Looking for Medical Volunteers

This topic was created by Juan y Norma (igipso@xelapages.com)
[Fri 14 May, 2:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We run a small Spanish School in Quetzaltenango Guatemala
specilizing in teaching Spanish to professionals, doctors,
dentist, nurses...etc. Our progam is designed to teach
you Spanish while at the same time you help us by
volunteering at local area hospital or Family Medical
We are actively looking for professional either students or
trained medical personel that would like to volunteer and
learn Spanish at the same time.
Our school works with the Medical School at the University
of San Carlos in Quetzaltenango and can provide official
documentation to you describing your work in our program.
If you are a medical student you may be able to use this
training as part of your degree.
In the mornings you will work either in a local hospital or
Family Medical Practice side by side with licensed doctors
and nurses. In the afternoon you will return to the school
and be given 1-on-1 intensive Spanish Language training.
We also offer a variety of activities, however, our main
focus is on teaching Spanish and providing quality
volunteers to the local medical community.
If you find this interesting or just want more information
we have recently put up a web site at:
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Juan & Norma

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Sat 15 May, 4:50]

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  1. Thanks Added by: Justin
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 6:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for the info. I've been looking for something just
    like this! I'll visit the homepage today.
    Justin (US Medical Student)

  2. Correction Added by: Joy
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 4:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I tried to visit this web page and to my dismay got an
    error message. But, fear not,the problem is just
    a small typo in the address.
    The correct address is:
    If anyone has been to this school I would love to hear about
    their experiences.

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