2 Weeks in Mexico - Where to Go??

This topic was created by Toby
[Wed 14 April, 6:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Im going to Mexico with a couple of friends for 2 weeks in
August. Basically some advice on where to go would be cool
- we think the Yucatan peninsular sounds like the best
place to go but maybe it would be worth flying into Mexico
City and going east or west to to either the pacific or
Carribean coasts. We're all keen to have some fun on the
beach and nightlife etc.. and see some of the Mayan etc..
ruins. However I am also keen to speak and meet some
Mexicans - I speak fluent Spanish - and would feel as
though I had missed out if I came home to London without
having met anyone from the country
Any advice would be really appreciated

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Thu 13 May, 7:05]

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  1. sureste lo mejor Added by: mario
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 11:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    el sureste tanto sus playas como su cultura

  2. Mexico Added by: Aiko (aikey@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 17:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was just in the Yukatan this spring and although
    I don't have much to say about Cancun, since I
    spent only 10 hours there, I think I can give you
    advice on where to go, if you are seeking a nice
    and relaxed place. You should go to Punta Bete. It
    is about 4o minutes by car south from Cancun. It is
    on the "Cancun tips" map so be sure to pick it up
    in the airport if you plan to travel all over the
    Yukatan. I was also there for two weeks with a car
    and used that particular map for going everywhere.
    All the ruins are written down so it is easy to map
    out where you want to go. If you seek to meet
    people, I recommend Merida. Not too many tourist
    make it all the way accross on the west side so
    there is far more locals then tourists. Also it IS
    the place to buy hammocks and other handcrafts so I
    highly recommend it. You should also definitely
    borrow a car. Busses tend to be a little unreliable
    but decent. The benefit of a car is that you have
    the liberty to stop by small villages between
    destinations and check out the local lifestyle.

  3. QUINTANA ROO Added by: Libby Edwards (mkooij@icmtalent.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 3:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Caribbean coast of Yucatan is full of wonderful places
    to explore. If you e-mail me, I can send you a little
    "travelog" I did a couple of visits ago. There is a lovely
    little town called Puerto Morelos--about 25 min. south of
    Cancun--where two of my friends each have palapa-style
    houses right on the beach. They rent for about $80-85 per
    night and have kitchens, modern bathrooms etc. PM is a
    great base from which to explore. Merida is a good day trip
    to see the ruins and the town there (maybe two days is
    better--you need an overnight even to do it quickly). Be
    sure to explore the diving/snorkeling on the reef. Local
    boats will take you out. I also have a friend who lives
    full-time in Puerto Morelos who can help you find a good
    diving boat service, hotels, etc. Be sure to swim in the
    cenotes (good one on the road to Coba and in the little town
    of Ten-kah). There is a great regional "zoo" called
    Croco-Cun right before the entrance of Puerto Morelos. Very
    interesting way to become acquainted w/the region's
    wildlife. Best book on Yucatan are by a woman named Chicki
    Mallon (I think that's the last name)--smallish books, one
    on CANCUN and the other YUCATAN. I found her info. to be
    quite accurate. Have a good time!

  4. QUINTANA ROO Added by: Libby Edwards (mkooij@icmtalent.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 3:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Caribbean coast of Yucatan is full of wonderful places
    to explore. If you e-mail me, I can send you a little
    "travelog" I did a couple of visits ago. There is a lovely
    little town called Puerto Morelos--about 25 min. south of
    Cancun--where two of my friends each have palapa-style
    houses right on the beach. They rent for about $80-85 per
    night and have kitchens, modern bathrooms etc. PM is a
    great base from which to explore. Merida is a good day trip
    to see the ruins and the town there (maybe two days is
    better--you need an overnight even to do it quickly). Be
    sure to explore the diving/snorkeling on the reef. Local
    boats will take you out. I also have a friend who lives
    full-time in Puerto Morelos who can help you find a good
    diving boat service, hotels, etc. Be sure to swim in the
    cenotes (good one on the road to Coba and in the little town
    of Ten-kah). There is a great regional "zoo" called
    Croco-Cun right before the entrance of Puerto Morelos. Very
    interesting way to become acquainted w/the region's
    wildlife. Best book on Yucatan are by a woman named Chicki
    Mallon (I think that's the last name)--smallish books, one
    on CANCUN and the other YUCATAN. I found her info. to be
    quite accurate. Have a good time!

  5. QUINTANA ROO Added by: Libby Edwards (mkooij@icmtalent.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 3:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Caribbean coast of Yucatan is full of wonderful places
    to explore. If you e-mail me, I can send you a little
    "travelog" I did a couple of visits ago. There is a lovely
    little town called Puerto Morelos--about 25 min. south of
    Cancun--where two of my friends each have palapa-style
    houses right on the beach. They rent for about $80-85 per
    night and have kitchens, modern bathrooms etc. PM is a
    great base from which to explore. Merida is a good day trip
    to see the ruins and the town there (maybe two days is
    better--you need an overnight even to do it quickly). Be
    sure to explore the diving/snorkeling on the reef. Local
    boats will take you out. I also have a friend who lives
    full-time in Puerto Morelos who can help you find a good
    diving boat service, hotels, etc. Be sure to swim in the
    cenotes (good one on the road to Coba and in the little town
    of Ten-kah). There is a great regional "zoo" called
    Croco-Cun right before the entrance of Puerto Morelos. Very
    interesting way to become acquainted w/the region's
    wildlife. Best book on Yucatan are by a woman named Chicki
    Mallon (I think that's the last name)--smallish books, one
    on CANCUN and the other YUCATAN. I found her info. to be
    quite accurate. Have a good time!

  6. Yucatan Added by: Lor (sandshe@bellsouth.net)
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 1:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We went to Cancun last year and are returning this June.
    We stayed in Cancun Hotel Row one night before we exit Mexico. Upon arrival, we rented a car (we made reservations in the States) We stayed in Puerto Morelos at a place called Rancho Libertad. It is approximately thirty minutes from Cancun. It is a lovely hotel for adults only. We loved this place because our beds were literally suspended in the air!!! complimentary breakfast buffet and it was on the water. The brochure was as it said. Sometimes the ads look better than the place. This place is own by two Americans who are fluent in Spanish and who really know their way around Mexico; Ginny Hill and Jack Cosgrave. They can be reached at http://home.earthlink.net/~ranchomex/ or 1-888-305-5225.
    We visited Playa del Carmen, Valladolid and Merida and Progresso.
    Our trip was perfect. When travelling across the Yucatan we saw many sites we would not have seen on a bus trip.
    However, bus travel is a less expensive way to go if you want to travel cheaply. But of course you are then dependent upon bus time schedules. If you want to see old world Mexico go to Merida. The restaurants, the shopping, the sites of the market place is what travelling abroad was made for.
    Good Luck.

  7. Parrots in Mexico Added by: Paul (paul.eastaugh@mcmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 9:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My wife and I are going to Mexico very soon. Does anyone
    know an easy way to watch parrots there in the wild? Any
    ideas would be appreciated.

  8. Note for Mike W. Added by: Libby Edwards (asst,_kooij@icmtalent.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 7:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mike - Our server sends three of everything (witness above),
    but also lost your original note, so need your e-mail add.
    again in order to send you Puerto Morelos info.
    Anyone else who would like a little off-the-cuff travelogue
    is welcome to e-mail.

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