Where to go? Suggestions

This topic was created by Nicole (lamoureuxn@ren.gmcc.ab.ca)
[Wed 21 April, 3:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I've backpacked before in Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia and
Guyana. I've volunteered in the Caribean before but would
like to go someplace new. I'm thinking of Mexico or
Guatamala. I only have 2-4 weeks if I can but most likely
two weeks. I want to go:
1) Someplace relaxing with beautiful beaches and very little
2)With alot of history and culture
Any recommendations? Guesthouses? I'm not a "hardcore"
backpacker - this trip is more a vacation than an adventure
but I don't like tours or expensive hotels. I appreciate
any suggestions about sites, festivals and local activities
I'm hoping to hear about your positive and negative
experiences. Thanks

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Sun 25 April, 12:15]

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  1. Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico Added by: Otter
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 5:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I haven't gone yet, but I'm planning a 3 week backpacking
    trip for the end of this coming June. I chose it for all
    the things you are looking for: archaeological sites,
    beaches, cheap hotels, adventure on a crazy bus with the
    natives. If you'd like, I can let you know what I found out
    when I come back (the most current info is always the
    best). Also, I'm quite interested in hearing about your
    volunteering in the Caribbean. What company did you go
    through, did they pay life (food,room,etc) expenses, etc?
    As for Thailand, what would you recommend to hit or miss?
    If you used the LP guide, would you say it was helpful
    (good maps,etc)? Hope you don't mind the questions..Just
    respond under this same posting and I'll find it.

  2. Response to Otter Added by: nicole (Lamoureuxn@ren.gmcc.ab.ca)
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 9:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey thanks for the info! Please email me when you get back
    about your experiences.
    As for your questions: I'm Canadian and the organization
    I volunteered with was an NGO Canadian Crossroads
    International. You fundraise a year before your trip and
    they will pay your airfare and accomodation (staying with a
    host family) This organization promotes cultural exchanges
    with developing countries.
    The lonely planet was an excellent guide for a starting
    point in Thailand. In Bangkok, Kao San road is expensive to
    stay in but a good place to meet other travellers. Chang
    Mai is great to really get a taste of the local life, but if
    you do any trekking it is wise to pick carefully.
    Hope this answers your questions, if you have any other ones
    feel free to ask.
    Happy Travels! Look forward to hearing about the Yacatun

  3. guatamala Added by: john (john.powers@arch2.nara.gov)
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 23:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nicole: Guatamala is a beautiful country--especially in
    thge highlands. However, the one thing guatamala does not
    have is beautiful beaches. if that's your main objective,
    i'd try Honduras or Ecuador (something different). That
    said, Guatamala is beautiful--the landscape and the people.
    For me, getting out into the mayan/ixil villages around
    Nebaj was the best part--seeing an indigeneouus culture
    along with stunning scenery made the whole trip worthwhile.

  4. Guatemala Added by: cp (rds466)
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 8:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with the above posting. Guatemala my favorite
    destination in Central America, with loads of history and
    culture, but poor beaches. Lake Atitlan is great for
    relaxing, and the indigenous culture is incredible in the
    Western Highlands. Antigua is also beautiful. As for
    festivals, the calendar is full of them there (what time of
    year are you going?), and they're also amazing.

  5. It sounds like Livingston Added by: Chato
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 April, 7:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you want simplicity and beaches try Livingston, on the
    caribbean coast of Guatemala. It fills all of your
    requirements and the beaches are actually pretty nice too.

  6. guat Added by: Maria-Pia (cypressgirl25@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 12:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Monterrico is on the Pacific coast of Guatemala. Its a
    sleepy beach town that is accessible by boat only (because
    of mangrove swamps). They have an awesome beach that is
    black sand and stretches miles and miles. The
    accomodations are on the beachfront (really cheap) and have
    pools. There is no concrete roads (only sand) and if you re
    going to eat in the restaurants you have to tell them
    during the day so they can go catch your dinner. There is
    an awesome turtle reserve about a 2 hr walk down the beach
    called Hawaii. The waves are calm enough for bodysurfing.

  7. guat Added by: Maria-Pia (cypressgirl25@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 12:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Monterrico is on the Pacific coast of Guatemala. Its a
    sleepy beach town that is accessible by boat only (because
    of mangrove swamps). They have an awesome beach that is
    black sand and stretches miles and miles. The
    accomodations are on the beachfront (really cheap) and have
    pools. There is no concrete roads (only sand) and if you re
    going to eat in the restaurants you have to tell them
    during the day so they can go catch your dinner. There is
    an awesome turtle reserve about a 2 hr walk down the beach
    called Hawaii. The waves are calm enough for bodysurfing.

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