This topic was created by CJ (
[Sun 9 May, 8:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I have 3 weeks in travel S Mexico, Guate and El Salvador. I
want to take a Spanish course in Mexico for a week and then
my husband will meet me and we will continue on into Guate
and down to ES.The reason that I am thinking of taking the
Spanish in Mexico is that I am not wanting to travel by
myself in Guate to another city and then have to meet my
huband a week later.
Any suggestions for a safe and interesting place to take
Spanish in Mexico? Or is it practical to think of flying
into Guatemala city and then onto Flores? And perhaps taking
spanish there?
Any suggested routes to travel down to Guate on the bus
from Mexico?
Sounds like we don't want to miss Lake Atilan and Tikal.
My husband is wanting to have some serious beach lounging
too, so any suggestions for nice beaches in Guate or is ES
the place for that?
I have a lot of questions and not much time to plan!!! Any
advice would be appreciated.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 6:22]

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  1. Time Added by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 17:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Trying to do all that in 3 weeks is a recipe for disaster.
    You will spend too much time traveling. Why not go to Guat
    directly? Antigua is only a short bus ride from the capital.
    Lots of language schools and your husband could get
    transportation right from the airport to Antigua. Guat. City
    is not that thrilling. When ready for Tikal you can book a
    flight and get transport directly to and from the Guat city
    airport. This site will have info you can use. http://

  2. tips Added by: john (
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 21:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Agree with Bob. The chicken bus netwqork of buses is not
    that great. You can get a shuttle from thge Guat city
    airport to Antigua for about $7. it takes an hour. You can
    look into buying round trip tickets to Flores at the airport
    (Rasca is cheapest, but slightly unnerving). It is
    probably cheaper to just find a reputable travel agent in
    Antigua. Make sure you know what "terminal" the flight
    leaves Guat City from--Tikal jets leaves from a different
    terminal. Once at Tikal, I recommend staying at the
    ruins overnight--for the sunset, the sunrise and for all of
    the wildlife that comes to life after everyone leaves. it's
    also nice to have the ruins to yourself. You can camp there
    for $7. There is also a hotel, but i don't know $$ price.
    The LP Guat. book was slightly out of date, but combination
    of guidebook and asking poeple was ok. If you're into
    biking, consider a two or three day bike tour to Lago
    Atitlan. Absolutely incredible scenery as you go through
    vilages along the way. We went with Old Town Outfitters on
    Calle 6a in Antigua. We kayaked from Pana. to Jaibalito and
    stayed at Casa Del Mundo which I highly recommend for the
    views of the Lake/volcanos, great food, friendly owners,
    hottub, and hiking. Consider taking a chicken bus up into
    the highlands around Chichi. or Nebaj--you won't regret it.

  3. Go for it- I just got back in April Added by: Valery
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 6:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't listen to those people - I returned from a 2 1/2 week
    vacation in Mexico - Guatemala - Belize & it was one of the
    most wonderful things that I had ever done. Saw a lot of the
    sites, beaches, ruins - shopping everything. So you can do a
    lot if you want.
    I would recommend this school not only could you learn
    spanish, but you can stay with a local Mayan family in their
    house with meals for about $20. a night or they can
    recommend a hotel in Merida if you prefer, they also teach
    about the Mayan culture, religion, ceremony, they can plan
    trips to some ruins - check out their web site - Also two of
    the founders are American & can help you with some of your
    travel plans. I visited them & it was great.
    KÆu-Kuul-Kaan Academy

    KÆu-Kuul-Kaan Academy, located in Merida, the "White City"
    of the Yucatan Peninsula, is a unique center offering a
    unique integration of Spanish language courses taught by
    experienced professionals, and knowledge of the ancient
    sacred Mayan tradition. We are the only school in Latin
    America to present this blend. Choose either Spanish
    language courses or Mayan workshops, or combine classes from
    both units.
    What makes us different is that we teach the heart of the
    Mayan spiritual principles. Once could say that the heart of
    KÆu-Kuul-Kaan Academy is a Mayan heart. Our purpose is to
    assist in the reemergence of the visions and values of Mayan
    wisdom in everyone who wants to work with us.
    See our web site: or contact us
    at KÆu-Kuul-Kaan Academy, Calle 53
    #521A x 64 y 66, Centro C.P.
    97000, MΘrida, Yucatßn Mexico.
    Phone/Fax: (52-99) 24-44-74. Email:

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