Cancun or Puerto Vallarta ?

This topic was created by Cathy Fox
[Tue 6 April, 6:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My husband and I are hoping to make our first trip to
Mexico early next year. We can't make our minds up whether
to go to Playa del Carmen (Nr. Cancun) or Puerto Vallarta.
Does anyone have any recommendations ? We are hoping to
avoid the All-Inclusive holiday trap.

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Mon 17 May, 17:29]

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  1. If you really want ... Added by: Rocky Mtn Man
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 7:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to see Mexico and not some Gringo-filled Disneyland of
    destination resorts, don't stay in any of the big resort
    areas. My recommendation would be to utilize the cheap
    airfare to a place such as Puerto Vallarta, then utilize
    local bus service to find a beach community several hours
    away from the resort. You will save a tremendous amount of
    money, enjoy the beach much more, and realy see a bit of the
    country instead of an outpost of Americana. Do some research
    as to towns that could be likely destinations -- both the
    Lonely Planet guide as well as the highly recommended Moon
    Guide to Pacific Mexico should get you pointed in the right
    direction. Lodging and food will be a fraction of the cost,
    and bus service is (ridiculously) cheap, even for first
    class service. The bus system is also very easy to use, and
    frankly knowing just basic Spanish phrases will get you
    where you need to go. Don't be put off by Mexico's
    reputation for high crime -- rural areas (especially away
    from resorts) are generally very safe, and are probably
    safer than many similar American communities.

  2. Yes.. Added by: pedro
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 19:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    yes, both places are pretty much tourist traps. I agree
    with Mtn Man, take advantage of the cheap airfare then take
    the bus a few hours. I don't have much experience near PV
    but there are some great beaches down the road a couple
    hours past Playa del Carmen... past Tulum...

  3. Go Playa or go Home.... Added by: C.H.
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 0:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Having been to both locations, I would strongly recommend
    Playa over Puerto, for many reasons, The biggest of which
    is the difference in the water. I prefer the turquise blue
    of the Caribean.
    I also think that there is more variety of things to see
    in the Yucatan, ie: Chichtzen Itza, Tullum, Isla de
    Mujeras, Sian Kaan Bioshpere etc.
    Have a great trip

  4. Either is O.K. Added by: "Oakes"
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 10:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We just returned from Playa (Took a Charter Airline from
    S.L.C. to Cancun) and like it because of the water and
    beach. If you are looking for the "Small, undiscovered
    Mexican Beach Towns," you'd have better luck either North
    or South of P.V. There are several off the main highway
    between 20 and 40 miles North, and several more after that.
    I've heard there are some South. The small towns South of
    Cancun are developing fast, but still there. You may look
    at "Holgren Island" (or some name similar) between Cancun
    and Merida.

  5. Either is O.K. Added by: "Oakes"
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 10:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We just returned from Playa (Took a Charter Airline from
    S.L.C. to Cancun) and like it because of the water and
    beach. If you are looking for the "Small, undiscovered
    Mexican Beach Towns," you'd have better luck either North
    or South of P.V. There are several off the main highway
    between 20 and 40 miles North, and several more after that.
    I've heard there are some South. The small towns South of
    Cancun are developing fast, but still there. You may look
    at "Holgren Island" (or some name similar) between Cancun
    and Merida.

  6. P.Vallarta Added by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 6:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I loved Puerto Vallarta. Check out the Hotel Villa del Mar
    in the old section of the city. It's not too touristy and
    they have great prices. An awesome village south of P.V. is
    Yelapa. It's only accessable by boat and definitely worth a
    few nights stay.
    Buena Suerte,

  7. pv Added by: kittykat
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 13:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with chris if you go to puerto vallarta stay in the
    villa del mar. its a great place and the staff is super
    nice. i just spent a month there. but i also agree with
    posts from above, puerto vallarta is a tourist trap but a
    great base to see mexico from. punta de mita is nice and it
    is a hour north. but i would reccommend to go even
    further.have fun!

  8. pv or way away from cancun Added by: snook
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 9:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I too have been to both..Cancun 4 years ago including Tulum
    and all the way to the Belize border. The water yes, was
    lovely but the trash on the beaches that were away from the
    tourists was truely off-putting. I found the beaches this
    Jan around PV to be lovely, water was great except watching
    for the undertow at times and the people much more
    friendly. I agree to go out of the area is best especially
    south. If anyone wants to see Punta Mita, better go now
    before the Four Seasons Hotel has opened.

  9. beaches Added by: danielle
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 17:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sounds like you want to go somewhere where there are
    tourists since your top two picks are of the top 3 resort
    areas. I've been to both, detested cancun. Your best bet,
    fly into cancun, take the bus an hour south and stay at
    playa del carmen (1hr south) less touristy, but developing
    quickly. Gorgeous crystal-clear turqouise water, long
    white sandy beaches. I loved it. there is a lot to do
    there, night life, dining, hotels.

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