
This topic was created by t
[Thu 22 April, 12:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

hi there all ya fantabulous travellers!
i am beguining to b convinced that driving is more hassle
than it's worth - after doing some research, i still wanna
go down over land thru ca.i heard there a few areas that r
unsafe for travel colombia honduras and more - my question
is how do i over come this obstacle?
(i am on a tight budjet)
* i suppose there is an increase in health hazards due to
hurricane mitch, and probably an increase in crime as people
were left poor and homeless because of it. i'm
guesstimating, do u have any input on that?
have u passed all those countries?
can u estimate the costs?
have u taken the ferry in panama, how much did it cost
(without a car abviosly) - have u heard anything about it
not operating and that one has to FLY to colombia.
peru quito - i read it would be safer to leave your stuff at
hotels (even down to the passport), is that reliable? am i
not better off just carrying the essentials with me in a
money belt?
i know it's allot of questions, but would apprciate any
first hand info

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Wed 5 May, 2:57]

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  1. Darien Gap Added by: Elliott Moore (
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 19:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The "Crucero Express" ferry between Panama/Colombia has indeed
    ceased operations, and is unlikely to start again. Those
    who want to take vehicles through this area between the Americans
    have had to use cargo ships/freighters if, as, and when available,
    usually at considerable cost (US$1K and mostly up). There
    are rumors that the PanAmerican highway will finally be
    constructed through the Gap, but there appears to be MUCH
    work before you will be able to use it.

  2. y r u Added by: idahoslim
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 0:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    u r 2 hip r n t u?

  3. common sense Added by: colon
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 2:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Done the overland trip before without too many hassles. The
    most important thing is to use your head. Sounds obvious,
    but lots of people get ripped off eg having your wallet in
    your back pocket on the metro in MExico City or leaving your
    bag on the bus when its time for a piss break. Say goodbye
    to your things maybe.
    Night buses in Mexico safe. Don't do it in most of central
    america. I think taking the bus at night(in some areas) is
    a bit risky, but the rest of south america which I have been
    in have had no hassles.
    No ferry anymore and so flying is the best bet. It is true
    there are occasional rides to be had on boats, but depends
    on time etc you have. If you have a student card it costs
    about 120 US to fly Panama to Colombia(wide choice of
    destinations with SAM/Avianca).

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