TIKAL- places to stay

This topic was created by Guata Gertie
[Mon 5 April, 8:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We've got two nights to spend in the Tikal area; We are
considering spending one night in (or around) El Remate and
the second night in Flores.
Any other suggestions for itinerary? I would appreciate
recommended names of lodging. $15 - $50/room OK. We are
thinking of the Gringo Perdido place near Remate. Any
great restaurants? Are these safe towns at night?

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Fri 9 April, 4:04]

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  1. No worries... Added by: Wayfarer
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 9:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    El Ramate is perfectly safe. I stayed at the Gringo
    Perdido for five or six dollars in one of the shared rooms
    (dormitory). The food here in fine. Consider taking the
    little boat cruise each evening for I think about
    USD$4.50. It's run by a young Guatemalan who is engaged or
    married to a young Canadian gal. He will take you out to
    the middle of the lake for a swim, take you up one of the
    lake's "fingers", and get you back to the Perdido just
    after sunset.

    Although I didn't stay in Flores, I did spend two nights in
    Tikal; really worth it. I stayed at the Jungle Lodge (I
    think that was the place...it's the closest to the entrance
    of the park) and paid USD$20 per night for a shared
    bathroom. They have a pool which is okay and Tikal is a
    fun place to hang. Eat at the one of the paladors (sp?)
    where you'll meet all the other travelers staying in the
    area (much cheaper than eating at the lodges). Have fun!!!

  2. Beg, Borrow, Steal Added by: larry
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 23:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... but find the bucks to stay two nights at Tikal, in order
    to give yourself at least one full day there. I wish it were
    cheaper but that's the breaks. You won't regret it: you
    need the time and the nights are hauntingly beautiful, not
    to mention the sheer convenience. We planned on staying in
    El Remate but found the place rather desolate and
    unappealing, admittedly a minority opinion, but in terms of
    bang per buck we know we did the right thing.

  3. What can I say? Added by: Kirk
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 23:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Listen to Larry, he speaks the truth- the place is not that
    cool durring the mid day (crowds) but by 3:00 the place is
    almost empty, same for early AM don't miss it, stay one
    night for su

  4. Great food Added by: Phil
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 4:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Head to La Luna? for dinner if you get to Flores.
    Try the fish (from the lake)...my best meal in over a month!

  5. Great food Added by: Phil
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 4:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Head to La Luna? for dinner if you get to Flores.
    Try the fish (from the lake)...my best meal in over a month!

  6. Stay inside the park Added by: Chato
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 1:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Gringo Perdido is not such a nice place. Try by all means
    to stay inside the park. If the hotels (2) are full you can
    go over to the camping area and rent camping equipment.
    What's the big deal? We just went camping there underneath
    a large tree inhabited by a clan of spider monkeys and were
    serenaded by a howler monkey during the night. Around 5:30
    AM it's difficult to sleep because all of the jungle
    inhabitants wake up and create a most impressive symphony
    of sounds. Besides that leaves you early at the park
    instead of driving 45 minutes from the touristy places.

  7. El Remate Added by: Jonathan
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 4:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    El Mirador del Duende at El Remate is one of those places
    that you just don't want to leave - overlooking the lake
    with good vegetarian food and open cabanas for 30Q or
    hammock space for 15Q, friendly owners etc. I loved the
    village - late afternoons swimming in the lake and just
    generally chatting with whoever is hanging about by the
    jetty is a great memory.
    We stayed inside the ruins at Tikal for a 30Q 'fee' paid to
    the guides (which I understand has now been stopped but I'm
    not sure about that one). ANyway I would highly recommend
    staying at least one night up at Tikal whatever way you can
    to listen to the wildlife and take advantage of the peace
    and tranquility......but make sure you give yourself a day
    in El Remate as well. Forget Flores unless you need to go
    to a bank. One other bit of advice....there are public
    buses every couple of hours from Santa Elena to El
    Remate...some people (if they have any connection to travel
    agents) will tell you that the only way to get there is in
    a collectivo taxi which goes onto Tikal - price charged is
    about 30Q either to go to El Remate or all the way to the

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