Transportation: Costa Rica - Colombia

This topic was created by Tres Chicas
[Mon 17 May, 10:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We have three weeks to do Costa Rica and Colombia. We're
trying to budget for the cost (temporal and financial) of
travel between the countries. What recommendations do
people have to get us from CR to the Caribbean Coast of
Colombia? We wouldn't mind stopping in Panama if cheaper
transporation calls for it; but our agenda primarily
includes the first two countries.
-- What are the buses through Panama like? How long would
it take to cross the country in buses? How much?
-- How much is a plane ticket from CR to Colombia? How
long is the ride?
-- Is there a plane that will take us straight to Cartagena
or do we have to go through Bogota?
-- And the reverse: how to get back from Colombia to Costa
Rica to catch a plane back to the US? Or should we fly
back to the US from Colombia?
-- Which airlines service these countries?
Please help! Muchisimas gracias.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 0:28]

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  1. CR to Columbia Reply Added by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 2:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Tres Chicas,
    I live in and around Costa Rica for three years. I've made
    the trip by TICA bus out of San Jose to Panama City 3
    times. It's very easy and straight forward. I can't exactly
    remember how much it was but it was fairly cheap. The ride
    down the Pan-American highway to the border of Panama is
    rough but gorgeous. Once in Panama the roads are first rate
    but the scenery not as apealing.
    Another option I have taken which is for the more
    adventerous, is to go down the east coast of CR and cross
    the border there. At the Panama border walk across and
    taxis will be waiting for you $5 and ask to go to the ferry
    landing that takes you to Bocas del Toro. This place is
    sleepy but good for smorkling and a day or so. From Bocas
    del Toro, take a boat ferry to Chariqui Grande and then a
    bus across the mountains to David. David to Panama City is
    easy and simple.
    There is a boat that goes from Colon, Panama to Cartagena.
    It was about $100 last time I went and that was for a 4 bed
    cabin. They don't charge per person but by the room. It was
    easy but Colon is dangerous so make sure you know how to
    get there from Panama City to the ferry dock. I enjoyed
    Cartagena and stayed there over 2 weeks on a budget.
    Columbia is so cheap, especially after CR.
    Chio, and Pura Vida
    I hope this is of help.

  2. Chris, are you sure? Added by: Dot (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have heard that it's very difficult to get a boat around
    the Darien Gap. The passenger ferry no longer runs (as from
    1997) and you need to wait for private boats to take you
    which are unpredictable in terms of schedule.
    You can ask in Colon at the yacht club or marina I've been
    If anyone knows differently, I would really appreciate the
    information. Tres Chicas - enjoy your trip in any case.

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