taxis at guat. city airport

This topic was created by milla
[Sun 25 April, 13:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i'd really appreciate any tips . . .
i'm a young female who will be travelling to guatemala
alone this summer . . and i am TERRIFIED of getting out of
the airport and not knowing what to do. i have a place to
stay for the night, but i've heard so many stories about
being harassed at the airport, having my baggage/money
stolen, and running into dishonest carriers/drivers.
can anyone tell me how i can find an honest cab driver
outside the airport?

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 4 May, 12:23]

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  1. Airport Added by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 13:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Although you say you already have a place there is a Pension
    dos Lunas near the airport that will pick you up. Here's its
    web site:
    Never stayed there myself but have seen many good reviews of
    it on here. By the way..never had a bad taxi ride in Guat.
    City. Cab drivers have always been friendly and more than
    happy to talk about places to see and things to do.
    Biggest problem at Guat airport is pilferage by baggage
    handlers. Make sure your luggage is well secured.

  2. There are tons Added by: Tom L. (
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 13:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You will find at least 20 cabs right outside the doors of
    the airport in Guate.
    The current rate to be taken to Zona 1 or most places is
    There will be lots of people trying to help you. If you can
    carry your own bags just say "no gracias" and head for the
    taxi station which is out the door and across the street.
    If you need help give one of the guys $1 to help. I prefer
    to do it myself so I am in control of my bags at all times.
    Ask the taxi "cuanto cuesta a (name of your hotel)?"
    If they ask for much more than Q40 say "no, solo Q40" most
    will say ok and you are off.
    Dont be scared it really is not that bad.
    Email me with any other question.
    Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Travel Guide

  3. An Arrangement Added by: Linda (
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 18:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Milla, a couple years ago I traveled alone to the western
    highlands before meeting up with a larger group. When I flew
    into the airport, there were scads of taxi drivers, pushing,
    yelling,all wanting my business. Since I used Antigua as my
    jumping off point, to get into the countryside, the Innkeeper
    where I would be staying had called ahead and sent a driver
    she trusted to the airport.
    It took quite a while to get checked in, but my driver stood
    patiently ahead of the crowd of hawkers, holding a sign with
    my name on it. I felt incredibly safe with this man. He even
    helped hustle me thru baggage check, as the inspector found
    Menchu's book on the bottom of my suitcase, and began
    pounding his finger on it and frowning, perhaps to get an
    extra tip to get thru faster...who knows.
    This arrangement was made between the innkeeper and myself
    long distance before my trip. She recommended it for my
    safety. Having lived there for some time, she strongly
    insisted that I not get into a cab with just anyone.Perhaps
    the place that you are staying could call ahead for you. It
    is a very reasonable request, and I think a wise one.
    Compared to Guat City, the Western Highlands felt very
    safe...nevertheless, knowing the history and keeping up with
    what news you can get hold of before hand is
    all depends on where you are going. I love the place, and
    intend to go back with my family as soon as possible.
    Have a good trip.

  4. near the airport... Added by: Kurt
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 11:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You should consider this option: Stay at Dos Lunas Guest house, not so far from the airport. Like one minute or so...
    they charge US$10.00 and free transportation from-to airport. also a nice breakfast for the same price.
    It┤s easier, cheaper and very safe. For me, take a taxi and going to zona 1 for example, doesn┤t worth the trouble.
    I just have Dos Lunas e-mail:
    Good Luck!

  5. Milla Added by: Nancy (
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 12:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you still need info about Guatemala or help getting
    settled, write me.

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