
This topic was created by Healthy able bodied male
[Sun 11 April, 23:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I just want to know your opinions on where in Central America (or Caribbean or South America, if you need to go further afoot) has the most tempting, attractive, come-hither women?
Please don't lambast me over this, it is just a guileless question.
Happy hunting,

[There are 14 posts - the latest was added on Fri 23 April, 10:48]

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  1. so many to choose from..... Added by: admirer
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 6:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    if you can handle the attitude, argentina
    if not, brasil

  2. Guatemalans are the best Added by: Mike
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 7:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    On my personal opinion, I adore guatemalan women.
    they have everything, sexys, sweet, gorgeous, etc... they don┤t need to dress up like hookers to drive you crazy. If you want to have a breautiful, loving and hot woman just for yourself, I go for guatemalans. Very loyals, oh man , I feel like a king with them... and so beloved

  3. I AGREE Added by: Scott
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 7:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    yeahí I go for guatemalans too. I got married with a guatemalan beautiful woman. and believe me, I┤ve never been so happy before. GREAT LOVERS ALSO...
    don┤t need viagra with them...

  4. Cheap Whoars Added by: Aron
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 11:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Forget Guatemalan Indian types the best Whoars are in Costa
    Rica around the Holiday inn Aoura but they tend to be a bit
    pricy about U.S 15$ 23$ Canadian just for a blow job and the
    really pretty sluts 25$ but you can get some really sleezy
    Ho's around Avenida Segunda they will do you for a good 2$
    rock but make sure they do you first once they smoke the
    rock they will try to get you to buy them anothere rock
    Nicaraguan chicks are really easy but this one Whoar her
    name is Yolanda (alias) China from Corinto is really a good
    Cock sucker for her age but she stole 50 Cordobas 4$ u.s
    from my wallet while she blew me I was pretty drunk but I
    know I did not loose it if you go there tell her aron from
    Isreal nows that she did it and I will bitch slaper if I see
    her again or see if she will discount the 50 out of the
    seventy when se does you and you can send it to me

  5. Aron Added by: Eric
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 13:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Stay at home with your own bloody whores.

  6. Aron- Added by: Healthy able bodied male
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 21:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That is not the sort of response I had hoped for. You are probably just trying to get a rise, but there was nothing funny about your post (except the spelling and grammar, which I sincerely hope was contrived.)

  7. fuck you aron Added by: offended
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 9:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are a nasty old, fat gringo... never comeback to central america with your fucking money and your ugly face... I bet you have aids, you pervert, sick son of a bitch

  8. women Added by: esteban420
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 13:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Prettiest ladies in Mexico either in Tapachula, Chiapas--a
    lovely Latin-Asain mix-- or the costanas of the Costa Chica
    (southern Guererro and Oaxaca). They say that Pochutla has
    some lovely things.

  9. what a shame Added by: Israelies
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 4:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Aron, you are a shame to our country...nasty pig, don┤t you dare to mention where are you from... because of people like you, people think less of us.

  10. all latins Added by: Alessandro
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 4:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ciao... al latin american girls are so beautiful, they have the same fire... but this will help you:
    mexicans: they take good care of themselves
    guatemalans: passionate and possesives, loyals
    salvadorians, honduras, costa rica... easy girls and they follow you.
    dominicans: great dancers
    cubans: great dancers and hot bodies
    brasilians: hot body
    argentinians: I don┤t like them... more european type
    colombians: funny and attratives
    best wifes: guatemalans and mexicans
    best lovers: all the latin girls
    good luck with your search

  11. Happy Hunting? Added by: Lynda
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 12:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey healthy, able-bodied male: What's the difference between
    you and Aron (or anyone else who's posted here)? You're
    maybe a tad more articulate. You're all viewing women as
    objects, to be valued for looks and passivity, and trying to
    steretype based on nationality. Perhaps you should begin
    your "hunting" by looking at the economies of the countries
    you're thinking of visiting. As women have less access to
    economic resources, and thus fewer choices, they are more
    likely to be forced to "come-hither" in order to survive.
    Kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. Why don't you just
    let them swim free? And let me know when you're going to be
    in CA, so that I can steer clear of your gunsights.

  12. Hey Lynda Added by: Able Male
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 22:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think you wrote a great post and express some very valid feelings. But,I think you're a bit harsh on me, misunderstand my motivation, and are judging me a bit quickly. In fact, you seem pretty reactionary and a bit overdone.... Case in point, "You're all viewing women as
    objects, to be valued for looks and passivity, and trying to
    steretype based on nationality"
    Speaking for myself, for my motivation, you are wrong. I am not at all seeing women as objects, I mentioned (and harbored no thoughts) about passivity, and I am not trying to stereotype anyone... geez, relax sweetheart.
    More pressing--- there is a HUGE difference between me and Aron. Aron exploits women (soliciting prostitutes) and he advocated violence towards them (the bitch-slap remark) and is extremely misogynistic (calling women whoars (sic) and sluts. I am offended at this as you are; or near to it.) I suggest NOTHING of the kind. I just wondered where people found the most attractive women (since my attraction is towards women.) Would it have been better had I asked "most attractive people" in South America? But I don't think that would work.. for example, I find Greek men attractive, but I don't feel that Greek women have much appeal (in my humble opinion. And before anyone jumps on it, it was just an example, I know that Greece is not in the Americas!)
    I am not talking about exploiting women, demeaning women, using women, abusing women, ridiculing women, or anything negative... I just admire women, as do many people, and I wanted to hear some other opinions about the prettiest women around the Americas. So there we are. Sorry if it offends you, but, you are reading a lot into it.
    I have seem posts seeking opinions about the sexiest accents, most handsome men, and similar posts--- without anyone freaking out. I know that women suffer a GREAT deal, but, this is not the right fight.
    Anyway, I am in CA, but don't worry, I am very respectful and fairly shy, so I shouldn't be giving you any trouble out in the real world.
    And you did not give an opinion... where in the Americas do you find the most attractive women?

  13. Hey Lynda! Added by: GO HEALTHY MALE! (
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 5:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You got it? Now getcher ass in the kitchen and make me some pie!

  14. sorry Added by: Aron
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 10:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am sorry to my countrie I did not want to mention my
    countrie it was A mistake sorry to my Isha sorry to all of

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