Spanish School Antigua or Xela?

This topic was created by Dale
[Sun 25 April, 13:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I want to go to school in Guatemala but cant decide Antigua
or Xela.
Please give me your comments.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 14:38]

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  1. Im bias but Xela is the best Added by: Tom L. (
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 13:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Since I am involved with most of the Spanish Schools in Xela
    my opinion is bias, but I think Xela offers a more realistic
    picture of what Guatemala is all about.
    Antigua is a wonderful place with lots to see and I always
    recommend a visit. However, it is not in my opinion a great
    place to study Spanish, due in part to the amount of gringos
    that are living there and the fact that the indigenous
    population has been pushed out of town by sky high
    cost of living.
    It is very easy to find people to speak anything but
    Spanish. I have heard this for scores of students who pass
    thru my office in Xela.
    Most tell me they find Xela a peaceful, friendly place where
    they can really see the lifestyle of traditional
    Guatemalans. There are not alot of gringos here and you are
    forced to speak Spanish, that is if you want to eat.
    And lets be honest you are here to learn Spanish, right?
    So as bias as I may be my vote goes for Xela.
    Take Care,
    Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Travel Guide

  2. matt Added by: both
    [Timestamp: Mon 26 April, 9:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you have time, I'd suggest spending some time in both,
    but have to agree with Tom that you might be better off
    going to Xela where you'll be forced to speak more Spanish.
    Antigua is beautiful, though (definitely visit it at any
    rate), wasn't as full of Gringos as I thought it might be,
    and many locals don't speak any English.

  3. try todos santos Added by: brandi
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 5:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    there's a little village in the northern highlands called todos santos with an excellent bunch of teachers. you get the chance to live with a mayan family and learn a bit of their traditions and's a few hours out of huehuetenango. ask to ride on top of the bus!! i loved it there, away from hourdes of tourists.
    (costs 100$us for room,board and aweek of classes )
    check it out you won't be sorry!!!!
    cheers,happy travels.

  4. Xela Added by: annelie
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 0:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Definitly study in Xela. It's a town with wonderful people
    so you'll get the chance to practise a lot of Spanish if
    you want. A good school is Utatlan located close to el
    parque central. $100 for classes, room, board.
    Have fun!

  5. Xela Added by: gerry (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 7:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yeah that's right Xela is a much better place than Antigua.
    In Antigua, the school are generally much more expensive
    and the teacher not as good as in Xela because there are
    far more school and the choice of teacher is smaller. went
    to the school UTATLAN in Xela and was well satisfied with
    teir teacher.
    Good luck

  6. 2 thumbs up for Xela Added by: Doug
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 14:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Xela wins for me after 5 months there and now returning for
    another year. A true reflection of Guatemala. Antigua wins
    out in the departments of cleanliness, weather, and
    preservation of the city. For the real experience go to
    Xela but be prepared for sleeping to the sound of 24 hour
    roosters.I've heard Utatlan is a great school as well as La

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