Guat., Honduras+Costa Rica in June

This topic was created by Bob (
[Tue 11 May, 14:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Here I go againàBeen periodically reposting this. Keep
getting responses from interested travelers plus some neat
tips on places to see. Bob is flying to San Jose, Costa
Rica(using a Central American air pass) on June 14th for 2
months traveling in Costa Rica, Honduras and Guatemala (and
open to other suggestions). I have traveled in Latin America
off and on for over 23 years. My first masterÆs program was
in Latin American Studies so IÆm pretty well versed in
knowledge of the area. IÆm fair to middlÆn in Spanish. I
lived in Lima, Peru(Senderos and all) and Quito,
Ecuador(Hotel Gran Casino...if you know what that means you
are definitely my kind of folk) in the 80Æs. I travel just
about as cheap as possible. IÆve had lots of experience doing
that. Lonely Planet guides tend to be my Bible(though they
have got a bit too cautious latelyàmust be the lawyers). Not
into mountain climbing or killer treks but IÆm hard to tear
away from an Indian market (really good at bargainingàbe it a
blanket or a couple of tomatoes). Pretty knowledgeable about
textiles. Will stop by just about any ruins...and usually
know something about them-know more than my share about the
Maya. Museums are great and I actually read the exhibit
signs. Last couple of summers have been spent traveling
through Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia
with some interesting people leaving a trail of Dead tapes
behind us. Go to*
mr.k_computer_class/mr.k_ex_adv/mr.k_ex_adv_title.htm for
photos. Summer of Æ96 I was in Guatemala and Mexico. IÆm
planning to meet up with some of the survivors of my previous
adventures for various legs of the trip. (4 or 5 of us at
this point-with another being twisted) Still looking for
other good folk to join our little band of merry pranksters.
We could watch each otherÆs backs and luggage. If nothing
else, maybe we could meet up somewhere for a beer and swap
stories. My itinerary is pretty open. I go where the
spirit(usually cheap rum) takes me. By day its beaches,
museums, jungles and Mayan ruins. By night letÆs see what
commandments and Old Testament admonishments we can break.
Looking at doing 3 weeks in Costa Rica..beaches, cloud
forests and active volcanoes(any virgins want to come
along?)àfly next to Honduras for a week or so..Bay
Islandsàdefinitely Copan..then on to Guat for a monthà
Quiriqua, Tikal, Antigua, Lake Atitlan, Chichicastenango and
some of the more interesting mountain villages(Momostenango,
San Francisco El Alto, Nebaj). Let's hear your ideas. IÆm
open to suggestionsàthe journey is often more important than
the destination. IÆm easy going (donÆt smoke tobacco..
well..maybe a cigar in Honduras, do drink and will eat just
about anything) and hopefully you are too. Fellow Dead Heads
(working on my play list) and teachers(we can always bitch
about our students) are particularly welcome. The idea is to
just have fun, learn and acquire memories for the rest of our
lives. Times getting shorter so letÆs get planning. Even if
you canÆt make it and would like to just exchange info,
thatÆs cool too.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Wed 12 May, 6:17]

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  1. well duh! Added by: flan
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 17:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    deadhead? well I guess! kindly post your indulgences inside.

  2. centrals americas Added by: jonathan (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 21:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey bob,
    jealously I've read about your plans and things going on down there. I stayed in mex only for one month and it's going to never let me go.
    well, I'm planning a short trip at the end of the year and cannot wait to listen to people like you hanging around there right now. I wish I could be there.
    I just have asked myself about the situation in costa rica, nicaragua and honduras. what's it all about? we hear horrible things especially about nicaragua. travellers murdering and kidnapping and that.
    well, I'm definitely going to travel on my own, looking pretty european. how is it for woman travellers?
    can you, would you please give me advice?
    have fun there.

  3. Just missed Added by: Kim
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 6:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bob, just returned from CR and won't be hitting Peru until
    December. Sorry we'll be missing you. If you get a chance
    to get to the Tortuguerro area (NE CR), there is a jungle
    lodge called Samay Lodge that is fabulous. Not inexpensive,
    but they provide all transport from and back to San
    Jose, meals, tours. We stayed there for four days and had a
    blast and thought the money very well spent. Check them out

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