Malaria risk in Palenque/ Tikal

This topic was created by Jennifer
[Tue 25 May, 8:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hello Folks...
I would appreciate to hear your recommendations wether or
not to slick anti-malaria pills for a 3 weeks decent trip
(no hardcore jungle walks, just normal tourist stuff) to
Palenque, Tikal and further around Guatemala. I do know what
the books say (risk areas) but I am used to "check
statistics" before slicking that awful stuff...
is there ANYBODY AT ALL who got malaria down there or know
about someone who got ist and what about DENGUE???
thanx a lot...jennifer

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 12:13]

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  1. I won the malaria raffle Added by: Sean
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent 10 months travelling all over the world last year.
    I didn't take any malaria prophalaxis because of its side
    effects. Well I ended up getting malaria in either Belize
    or Guatemala. Malaria is not that common in the region,
    compared to other places in the world, I was just unlucky.
    The thing is that the malaria pills just aren't good for
    you. I'm taking off again in a couple of years and given
    my experience I'd rather get malaria again than take the
    damaging drug.

  2. I won the malaria raffle Added by: Sean
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 10:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I spent 10 months travelling all over the world last year.
    I didn't take any malaria prophalaxis because of its side
    effects. Well I ended up getting malaria in either Belize
    or Guatemala. Malaria is not that common in the region,
    compared to other places in the world, I was just unlucky.
    The thing is that the malaria pills just aren't good for
    you. I'm taking off again in a couple of years and given
    my experience I'd rather get malaria again than take the
    damaging drug.

  3. Malaria Added by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Take the pills. Sean was lucky as he survived. Just read an
    article yesterday about how malaria was spreading again. 1
    million people a year in Africa alone are now dying from it.
    I know a couple that both got it in southern Mexico and came
    close to dying. Took them 6 months to recover. Liram has some
    bad side effects..though I've never had them. In your area
    you are going to be using Chloroquine which is more benign.
    Just never take more than the dosage your doctor recommends.
    Most problems with the drug..including the occasional
    death...come from people who way overdose. An option is
    Doxycycline. See your doctor for dosages. I don't take that
    because I like to save antibiotics for when no other option
    is available. I've taken Chloroquine many years. The only
    time I had problems was when I once entered Costa Rica from
    Nicaragua and they made everyone take two tabs at the border.
    Really naseus. If you have some previous medical condition or
    are taking any other medication make sure your doctor knows.

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