the night, rode in green volkswagon
    bug taxis in mexico city, went running on the beach alone
    at dusk in puerto escondido (the best beach town I have
    ever been to), drank too much tequila and stumbled back
    drunk from bars and discos (sometimes escorted by nice guys
    or seemingly nice guys), and walked alone at night. All
    and all, I had a great time and came home safe and sound.
    By the grace of God, I narrowly escaped two attacks
    (screaming and swearing loudly in spanish sent them running
    the first time and the second time I ran into the deserted
    street and ,thank god, a car (it was the police) came
    driving up the road. the police did nothing about the guys,
    but they drove me home safely). I also got solicited twice
    by taxi drivers in mexico city and in acapulco. while
    bargaining the fare, I told the driver I was short on cash.
    He responded with telling me an easy "way" to make some
    money. I swiftly told him to let me out right then and
    there and to not speak to women in that way.
    I'm not telling these bad stories to scare you, just
    relating some reality amidst my overall amazing trip. I
    hiked some great mountains in guananjuato and in michoachan
    I hiked a live volcano, paricutin, (with two other
    travelers and a hired guide) with no problems. although I
    encountered no english speakers in michoachan.
    And about mexican reception of non-spanish speaking
    tourists? they appreciate any attempt on your part of
    speaking the language no matter how stuttered and horrible
    it is. Some younger people, particularily students, will
    want to practice their english (learned from school or
    hollywood mivies) with you anyways. In any case, bring a
    phrasebook and pocket dictionary and if you know anyone who
    knows some spanish, ask them for a quick lesson on
    pronunciation and useful phrases. In puerto vallarta many
    speak english as it is a tourist trap, although I prefer it
    to cancun or acapulco because the town actually has some
    history to it and is charming not to mention the gorgeous,
    green, lush volcanic mountains surrounding the whole area.
    Although I started my travels alone, I ALWAYS met other
    travelers and locals who I could party with and travel on
    to other places. Just be open and friendly. Have fun with
    your travels!

  7. it's fine - just be careful Added by: Kate (kate.needham@hok.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 9:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am a 27-year-old female and I recently returned from 2.5
    weeks in Mexico by myself. I travelled from Mexico City to
    Guanajuato, Zacatecas, Patzcuaro, Taxco, Zihuatenejo, and
    Oaxaca and didn't have any problems.
    I don't speak a word of Spanish, which was merely
    frustrating, and didn't really cause problems getting
    around. I caught night busses, took the subway at midnight
    in Mexico City, and arrived at some places in the dark and
    it was never a problem. Just look like you know what you're
    doing and where you're going and you won't attract too much
    attention to yourself.
    At one point I ended up on the side of a highway waiting
    for a bus to come by and was befriended by a Mexican guy
    who was determined to wait with me and ensure I made it
    onto the bus. He ended up getting on the bus with me and
    making sure I made my connection at the next city. For a
    while there I wasn't sure what his intentions were, but it
    turned out that they were honourable.
    I have travelled independently in much of the world and
    Mexico certainly wasn't the most dangerous or scary place
    I've ever been to. It's hard to compare it to India or
    Nepal where they are much more accustomed to independent
    travellers and English is more widely spoken. Take a phrase
    book, be patient and try to pick up as much Spanish as you
    can along the way.
    Good luck on your travels. If you have any other questions
    you can e-mail them to me.

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