Central American Woman

This topic was created by Desdemona (dbandini@hotmail.com)
[Thu 20 May, 22:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Okay, actually I am American, but don't hold it against
me. I am an experienced traveler after living in Asia and
Europe. Mexico, Central America are next on my list...but
good luck finding info on them from anyone who has
firsthand experience. Not too many people have done that
trail that I know.
Is is SAFE for a single girl, world savy
as I am? (Last advice I got was to bring a knife, do I
really have to?) Banditos, a real fear or hype? Whats the
cheapest and best place to start out? Any place not to be
missed? Any feedback at all? Anyone? Anyone?
PS: Where's the party/dive/trekkers haven anyway?

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 7:34]

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  1. no problem Added by: don marcos (m_hultberg@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 22:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    all things considered ca is not such a dangerous place at
    all. needless to say always be careful. i'd love to give
    you tons of tips but i'm leaving for mexico tomorrow
    myself. one thing i keep posting here though; don't skip
    nicaragua because it has a bad reputation. it's cheap,
    friendly and maybe even safer than other latinamerican
    countries. i lived there for half a year a couple of years
    ago. if you want more info on nica or ca in general mail me
    in july when i'm back.

  2. Latin America Added by: NYCGirl
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 2:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've traveled by myself in Mexico and Costa Rica (actually
    I'm leaving next Tuesday on another trip to Costa Rica) and
    have never encountered any problem whatsoever as a single
    female traveler. As always, just use your common sense.

  3. I'm trying to get a group together Added by: Chris (iamcanadian1@canada.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 22:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm a canadian who's heading down this fall with my
    girlfriend and hopefully a few new friends in a van. If your
    interested email me or see my post about ten above your for
    more info.

  4. CA? Added by: Kirk (kingsburyphoto@mindsprng.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 1:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have been 5-6 times, you will be fine. learn some spanish
    I would start in Guatamala- it san pedro, livingston to
    party, southern Bel. or Utila hond. to dive. Pacific
    Highlands to hike. e-mail me if you wqnt more info-
    Have fun! kirk
    Cosata rica was great 10 years ago, I would not worrie about
    not seeing it. better places north- Ohh yeah Bocas del toro
    in Panama for di

  5. Don't arm yourself... Added by: S
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 2:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The idea of bringing a knife is a bad one unless you are highly trained in its use. Any attacker is sure to be armed, more experienced, and more willing to use a weapon. Better to carry a fake wallet with lots of small currency bills to give up in case of robbery. I'm 19, female, and travelled for six months from Mexico to Panama solo with no problems at all. Hit Utila and Roatan for diving...cheap and beautiful.....

  6. Don't miss Added by: Tom Waring (tomwaring@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 7:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My two cents worth for places not to miss would be:
    Start in Antigua, Guatemala. It's a bit touristy, but is a
    good introduction to Central America. Learn your Spanish
    greetings here, if you don't already know them, and get in
    the habit of speaking to the locals first. Speak first -
    "Buenos Dias" - and they'll respond warmly. Climb Mount
    Pacaya here.
    I'm not a "tour" type, but I would sign up in Antigua for a
    tour to Tikal. They'll pick you up at your hotel, van you
    to the Guatemala City Airport and fly you to Tikal.
    Spend the night at Tikal, making sure you're on top of
    Mundo Perdido at sunset and on top of Temple 4 at sunrise.
    In Costa Rica, but sure and see Volcan Arenal. Hire a
    guide to take you up the side of the volcano at night and
    see the lava coming down - spectacular! If you're really
    into nature, the Monteverde cloud forest is not to be
    In Panama, go to Bocas del Toro on Isla Colon for a very
    laid back, semi-undiscovered island. Good scuba/snorkeling
    If you're into the Mayan ruins, the ones at Copan Ruinas,
    Honduras are different than those at Tikal, but just as
    interesting in their own right.
    Us dollars are welcome everywhere and your ATM card will
    work all over Central America.
    I agree with "S" above, I would not arm yourself, carry
    your main cash under your clothes, give them the outside
    wallet with $20 in it. We've been in every Central American
    country in the last two years and never had any trouble.
    Have a great trip.

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