
This topic was created by Penny
[Sat 24 April, 1:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I want to go to Central America in August (Mexico,
Guatemala). However this seems to be the rainy season. Does
anyone know how rainy rainy means?? Does it drizzle all day
like in England or just tip down for a hour or so then stop?

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Tue 27 April, 9:04]

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  1. USUALLY... Added by: Nancy (ecovision@inter.net.gt)
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 3:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... in Guatemala, it is sunny during the day, then clouds up
    in the afternoon and POURS for a liitle bit, then clears up
    HOWEVER, mother nature has been very creative lately and who
    knows what pattern she will have this year.
    In any event, it is more unusual to have rain for a whole
    day at a time during the rainy season.
    Of course, we do have 5 different climatic zones here and it
    depends where you are in the country.
    Feel free to write for more info or with questions.

  2. rain+heat=humidity Added by: ravensmom (ravensmom@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 21:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the rainy season is the least friendly time of year to
    visit cr as the humidity soars, although it is cooler at
    higher elevations. as i always nag my daughter when she
    goes to san jose, MAKE SURE you get your malaria
    innoculation!people who live there seem to handle the
    heat/humidity pretty well, but if you're used to the cool
    rains of the british isles, it may be something of a
    surprise. that said, cr is a fantastic country and the
    ticos are some of the lovliest people you will ever meet.i
    wish i could say the same about some of the ex-pats.good

  3. Rainy Season Added by: Carron in Chiapas
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 6:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Having spent most of my life in the heat and humidity of
    New Orleans and Houston (the most air conditioned city in
    the world) I was pleasantly surprised when I moved to
    Chiapas. During the rainy season the clouds form during
    the morning and early afternoon hours usually followed by a
    simple afternoon shower. It is as though the moisture goes
    straight up in the morning and falls straight back down
    late in the afternoon. There are occasional heavy showers
    and local flooding from the run off but this does not
    happen every day. Most days the showers are minimal and
    most people simply go on with their lives as though it were
    not raining. Women wear their hair either quite short or
    long but pulled back in a pony tail or braid. Umbrellas
    are very difficult to use if you use public transportation
    such as colectivos or mini buses. I have notnoticed more
    bugs during the wet season. Please come on down and plan
    to enjoy yourself no matter what the season. Some distinct
    advantages of the wet season include more spectacular
    rivers and water falls as well as more greenery.

  4. it's not bad Added by: Chato
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 9:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just tip down for a little while and stop. Anyway the air
    cools off a lot following the daily rain shower.

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