CR/Bocas del Toro

This topic was created by Hilary
[Fri 30 April, 2:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi all,
I'm travelling to Costa Rica next week from Canada and have
noticed quite a few people raving about the Bocas del Toro
in Panama. Can i have some more info- is there cheap
accomodation there? So many nice islands have big hotels,
but most people have said that this is more undeveloped.
Just wanted to check before catching the bus to Panama! Any
Canadians have trouble with visas for Panama? Can i get one
in San Jose?
I think someone else was talking about this too, but really,
do i need anti-malarials? I hate taking them but will if

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Thu 6 May, 7:50]

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  1. Bocas are great Added by: colon
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 2:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Good call! Great fun can be had in the Bocas. It is a
    pretty quiet place, but the people are fantastice. They are
    caribbean in their outlook and speak English! Chepest
    roomds are about 5 US a night. the main town, forget the
    name, has a cafeteria run bya lovely old lady. Can do meals
    for about 2 dollars. If you like snorkelling/diving place to
    go. Also can get a beer for 50 cents if you go the local
    bar. The locals drink gin and MILK. Strange, but true.
    There are more expensive options. There is also a nice bar
    run by a US couple. Very nice in fact, but do you want to
    spend your hols sat around with rich, fat people(not a slur
    on any nationality in particular)? G

  2. bocas Added by: paul (
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 3:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How do you get there from San Jose. I'll be travelling in
    Central America in July and will be heading off for a week
    by myself apart from my girlfriend (she has a friend joining
    her and wants to do female stuff). Sounds like the perfect
    place for me to go chill out for a week. I have both a
    Canadian and a British passport. Can I get away without a
    Visa on one or the other?
    If you need any info on Vancouver, Canada, e-mail me or
    check my website listed below.

  3. Malaria Added by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 3:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    YES!! You do need malaria pills if going to the lowlands. You
    risk serious illness or death.

  4. Bocas del Toro! Added by: Tom Waring (
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 6:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't miss! Still fairly undeveloped.
    Take the Panaline bus from San Jose which leaves at 10:00
    am. It will take you to Aldmirante, Panama and then a US$3
    boat ride will take you to Bocas.
    Stay at the Hotel Las Brisas on the water for about US$16
    for a double.
    For a king size hamburger or great drinks out on the
    waterside deck, try the Buena Vista Deli and Bar.
    On the main street, rent bikes and go for an island cycle.
    You can arrange for snorkeling/scuba trips right on the
    You're safe walking around at any hour of night.
    My wife and I really, really enjoyed the laid back
    atmosphere. This will be one of those places you'll go
    back to in 10 years and won't recognize.

  5. more to Bocas Added by: Kat (
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 7:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't get me wrong..I loved Bocas..I actually went twice...but there is more to Panama than there......BOQUETTE!!!!! again...BOQUETTE:) This place was fantastic...and so many travelers never see it because they stay in Bocas. Treat yourself, you'll be glad that you did...they have cockfights, Volcan Baru (The highest in Panama), trout fishing, Mi Jardin es Su Jardin!!!! And even with all this it is not that touristy!!! I Loved much I went back to spend Christmas there!!! I know that it depends on timing and who you met, but I really do think this place is special:)

  6. More on Bocas Added by: Jane (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 7:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was there about 18 months ago. At that time the cheapest
    accomodation was at Pension Delice. Shared baths but clean
    rooms and a balcony and cheap restaurant downstairs. The
    bus from CR stopped before the border and you had to walk
    across. All tourists were met by touts for the water taxi
    companies that go from Almiranthe to Bocas. They were quite
    helpful organising cheap mini-bus rides from the border to
    Almiranthe. The mini-bus of course then drops you at
    "their" watertaxi wharf. As it says above, diving and
    snorkling are very good in Bocas and it is a quiet place to
    kick back for a few days.

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