
This topic was created by Woman from Atlantis
[Tue 6 April, 8:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

(I already have this on 'Activities' page)
Going to Belize in September.
Never snorkelled before. Any tips on how NOTto drown? I want to buy gear before I go out so I can practice......what brand is best? How much will I have to pay for snorkel, mask and fins?
How to dress.....Naked, topless or full evening dress??

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Fri 9 April, 10:02]

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  1. watch out Added by: larry
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 11:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I go naked, but you gotta watch out for things that might bite your pee-pee.
    Have a good trip!.

  2. watch out Added by: Larry
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 11:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I go naked, but my but gets sun burned and you have to watch out for things that might bite your pee-pee.
    have a good trip, Larry

  3. Water's my life... Added by: Otter
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 3:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Larry buddy..I think a WOMAN from Atlantis might not have
    to worry about anything biting a dangling pee-pee.
    Atlantis..considering where you are going, sunscreen is a
    must. All that sun reflecting off the water will kill your
    skin no matter what your skin type. I hate swimming in
    baggy tees, so I just make sure apply strong sunscreen
    every time I go in and again after drying off when I get
    out. As to buying gear to practice with. First, good
    snorkel gear is in a range of prices, but the best could
    require mucho dinero. Think about whether you will use it
    again to decide on what brand to buy. I hate using used
    masks and snorkel (the part that goes into your mouth).
    First because of sanitation, second because many of the
    masks are cheap and multiple sizes make a leak in your mask
    common. This ruins my experience, so I bring my own mask
    and snorkel. To test mask fit, put it over your eyes and
    nose but dont put the strap over your head. As you hold it
    to your face, suck in air and let go with your hands. If it
    doesn't fall off immediately, its a good mask for you. As
    for flippers, they are quite cumbersome and depending on
    the way you travel (i'm a minimalist) I say rent the
    flippers. Plus, using flippers takes almost no practice.
    It's clearing the snorkel of water that takes the most
    practice. Tip: spit in the mask (clean not junky spit) and
    smear it around for an unfoggy mask..don't buy the stuff
    the salesman will try to sell you..saves money,space and is
    less waste. If you are determined to buy fins, there are
    two types. Warm water snorklling usually recommends full
    foot fins. Cold water snorkelling recommends strap fins
    which require wearing an underwater bootie on your foot (a
    cheap pair of white tennies works good too), otherwise the
    fin falls off easily. Now, you can use cold water fins in
    warm water too, but the warm water fins don't work well in
    cold water. So choose your best option depending on how you
    want to use fins in the future. By the way, you won't
    drown. Relax, float, enjoy and explore. Practice sliding
    underwater while floating on the surface and blow air out
    of the snorkel calmly as you rise to the surface again to
    clear it. Have a great time. Remember water is your friend.

  4. Muchas gracias Added by: Woman from Atlantis
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 8:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Many thanks Otter for your valuable advice which I will put to good use.

  5. I agree Added by: Gecko Surfer
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 10:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Fit is everything. Especially if you are not a comfortable
    swimmer. We bought good equipement 5 yrs. ago and it has
    paid off big time. Sure you have to lug it around but it is
    always there. Tony just bought a snorkel for about 60.00
    bucks I was ready to kill him but then I used it. No water
    gets in even when you dive down or a wave goes over top.
    Guaranteed the investment will be worth it.

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