Great Meat in Panajachel

This topic was created by Tom
[Tue 11 May, 2:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I thought I would share this with everyone. Its hard to get
a good meal in Guatemala especially if you love meat. But I
just had a great one At Guajimbos in Panajachel, great
Also can anyone share their suggestions for good food on
the rest of my trip. Tomorrow I go to San Pedro de la
Laguna, then on to Antigua, The city, Puerto Barrios, then
I hope to take a boat to Punta Gorda Belise.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 12 May, 8:16]

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  1. Food Added by: Bob
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 5:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I once had a fish dinner at a restaurant in San Pedro called
    La Ultima Cena (the Last Supper). It very nearly was.

  2. ROATAN, Honduras IS CHEAPER than you may think Added by: CHAD (
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 8:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just got back from the Bay Islands, Honduras and they are
    everything I'd hoped for in the Caribbean..... and cheaper
    than I thought they would be. I visited all 3 of the islands
    and found ROATAN to be #1. The diving is only marginally
    more expensive than Utila since Hurricane Mitch dampened
    tourism last year. And there are several hotels offering
    accomodation between $2 - $6 per person (of course lots
    charge more). The beaches are white sand..... way better
    than Utila, Guanaja, and the mainland (forget Tela or
    Trujilo!). The coral reef is a 100 meter swim!!! NO BOATS
    necessary! And the West End has a lot of varied nightlife,
    unlike Utila. It's worth going out of your way for.

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