
This topic was created by alone
[Sat 17 April, 10:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

what should a female alone do in guate. where should i
go/see. is it safe?etc. please let me know if you have done
a similar trip (1-3 months). please give me some ti

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Sun 25 April, 18:44]

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  1. Info for getting to Guatemala Added by: Jim (
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 14:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi. I just found a useful site that gives tips and warnings
    if you are driving from the U.S. to Honduras (including
    Guatemala). I hope it helps you. Here's the website
    Adios and good luck!

  2. Guat. Added by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 5:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Lots of single women go to Guat. What should you do? Just
    what any other traveler would do. Don't think of missing
    Tikal. Antigua is beautiful-of course the best place to learn
    Spanish. Lake Atitlan with lots of small villages dotting the
    shore. Chichicastenango for the Sunday market. Tourist
    offices and LP guide can help you with market days. Sometimes
    even the tiniest non-descript village comes totally alive on
    its market day. After Chichi continue on to the highlands.
    Nebaj is special. Quetzaltenango is good for the villages and
    hot springs around it...San Francisco El Alto+Momostenango.
    Hop over to Honduras to visit Copan. What should a single
    female not do..everything that anyone else should avoid.
    Don't climb volcanos alone..probably the single best way to
    get robbed. Don't walk in isolated areas alone or stagger
    back to your hotel dead drunk at 3am. Avoid restaurants where
    the dogs look sick. If you come across a bottle of cashew
    fruit wine don't say I didn't warn you. Why travel alone?
    Lots of travelers down there. I'll be in Guat from mid-July
    to mid-Aug. with some friends if you want to hook up
    sometime. Email if you have other questions. Look on here for
    posts by Nancy in Antigua. Also a guy (name escapes me) who
    runs xelapages and has lots of good info.

  3. come anyway Added by: Luis (
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 1:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    there are lots of tourists visiting the country, it will be
    easy for you to meet some people and then go in group, all
    the interesting places to visit have already a good
    infrestructure in how to get there, where to stay, etc,
    receptive tourist companies are offering great deals.. this
    will make it safe for you.
    before you come down, try to make a reservation for a place
    to stay (it can be a hotel or a family house that rent a
    room for like $ 80-month including a couple of meals and
    laundry) you are not the first nor the last to come
    alone!!!!! use good sense and ask a lot... all the questions
    you can imagine, best regards, luis

  4. goin' in Guat. Added by: big W
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 April, 7:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm planning on traveling alone in Guatemala, Nicaragua,
    Honduras for 4 + weeks. I'll have a pal along for 6 weeks
    in Guat, but then she has to return to the US, leaving me
    alone. I'm hoping that being a lone female will make it
    easier to meet other people. Get the books 'More Women
    Travel' and 'Travel Tips for Women' for inspiration. I'm
    also planning on bringing some pepper spray, just in case.

  5. Loner in Guat Added by: Linda (
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 18:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I cannot say enough good things about Guat, at least the
    parts I've seen, which is primarily Mayan villages in the
    Western Highlands. I traveled alone before meeting up with a
    group. Did little of the touristy stuff, and traveled
    inexpensively. I think it is important to be wise. I have
    lots of suggestions, resources, tips, if you want to take
    this up over email.

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