Guatemala to Honduras

This topic was created by paul (
[Mon 17 May, 15:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Anyone know how easy it is to get across the border to
Honduras from Puerto Barrios. I know its possible to get
from PB to utila by boat, but do you have to cool your
heeels for a week if you just miss one. We are on limited
time and can't afford delays.

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 1:47]

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  1. Guate to Honduras Added by: Pickett
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 6:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can catch a boat from PB to Livingston and from there
    your off to Utila.

  2. Guate to Honduras Added by: Pickett
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 6:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can catch a boat from PB to Livingston and from there
    your off to Utila.

  3. guate to honduras Added by: norm
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 7:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1 US = 6 Quetzals
    1 US = 12 Limperas
    Catch the 7AM bus for Entre Rios at the central market in Puerto Barrios. The 45
    minute ride cost 6 Quetzals. The migracion officials there are courteous & will only take
    a couple minutes of your time & 10Q. Reboard the bus for the remainder of the short
    ride to Finca Inca & a 12 Quetzal, 45 minute boat ride to Tio Tinto.
    At Rio Tinto there is a small tienda where you can buy a soft drink, change
    currency & pay the 20 Limperas for another 45 minute boat ride to Cuyamelito. There a
    stake bed truck with wooden benches will take you to Tegucigalpita for another 20 L. In
    Tegucigalpita a connecting bus will deliver you to Puerto Cortes in one hour for 20 L.
    It's possible to start this trip in Livingston on the same day but harder to drive a
    good bargain for the 45 minute boat ride across the gulf. The cheapest bargain that I've
    arranged is 20Q, but I know of people who paid 50.
    In Puerto Barrios close to the central market & the bus station, a mile from the
    boat dock, is Hotel Henry. It has OK rooms with private baths & a decent breakfast for
    60Q...140 for AC. Has a nice lobby & satellite TV...I caught the bulls & some fun
    company one Sunday afternoon.

  4. its easy Added by: geronimo
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 1:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    another way is if you get of the bus before finca inca at
    the finca arizona, cross the bridge there to honduras and at
    the other side hop on a pick up truck or a bus to
    Cuyamelito. from there to tegucigalpita and so on....
    it took me from omoa in honduras to livingston about 4.5
    hours, so if you have good connections you can make it to
    la ceiba from livingston in a day....

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