Guate - San Jose

This topic was created by Jesse
[Sat 24 April, 8:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi !
In July, I will take the bus Guatemala City - San Jose via
El Salvador. How much would it cost ? Is there a company
that runs night busses ? Do they drive in the weekends (day
or/and night) ?
Also, how much is a plane ticket (one way) Guatemala City -
San Jose ?
Thanks !

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 27 April, 9:09]

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  1. flight Added by: paul (
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 12:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just booked a one way flight San Jose to Guatemala city
    for June 16th, it cost $336 Canadian (a Can dollar is worth
    67 cents US). That is with United Airlines. I could have
    saved $20 by using COPA, but last time I flew them (20 years
    ago) they ran the plane off the end of the runway in
    Managua. A trainee pilot landed it and screwed up. To top it
    off we were held on the plane for 2 hours after by 14 year
    old boys with guns (it was during the revolution)

  2. Tica bus Added by: mp (
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 10:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I took a bus (Tica Buslines) from Guate to San Jose in Dec
    98 and sorry but I can't remember the exact price but it
    ranged around $70USD. I paid in quetzal but they accept
    USD. Tica bus phone number is located in their phone books
    and they speak English. I took public transit to their
    terminal. Their buses are comfortable, with reclining
    seats and little TV's that show movies in English with
    Spanish subtitles, they even had a washroom. Since I was
    travelling just after Hurricane Mitch and going over
    makeshift bridges, travel times were 10-14 hours/day. We
    went from Guate-San Salvador, San Salvador-Managua, and
    then Managua-San Jose. Each city has a hotel attached to
    Tica bus stops and they stop overnight and leave very
    early. I found the bus hotels expensive so wandered a few
    blocks and found really cheap hotels nearby. You can stay
    in these cities as long as you want (I'm sure the bus
    ticket has an expiry though) and check it out. You just
    call a day in advance to Tica bus and let them know you're
    joining them if there's room. San Salvador was really cool
    but Managua is really spread out and I was warned to watch
    out as there are many gangs there. Make sure you carry US
    cash because I had to pay $10USD to get into El Salvador
    and again at Nicaragua and again at Costa Rica, I'm
    Canadian. I'd bus rather than fly just to see the other
    countries along the way. Tica bus is awesome.

  3. Tica bus Added by: mp (
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 10:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I took a bus (Tica Buslines) from Guate to San Jose in Dec
    98 and sorry but I can't remember the exact price but it
    ranged around $70USD. I paid in quetzal but they accept
    USD. Tica bus phone number is located in their phone books
    and they speak English. I took public transit to their
    terminal. Their buses are comfortable, with reclining
    seats and little TV's that show movies in English with
    Spanish subtitles, they even had a washroom. Since I was
    travelling just after Hurricane Mitch and going over
    makeshift bridges, travel times were 10-14 hours/day. We
    went from Guate-San Salvador, San Salvador-Managua, and
    then Managua-San Jose. Each city has a hotel attached to
    Tica bus stops and they stop overnight and leave very
    early. I found the bus hotels expensive so wandered a few
    blocks and found really cheap hotels nearby. You can stay
    in these cities as long as you want (I'm sure the bus
    ticket has an expiry though) and check it out. You just
    call a day in advance to Tica bus and let them know you're
    joining them if there's room. San Salvador was really cool
    but Managua is really spread out and I was warned to watch
    out as there are many gangs there. Make sure you carry US
    cash because I had to pay $10USD to get into El Salvador
    and again at Nicaragua and again at Costa Rica, I'm
    Canadian. I'd bus rather than fly just to see the other
    countries along the way. Tica bus is awesome.

  4. Tica bus Added by: mp (
    [Timestamp: Mon 26 April, 7:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey there...I took the bus from Guate to San Jose in early
    December and it cost about $70USD. This does not include
    border passages or accomodations. The busline is Tica Bus
    and they're phone # is in their white pages. We travelled
    long days 12-14 hours but that was due to makeshift bridges
    and heavy lineups (this was too soon after Mitch). We went
    Guate-San Salvador, San Salvador-Managua, and then Managua-
    San Jose. The trip is awesome, air conditioned bus,
    reclining seats, movies, toilet. Each night we would stop
    and spend the night in the city and then leave early morn.
    The Tica hotels are not so budget-minded $10USD but you
    could go around the corner and find a $3-5USD basic room.
    You don't have to travel consecutive days either!

  5. ticabus managua--watch it Added by: coyoteway
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 9:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the employees in this station are very rude and the hotel
    people will try to shaft you on the price. Be ready to be
    treated like garbage if you look "northamerican".

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